Chandra, Flame's Fury

Legendary Planeswalker — Chandra

+1: Chandra, Flame's Fury deals 2 damage to any target (creature, player or planeswalker).

-2: Chandra, Flame's Fury deals 4 damage to target creature and 2 damage to that creature's controller.

-8: Chandra, Flame's Fury deals 10 damage to target player and each creature that player controls.

wallisface on

1 year ago

Some thoughts:

  • Without any kind of mana-acceleration, I think it is a bad plan to assume a game will last long enough to ever have more than 5 lands in play. This is especially the case for your brew here, which looks like it wants to be playing fast and aggressively. I don't ever see you being able to cast either of Chandra, Flame's Fury or Brass's Bounty, and I don't ever see you getting the ability of Dragonmaster Outcast to trigger. While Chandra, Torch of Defiance does provide some mana, its uses are kindof niche and personally i'd also suggest ditching that, and going to 23 lands.

  • Lightning Bolt is better than Play with Fire, and probably more useful than Lightning Axe also.

  • Sticky Fingers feels like a really bad card, in that your creature is never realistically going to be able to deal combat damage with it, and if you're opponent can kill your creature in response to the cast, you won't even get the draw from it.

  • Strike it Rich might be a card worth considering to allow for some better early-game setup?

eyes2sky on Chandra, Chandra, Chandra, Chandra Tribal

3 years ago

Scallywallwest Thanks for the suggestions. Shock is probably a better option than Spark jolt and Chandra, Flame's Fury would fit here as well, I just to go buy one.

Scallywallwest on Chandra, Chandra, Chandra, Chandra Tribal

3 years ago

Perhaps a Chandra, Flame's Fury? You may also want to add in another copy of Banefire, and a couple of Shocks. I've always wanted to do a Chandra tribal, and I think you did this really well! I hope your 12-year-old enjoys it!

SquirrelPenguin on How would I add a …

4 years ago

So I have this 2/3 misprint of Corpse Knight, but I did not get it at pre-release. I got this Corpse Knight out of a M20 booster from a Chandra, Flame's Fury Planeswalker deck. When I go to my inventory to add it, it doesn't have an option to add a misprint to my collection. So I was wondering if anyone knows how to add a misprinted Corpse Knight to my inventory?

salttotart on A Thousand Burns

4 years ago

Storm's Wrath might be a good replacement for Chandra's Outrage. Same cost that is a good early game board wipe and could take out a lot of the Uncommon Planeswalkers or lower power Mythics that hit the battlefield. Same cost, dealing more power.

I replaced one of Torbran, Thane of Red Fell for Chandra, Flame's Fury mostly as another way to help with burn if a control deck is causing a lot to miss their mark and it gets to mid-game. If you are worried about the the CMC, then Chandra, Novice Pyromancer might be another possible choice. Could justify putting the Pyroclastic Elementals back in, too.

I ordered what I was missing and planning on playtesting it this weekend.

Sedohr on A Thousand Burns

4 years ago

Thanks for the suggestions! I posted an update with some changes I made after playing a bit more. I tested some of the cards suggested as well to varying success.

Carnival / Carnage just feels out of place in the deck if I can't potentially use the second option. The combo of 1 to creature/planeswalker and 1 to player could combo sometimes for Chandra's Spitfire, but in most cases a Shock does the same or better. With burning the player I want as much damage as possible to kill them quickly, and 1 damage generally won't take out a planeswalker unless the opponent is being greedy. I'm actually tempted to remove Chandra's Outrage for a spell with more singular damage. In the same scenario the combo of hitting creature+player can combo for Chandra's Spitfire, but I'm finding I am losing more to creatures with toughness 5+ that I can't get around since all my burn spells cap at 4 damage.

Collision / Colossus would be a decent sidedeck card if I note they are going heavy on flyers since it does 6 damage. Otherwise I'm generally better off with my other burn spells since they are more versatile and allow me to target more options.

Chandra, Flame's Fury isn't a bad option, but the 6 CMC is restrictive on this deck. Generally I'll cap at 4 mana, so I would struggle to play this card without more mana ramp elsewhere such as Runaway Steam-Kin. At that point the deck focus is shifting away from power 1 creatures to just burn, so I feel this would execute better in a more general burn based deck than power 1 creature aggression. Chandra, Acolyte of Flame feels like it would fit the deck better with lower cmc, creating 1 power creatures, and can bring back my spells since most are 3 cmc or less.

Electrostatic Field Actually got me a bit excited. The extra damage per spell would happen somewhat often as long as I have cards to play, but as the game goes on I'm top drawing more and run out of steam for it. I also thought it would trigger Cavalcade of Calamity, so if I ran out of spells I could attack and still trigger that for 1 damage. It's a defender though, so that's not an option sadly. Basically it was good early game and if I have Torbran, Thane of Red Fell that would get crazy real fast. Generally though later on I won't have spells to keep triggering it, and I would be better off with a power 1 creature to at least nibble or trigger Cavalcade of Calamity.

Electrodominance is tempting, but I feel it falls a bit short since the average CMC in the deck is so low. On average I would cast a 2cmc creature or spell with it, so in that case it's 4 mana to do 2 damage and play that 2cmc card. Not great compared to a shock which does it for 1 mana. If I get to 3 mana it starts to become okay, since that would do 3 damage and drop a 3 cmc creature or another burn spell for 5 mana total. That's pretty much were it caps though, as I only go up to 4 CMC and only have a few at that. For a 4 cmc spell it would cost 6 mana, and that would do 4 damage on top of dropping a 4 cmc creature/spell. That sounds pretty good, but not often in this deck since most are 1-2 cmc with a few 3. This seems like it would go much better in a pure red deck or blue/red. Maybe with something like Irencrag Feat and other high cmc creatures/spells.

For Anax, Hardened in the Forge the only real part that matches the deck theme is the on death ability for red creatures. The idea I had was if he is on the field and I have other 1/1, 1/2, etc I could be even more careless with the creatures. As they would trigger Cavalcade of Calamity, and when dying create a 1/1 satyr token which I could use the next turn for another trigger of Cavalcade of Calamity. The deck slots are kinda full so I'm having a hard time finding something to test it with, other than maybe removing Burning Prophet. I could see this working in a more general burn based deck too, since if we factor in a possible Torbran, Thane of Red Fell, those satyrs are doing 3 damage each.

For Torbran, Thane of Red Fell, I have another deck with legendary creatures in a similar fashion and usually land on 3. The reason are I'd rather draw him in most games and have an extra than not at all, because as mid game comes he can help push the final nail in the coffin or give me some extra teeth if I'm running low on creatures. Additionally he is a high priority target, so if the enemy deck has any type of removal he is likely going to get removed within a turn or two. In that case, I would rather be more likely to draw another to get on the field. In my play time so far as well, I still have a decent amount of games where I don't even draw him at 3x in the deck. Although that's more just the shuffle because I've had all 3 show up in my starting hand sometimes too and force a mulligan from me.

salttotart on A Thousand Burns

4 years ago

I was looking over this and I like the concept. I would add some conditional burn to the sideboard, such as Carnival / Carnage for those times when a planewalker is present and Collision / Colossus for when flying hit the board. I also liked adding some bigger burns and run a pair of Chandra, Flame's Fury, Electrostatic Field to make the sorcery/instants hit harder, and Electrodominance for some burn plus a freebie.

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