Chaos Dragon

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Alchemy Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Chaos Dragon

Creature — Dragon

Flying, haste

Chaos Dragon attacks each combat if able.

At the beginning of combat on your turn, each player rolls a twenty sided die. If one or more opponents had the highest result, Chaos Dragon can't attack those players or planeswalker they control this combat. (Remember that MTG spindowns are not well weight balanced, so please roll a die that isn't an MTG spindown.)

jarncards on Instigate

5 months ago

Spectacular Showdown. Here is the best card in your deck. keep in mind the doublestrike will also cause Firkraag's second ability to trigger twice per hit your opponents get on each other. Avatar of Slaughter, Total War, and Disrupt Decorum are probably the other best ones for killing everything.

Each of these are also good considerations depending on how you build. Agitator Ant | Baeloth Barrityl, Entertainer | Chaos Dragon | Goblin Spymaster | Sly Instigator | Goblin Diplomats | Grand Melee | Master Warcraft | Total War | War's Toll |

DreadKhan on Sarkhan Unbroken Fight Club

1 year ago

Neat deck idea!

Not sure how fast the decks you play againset are, but have you considered some lower to the ground dragons? These seemed somewhat interesting, most have colourless in their cost, for the potential discount. Bhaal's Invoker has 4 power, Silvanus's Invoker could be a maybe, Reckless Barbarian seems interesting, Dragon Egg deters people from wiping the board/attacking with bigger non-flyers, Scaled Nurturer is ramp and life, Korlessa, Scale Singer seems interesting, Chaos Dragon is effectively a 2/4 Haste Flying for 3 (it can't swing half the time, but it can still block), and while it's pricey Shivan Devastator can come down early or late.

Phule451 on Funny Dragon Deck

1 year ago

Astral Dragon? Hilarious! Chaos Dragon is a total chuckle fest. Tyrant's Familiar is a buddy to laugh with. Wandering Troubadour is a total joke teller.

Epicurus on Dragon Legion of Earth

2 years ago

I appreciate the creativity, and there are certainly a few suggestions I could present. But first, I think it is most important to address your choice of Commander.

Niv-Mizzet Reborn is absolutely not the right Commander for this deck. And I don't mean to say that all 5-color Dragon tribal decks should have The Ur-Dragon at the helm (though, that would be a great choice, just sayin'). My reason is simple: you don't have enough color pair cards on the list for 'Ol Nivvy to be useful. Like, at all. Even as part of the 99.

Now, you could fix that by adding spells such as Terminate, Abrupt Decay, Diabolic Vision, Faeburrow Elder, Render Silent, Anguished Unmaking, etc etc etc... Not to mention that you only have 8 color pair dragons in the deck, and 5 of them are Gruul (meaning, first of all, that the most amount of dragons you could snatch with Niv would be 3 and the chances of doing so are astronomical, and secondly that if you revealed 3 or more dragons by some dumb luck they're more likely to all be Gruul than any other combination, meaning you'd only get to keep one).

The thing is, you'd have to add a helluva lot of cards to make Niv palatable for this deck, and that would mean basically overhauling the entire deck. A much easier task would be to just simply change the commander.

As for general suggestions, I think you can use some Haste enablers. Dragon Tempest, Temur Ascendancy, Dragonlord Kolaghan and Sarkhan Vol come readily to mind, but there are a ton of other choices, such as Rhythm of the Wild, Fires of Yavimaya and Samut, Tyrant Smasher.

As for your question about better low-mana dragons, understand that there really aren't many good ones below MV4. I mean, they're dragons. What do you expect? However, here's a few of the better ones that aren't an arm and a leg:

Again, if you're going for a genuinely low curve dragon deck, you're going to be disappointed. It just really can't be done.

And finally, Lathliss, Dragon Queen is quite upset that she wasn't included.

That's all I got.


Abaques on Commander cards in Standard?

2 years ago

legendofa I did misread Chaos Dragon, though there is Barbarian Class which makes it much better.

Court of Cunning has never been standard legal, so that would explain why it didn't show up in any standard mill decks. :)

Abaques on Commander cards in Standard?

2 years ago

I think that Chaos Dragon might be pretty good in standard. A 4/4 flying and haste for 3 mana with a drawback that doesn't seem to matter too much in 1v1 seems pretty good.

Also, I think Court of Cunning might make mill in a control deck a viable win con, though I'm no standard player so maybe not.

multimedia on Dragon riders

2 years ago

Hey, well done, nice update especially the cutting of Knights for more Dragons. Nice upgrades of cards that care about Dragons, but you could expand on this further. You've doubled your budget by adding only three Dragons.

Streamlining is the process of cutting out filler cards leaving you with cards that matter more for your deck. Blood Knight and Silver Knight are vanilla Knights who don't really help gameplay thus my advice is avoid these types of Knights. You're still playing too many Knights that are not helping gameplay.

My advice is don't include a Knight because it's a Knight, being a Knight is a bonus. Instead include it because it has other good abilities that can help Dragons or efficiently make Sylvia better. Taurean Mauler is an exception, it's just a three drop Dragon that's also a Knight. It's both types of creatures as well as can grow big in multiplayer Commander when have many opponents which is good with double strike. Instead of playing many four drop Knights play four drop Dragons?

You also use streamlining to better the mana curve which helps gameplay by reducing the curve which happens when you cut out unnecessary high CMC cards such as Rowan's Stalwarts, Worldgorger Dragon, Ancestor Dragon, Caged Sun. Worldgorger Dragon is only good in decks that want to combo with Animate Dead to make infinite mana and infinite ETB triggers of creatures. You can't combo with Worldgorger, all it's doing here is exiling all your permanents including all your lands until it leaves the battlefield which would hurt gameplay more than help it. Rowan's Stalwarts tutoring for Rowan, Fearless Sparkmage is not worth it since Stalwarts is a really bad card for five mana and Rowan is subpar for five mana too.

Example of a streamlined midrange creature base with Dragons and some Knights (sorted by CMC):

The few Knights in this example give you more than just being a Knight and the emphasis is even more on Dragons not Knights. More four and five drop Dragons to take more advantage of early game ramp and Sylvia's double strike.

In the example the high CMC Dragons have been reduced to the best ones you have. Khorvath is also a high CMC Dragon who you want to cast. Worldgorger Dragon, Ancestor Dragon, Demanding Dragon, Eternal Dragon, Sunscorch Regent, Runehorn Hellkite, Skyline Despot are subpar compared to the other high CMC Dragons here thus you don't need them. In the place of one of these Dragons consider adding Sarkhan's Triumph? It's an instant tutor to search for any Dragon letting you choose the best Dragon at that point of the game.

Shall I continue in another comment about how to streamline other areas of your deck?

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