Chain Reaction

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Alchemy Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Chain Reaction


Chain Reaction deals X damage to each creature, where X is the number of creatures on the battlefield.

CommanderNeyo on LL Sorc-Ray

8 months ago

Nice deck! Have you considered adding a Boros Reckoner or two? It works extremely well with Blasphemous Act and Chain Reaction, as well as getting double-duty from Repercussion (by allowing you to direct any damage it takes back to the opponent's creature, which will still hit them).

I would also consider a couple Boros Charms, since they can either do damage or give your creatures indestructible (again, works well with Blasphemous Act and Chain Reaction for a one-sided board whipe).

It seems like you all just play Casual based on your format description, I haven't heard of any official format like that before. That is basically what my friends and I played when we got into Magic before switching over to Commander/EDH.

treeforcorvus on Melek, Spellcaster Extraordinaire

11 months ago

Really cool concept! I have a few ideas.

Blitz of the Thunder-Raptor helps deal with planeswalkers, and might perform better than Chaos Warp. Run Brittle Blast over Thunderous Wrath.

Not sure about Dismiss into Dream. How many single-target spells or effects are you running? I count 6.

Mana Drain over Dissipate: Having resources for damage later is almost always going to serve you more. Plus, it's a great target for Isochron Scepter.

Speaking of walkers, definitely replace Cloud Key with Rowan, Scholar of Sparks  Flip. It's straight up better. Strongly consider Ral, Storm Conduit, if only that it ramps up damage with your commander out. Consider Koth, Fire of Resistance as a decent land-fixer (which means you'll draw less lands and have more mana), and Jaya Ballard for simple acceleration.

If your pool is competitive, you could run Back to Basics or at least Blood Moon. This will slow down many decks and give you more time. Adding fetches in your colors (should be 5) means that you can take out 2 islands and 3 mountains and still hit your curve.

Not sure about Breaking Point and Curse of the Swine. Instead, consider Puppet's Verdict and either Winter's Chill or Cyclonic Rift.

Reins of Power and Insurrection could replace Chain Reaction and Incite Rebellion, allowing you to use those resources against opponents and kill them, which would have the added benefit of removing their creatures.

I know you don't want to run any creatures, but Stuffy Doll is a decent deterrent and is too funny not to leave out.

DreadKhan on Kresh of the savage horde

1 year ago

Board wide damage effects seem pretty good with your Commander, Pestilence, Pyrohemia, Chain Reaction and Blasphemous Act all jump out as good enough cards. Mandate of Abaddon is probably well beyond good if Kresh is at all beefy, he'll suddenly be even bigger on an empty board if all goes well. As long as your Commander has at least 4 toughness Ezuri's Predation would be hilarious, even if a bunch of 4/4s bite the bullet your Commander just gets bigger.

Rite of the Raging Storm seems almost unholy with your Commander, I normally love this card but here you are going to be farming 5 power creatures over and over, and they're never attacking you.

They're both small and random, but Temur Battle Rage and Tainted Strike can both turn your Commander into a 1 shot fairly easily.

If your Commander is fairly big then Return of the Wildspeaker, Rishkar's Expertise, Soul's Majesty, Momentous Fall (also good if your Commander is going to die, as is Greater Good), Grothama, All-Devouring, and Mask of Griselbrand can all draw you a decent number of cards. Overwhelming Stampede and Fungal Sprouting both seem very good with your Commander.

I like Fight effects if I suspect I'll have the biggest body on the board, Ulvenwald Tracker, Domri, Anarch of Bolas, Kogla, the Titan Ape, and Thorn Mammoth are pretty good sources you can repeat.

Thunderfoot Baloth, Siege Behemoth, Kamahl, Heart of Krosa, Blossoming Bogbeast, and Goreclaw, Terror of Qal Sisma are decent sources of Trample that are stapled to a body, and they're all fairly budget. Keep an eye out incase Pathbreaker Ibex goes down in price, that's a very good effect with your Commander. Just a heads up, but if you run lots of sources of Trample for your Commander, then anything that provides Deathtouch looks a ton better, with Deathtouch you just deal 1 damage per creature and Trample over the rest. Bow of Nylea, Saryth, the Viper's Fang, and Ohran Frostfang are all very good sources afaik, there are others kicking around if you look!

carpecanum on 100% Fair Burn Firesong and Sunseeker

1 year ago

Mark of Asylum so you don't die from your own board wipes. Chain Reaction will cause massive damage in multiplayer games. Maybe Purity?

I want to say Reaping the Rewards and Worthy Cause but you would have to really change a lot just to make those fit properly.

eliakimras on Ur dragon, need recommendations

1 year ago

Hello! I saw your deck help tag and wanted to give some insight.

I don't run Miirym as commander, but I do have her in the 99 in Smashing Faces with the Ur-Dragon, and she always pushes me to victory whenever she's allowed to stick on the battlefield.

Some areas you might want to change to improve your consistency:

1 - Ramp

2 - Draw/Haste

3 - Removal/Boardwipes

4 - Protection

5 - Card draw

6 - Better threats

7 - Some utility lands you might want to run

thefiresoflurve on Meria x Rocks

1 year ago

This looks really fun!

As far as cuts: I would honestly drop a lot of the control pieces. Magus of the Moon / Blood Moon hurt you just as much as your opponents due to having only 2 basic Forests.

Glacial Chasm doesn't particularly make sense in a deck where combat is a wincon. If you needed to stave off combat, I think board wipes would probably be more effective (Chain Reaction for instance).

Clown Car can get cut since it doesn't do a ton here. Ditto for Avarice Totem and Glaring Spotlight.

Temur Sabertooth is kind of mediocre unless you have really strong ETB effects and want the indestructible. Arcbound Crusher is also much worse than it looks - I ran it back in the day when I played kitchen table magic and it didn't particularly hold its own even there.

Hope those help you with cuts, GL HF!

bushido_man96 on Which Mass Destruction Spell(s) Should …

1 year ago

Chain Reaction is another good damage based boardwipe.

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