Collective Voyage

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Collective Voyage


Join Forces — Starting with you, each player may pay any amount of mana. Each player searches their library for up to X basic land cards, where X is the total amount of mana paid this way, puts them onto the battlefield tapped, then shuffles their library.

DreadKhan on Sisay's Horny Spaceship

11 months ago

Not sure if she's up everyone's ally, but Maralen of the Mornsong is an interesting card, especially if you tutor it up on the end step before your turn, you can then dig out Opposition Agent to make Maralen way more interesting. You might want to protect Maralen, but she's a fairly strong thing to tutor out if you're willing to stop opponent's from drawing cards. Oh, and if Maralen and Oppo survive a cycle, you can dig out Teferi's Puzzle Box if you want to clear out opponent's hands with a nice looking lady.

I like Seedborn Muse's outfit, she seems classy and is very good with 5C Sisay.

I noticed you're fairly heavy on Blue, have you thought about Neurok Stealthsuit to protect key creatures? If people use a lot of targeted effects it can be very powerful.

I feel like Sol Ring is a better thematic fit for your deck than the Pride Sol Ring, ymmv naturally.

I'd love to suggest New Frontiers and Collective Voyage, but I'm not sure you have the basics!

SteelSentry on Wizards has thrown their lore …

1 year ago

I think there's some good bits here and there, but in a collaborative corporate work like this, like comics as well, you have to dig around for the good parts.

However, I do not think this is an excuse for Wizards to justify putting their name on bad stories and hand wave it away when they're criticized. The War of the Spark novels have been excoriated online, but the worst offence was the Chandra chapter. After building the connection between Chandra and Nissa for multiple sets, having the payoff be Chandra looking directly at the camera and telling everyone she's not gay and she's very straight and attracted to Gideon... only to put Chandra and Nissa together on the Pride secret lair on Collective Voyage.

I'm not upset that Chandra doesn't represent me the way I felt she did anymore, it's the unabashed gaybaiting that really annoys me, and makes me second guess getting attached to any character in the future.

jamezbl0nde on Oops, All Spells!

1 year ago

because youre not playing alot of lands and you dont really want to keep alot of lands out: City of Traitors

I also like the idea of group hug land grab effects like Collective Voyage or Tempt with Discovery right before you land wipe. "just helping out guys, grab as many as you want"

TheOfficialCreator on Pride Month (LGBT+ Tribal)

1 year ago

For reference, those cards are Sol Ring, Mana Confluence, Bearscape, Savor the Moment, Alesha, Who Smiles at Death, Collective Voyage, Heartbeat of Spring, and Triumphant Reckoning.

Liliana, Saheeli, and Huatli are also queer, and Anhelo, the Painter's daughter marries another girl in the SNC story. That daughter is Errant, Street Artist.

JoosetheMuice on Kynaios Actual

2 years ago

Based on yesterday's games I have some suggestions!

First, the cuts: Hushwing Gryff Mina and Denn, Wildborn Rubblehulk Oath of Druids Condemn Oblation Collective Voyage Keening Stone (unless you lean more into mill) Hour of Promise and Tempt with Discovery should all go

DreadKhan on

2 years ago

I can't decide if a Commander like this is the type you'd want to run stuff like Collective Voyage and New Frontiers to compliment Tempt with Discovery. Most decks do not need as tight fixing, and some players run very few Basics to find. I run these in my Sisay deck atm, and I usually am happy with them, getting WUBRG is very important, and most other decks don't actually care quite as much as you do about fixing, it just speeds them up a tad. I suspect you'd need to up your Basic count, but even 10 total Basics would probably be as much as people are going to go for with Voyage, and many pods run very few Basics.

Very slow ramp, but Krosan Verge can find a non-basic Forest and Plains, which can fix your mana with Triomes very easily.

Might not be very 'fun forward', but I understand that Morophon, the Boundless is downright hilarious with Jodah. Morophon or The World Tree are both huge with Maskwood Nexus, Maskwood and Morophon lets you cast all your creatures for free from hand, while Maskwood and The World Tree (and WWUUBBRRGG I guess) puts as many creatures into play from your library as you want, and it doesn't require your Commander, handy if people hate Jodah off the board out of fear.

Very cool deck!

Fuzzy003 on Are Lands Just Too Boring?

2 years ago

I have a friend who runs a majority if not all non-basics in a lot of his decks. Always happy to see him cringe when I play something like Collective Voyage and he just gets to shuffle his library while every player except him puts land on the table.

Looking at some of the cards above makes me want to make a deck of non basic hate... maybe even add something like Helldozer...

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