Changeling Berserker

Creature — Shapeshifter

Changeling (This card is every creature type at all times.)


Champion a creature (When this enters the battlefield, sacrifice it unless you remove another creature you control from the game. When this leaves the battlefield, that card returns to play.)

Azoth2099 on Copied Dragons

9 months ago

Ok, so Changeling Berserker goes infinite with your Commander + a few cards in your list.

Infinite card draw with Temur Ascendancy.

Infinite Treasures with Ganax, Astral Hunter.

Infinite Dragon tokens with Parallel Lives, Lathliss, Dragon Queen & Adrix and Nev, Twincasters.

Infinite damage with Dragon Tempest & Scourge of Valkas.

The way it works is as follows:

Step 1: Changeling Berserker ETBs, a Champion trigger & a Commander trigger go onto the stack.

Step 2: Resolve your Commander's trigger first, creating a Changeling token, 2nd Champion trigger goes onto the stack. You now have 2 unresolved Champion triggers on the stack.

Step 3: Resolve the Token Changeling's Champion trigger, exiling the original Changeling.

Step 4: Resolve the original Changeling's Champion trigger, exiling the Token Changeling & returning the original Changeling to the battlefield.

Step 5: Repeat steps 1-4.

Personally, I'd find space for it lol.

Azoth2099 on Atla Palani, Eldrazi Shepherd

1 year ago


Hey, man! Have you considered Changelings for this deck? They count as every creature type ("Egg" is a creature type), and there are a few that I think could be good here.

Changeling Berserker, Changeling Titan, Changeling Hero & Mirror Entity could work. As could Universal Automaton, Bloodline Pretender, Birthing Boughs & Maskwood Nexus.


carpecanum on Minsc and Boo

1 year ago

Changeling Titan and Changeling Berserker are big hamsters.

Anything with Bestow gives more damage to the sac and you get the Bestow creature back afterwards. They would help out Halana and Alena, Partners also.

Ulvenwald Tracker or fight cards would let you fight and then sac the wounded creature for full damage.

Impact Tremors is hilarious for the hamster-based damage but may not be useful enough. I would cut that one.

Nessian Boar and Grothama, All-Devouring are cheap 10 damage creatures.

abihoooo on Miirym, Sentinel Wyrm: Double Dragon

1 year ago

I would look at Changeling Berserker and/or Changeling Titan. With Miirym you get infinite ETB triggers that will trigger Scourge of Valkas, Terror of the Peaks, or Dragon Tempest until everybody is dead.

Upyron on interaciton "Champion" keyword

2 years ago

the question is:

what happens if I summon that creature with this keyword, and then use it on a creature with some auras.

In the end, when it dies, the creature with "Champion" the creature comes back with the aura?

Changeling Berserker

king-saproling on

2 years ago

Ha I love this deck name. Ever considered including changelings? I feel like Changeling Berserker has some potential here.

carpecanum on Blackstar (Yo pumpkin head)

3 years ago

omg just noticed I mixed up the last line for Cultural Exchange and put it under Changeling Berserker . I need to stop posting as soon as I wake up

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