Chaplain's Blessing


You gain 5 life.

EchoSpice on Guide to Immortality

9 months ago

Vito, Thorn of the Dusk Rose is great in lifegain decks, and also goes infinite with Exquisite Blood

Also, Chaplain's Blessing as a quick, cheap lifegain cantrip

Rhadamanthus on Nykthos Paragon

10 months ago

Sorry, your follow-up question made me realize I didn't read Nykthos Paragon closely enough the first time.

Since it says "you may", that means you get to choose whether or not to get the counters each time it triggers. So if you don't want to get counters from a particular trigger, you can choose not to do it and wait for another opportunity instead. You don't have to play around with timing or responses, so that means Chaplain's Blessing will work just fine if you choose not to place counters for Oloro's triggger and then cast the Blessing during your main phase.

If Paragon's ability was written to specifically say "this ability triggers only once each turn" like on Academy Wall or Morbid Opportunist, then you'd be stuck with using whatever life-gain event happened first in the turn. The "you may" and "do this only once each turn" in the text of Paragon's ability give you more choice in the matter.

proterran98 on Nykthos Paragon

10 months ago

Thank you. What if you have Chaplain's Blessing instead of Healing Salve?

I guess what I’m really asking is the “do this only once per turn” applying to putting the counters on or does this trigger once and only once on the first time a gain life effect triggers?

wallisface on Budget midrange anti-burn lifegain

1 year ago

Some thoughts:

  • you have a super-low threat-density… only Speaker of the Heavens poses any real threat. I think you need far more ways to pressure the opponent.

  • cards that only gain life are pretty universally bad, as they don’t further your own boardstate at all, and so are generally just costing you a card. I would recommend ditching all of Light of Hope, Chaplain's Blessing, Light of Hope, and Chalice of Life  Flip in this vein, as they’re all pretty-universally useless.

  • I don’t see a game ever going long enough to cast Felidar Sovereign… and even if you can cast it, i don’t see you managing to be on 40+ life so late in the game.

  • you have no creatures with decent etb effects, so there’s not a lot of reason to bounce anything - Cloudshift seems bad here.

  • you currently have no way to interact with your opponent (i.e. for killing their stuff). Just letting your opponent do what they want is never a good idea - it gives them free reign to build a bigger boardstate and beat you down with it.

wallisface on Life gain cat deck

1 year ago

dUCKY1234 Chaplain's Blessing is waaaay worse than Revitalize. Both are bad cards, but at least Revitalize replaces itself with a new card in your hand, so its not actively hurting you. Cards that only gain life are pretty universally bad, and Chaplain's Blessing does nothing but that, making it a really bad choice.

Generally speaking, if you are wanting to run a deck around lifegain, you're wanting big payoffs for doing so, but also that all those cards that gain you life still do other things towards progressing your board state (at the very least, providing a blocker).

dUCKY1234 on Life gain cat deck

1 year ago

i would remove revitalize for Chaplain's Blessing

Zoller on Lonesome Rider 20$

1 year ago


9 +1/+1 counters + the 2 base power & toughness = 11/11 worm cutie

And considering those are some of the cards that have the most copies in the deck, it is not an unusual play at all.

wallisface on

1 year ago

Some thoughts:

  • cards that only gain life are pretty universally bad - as such I'd suggest replacing Heroes' Reunion, Rest for the Weary, and Chaplain's Blessing for cards that do something more useful.

  • Broken Bond is interesting, but there'll be a lot of matchups where it's a dead draw (if your opponent has no enchants/artifacts, you can't cast it, unless you're destroying your own stuff). If you're using it to ramp, Explore would be a lot more reliable.

  • I'd suggest ditching Sunbond entirely. Your road-to-victory doesn't appear to be one where you need one large creature, and Sunbond is unlikely to be helpful as you have no real way to protect your stuff anyway. 4 mana is a lot for this kind of effect also. As you're already at 64 cards, this is something you can effectively remove for free also - giving you better odds to draw all the stuff that matters.

  • I think with only basic lands it's going to be really hard to support 3 colours in a way where the deck has any kind of reliability. I'd suggest cutting back to 2 colours - green seems super-easy to ditch here as it's not really doing anything for you.

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