Cavern of Souls

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Alchemy Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Pre-release Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Standard Legal
Standard Brawl Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Cavern of Souls


As Cavern of Souls enters the battlefield, choose a creature type.

: Add .

: Add one mana of any colour. Spend this mana only to cast a creature spell of the chosen type, and that spell can't be countered.

FadingReality on Dragons, Dragons, Dragons

1 week ago

I like every single creature in the deck at this point. I have 5 suggestions: 4 for your land base and 1 for removal. Somewhat expensive suggestions but nothing too crazy.

  • I would cut any two of the lands that have "enters tapped unless you control two or more other lands" for Mana Confluence and City of Brass. These lands NEVER enter tapped and give you all your colors. Grand Coliseum is a decent budget option. It does enter tapped, but also gives the option for colorless mana and no damage. You are running a high enough count of the "enters tapped unless you control two or more lands" lands that some will enter tapped in the early game. Reducing them down to 1-2 is better.
  • I'd cut another of the "enters tapped unless you control two or more lands" lands for Polluted Delta but you are already aware you need delta so this is more of a reminder.
  • Yavimaya, Cradle of Growth is an AMAZING card you should consider. It is a essentially an untapped forest itself, but it lets all your lands tap for green, including colorless lands. In your deck, in addition to fixing green mana for the rest of the game, it will 1.) allow your colorless lands like Cavern of Souls, Haven of the Spirit Dragon, and Crucible of the Spirit Dragon to tap for green without a catch 2.) allow all of your fetchlands to tap for green without having to sac them and 3.)allow things like Mana Confluence to tap for green without dealing any damage.
  • I would swap Putrefy for Anguished Unmaking. Putrefy is a good card, but unmaking is pretty much strictly better. Has a wider target selection and exiles. Putrefy is best used in Black/Green decks. When some jerk plays the One Ring against you, you'll be glad to have unmaking.
  • Andramalech on Eldrazi Seasons

    1 week ago

    sergiodelrio you're not annoying at all, please don't interpret yourself as such. I find it really insightful that you were able to provide so many great alternatives to the Deserted Temple. It is modern and that has taken away my ability to use something like Ancient Tomb, but truthfully I think the Cavern of Souls would be most effective. Please let me know if you're gonna draft up a list! I would be intrigued to see it!

    sergiodelrio on Eldrazi Seasons

    1 week ago

    That's exactly my point tho... any land other than Deserted Temple would provide you with 3 mana total from all land sources on turn 2 as well (*if you play a tap2 land on T1)...

    I guess what I'm saying is you could look for replacements of Deserted Temple which add maybe utility or sth else without actually sacrificing anything important here imho. Maybe even go with a split: 1x Gemstone Caverns 2x Cavern of Souls 1x Blast Zone you have many great options actually ... Inventors' Fair, Mutavault.

    Sorry if I'm being annoying, that's not my intention, I just feel you're overselling the role of Deserted Temple in this particular deck imho, which I still think is very nice no matter if you keep deserted temple or not.


    wallisface on How Are Red, Black, and …

    3 weeks ago

    In addition to the excellent points legendofa already made, anti-countermagic cards exist like Veil of Summer, Carnage Tyrant, Cavern of Souls etc.

    Of course playing smartly/strategically, as already mentioned above, gives countermagic a rough time - but failing that there are these cards available for a blunter-approach.

    legendofa on Ruling From the Shadows

    4 months ago

    How much are you keeping this deck up to date? I had a very similar inspiration, and the last few sets have added some interesting new toys. If you want to compare notes, mine's at Above such mortal concerns. (I did allow myself the luxury of Cavern of Souls, Voldaren Estate, and Blood Celebrant, so it's able to cast Edgar in a pinch, but the spirit's still there.)

    How well do cards like Vampire of the Dire Moon and Changeling Outcast work for this deck?

    darkemoji on Titans, The Clean-Up Crew

    4 months ago


    A) Just another mana rock with sub-utility, acting as an equipment mid-to-late game.

    B) Considered in the original decklist, however I've been favoring non-basic lands that offer side tech for the deck.

    C) Not sure about this one. Nonbo with Abstruse Archaic and our own commander Kozilek, the Great Distortion.

    D, E, F, G) Appreciate the thorough evaluation here of Chimil, the Inner Sun. Will play around your other suggestions against counterspells/interaction with Defense Grid and/or Cavern of Souls. For sure, I would consider these cards over Conqueror's Flail.

    H) Noted! Might switch The Immortal Sun for Blinkmoth Urn.

    I) Metalworker Very good card that ramps hard and can combo off with certain pieces in play. Current decklist runs pretty well without it due to the amount of fast mana, mana rocks, and cost reducers that are already in the deck.

    Profet93 on Titans, The Clean-Up Crew

    4 months ago


    1. Got you, wasn't sure of intended power level but I saw some combos and thought you might want more. I will say, most people who do play against stax would prefer for that user to have combos to end the game rather than suffer. Nevertheless, noted.
    2. As above
    3. Expedition map could find you blinkmoth well which is nice.
    4. Great
    5. The combo is fun but yes, niche. But Karn himself is great. In EDH, people are bound to have lots of mana rocks. But if it isn't for you, I understand.
    6. Perfect swap

    A) What is the purpose of The Irencrag?

    B) Darksteel Citadel - Artifact count increase

    C) Cursed Totem - Only anti-synergy with one card in your deck and can stop mana dorks and other pesky abilities. Pairs well with torpor orb.

    D) Regarding your question if Chimil, the Inner Sun, I suppose it would depend on your meta's amount of blue players. My issue with it is that it, itself can be countered. My other issue is that sometimes there is a card thats 6cmc+ and you lose it because of it. It can produce some value for sure. If you're really worried about blue, then perhaps add some of the following....

    E) Cavern of Souls - Easiest solution

    F) Conqueror's Flail - Might not be the best but forces interaction pre-combat. Not just anti-blue either.

    G) Defense Grid - The least impactful but easiest to use. You only have one instant and you don't need to equip anything.

    Do be aware that they can still activate abilities, just not cast spells. Cursed totem could fix that of course, just worth mentioning. I love your numbering system, great job.

    Other cards in your maybeboard worth including are....

    H) Blinkmoth Urn - Synergy with blinkmoth well and will always put you ahead of everyone else.

    I) Metalworker - Assuming this is due to $ or power limiting reasons?

    Profet93 on The Inevitable Annihilation

    5 months ago


    Ah, that makes a lot of sense, very solid reasoning! Thank you for taking the time to explain it. I know you're budget, but perhaps a card to potentially consider for future acquisition would be Cavern of Souls? I know you generally want ulamog to die but it's nice to have the option to keep him around, can never be too careful against the blue player.

    Speaking of lands and Ulamog dying, High Market and Miren, the Moaning Well might do you some good, particularly if theft is an issue. The latter has helped me against burn.

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