Cavalier of Gales

Creature — Elemental Knight


When Cavalier of Gales enters the battlefield, draw three cards, then put two cards from your hand on top of your library in any order.

When Cavalier of Gales is put into your graveyard from the battlefield, shuffle it into its owner's library, then scry 2.

multimedia on Muldrotha: Budget Elemental Tribe!

1 year ago

Hey, just saw your update. Something to think about for gameplay, is it more important to you to have Muldrotha on the battlefield or many Elementals? Having both is asking too much because Muldrotha requires much setup and Elementals don't provide that setup. Muldrotha is a go-tall Commander, but you're playing as go-wide with many small Elementals. This conflict of what Muldrotha wants and what the rest of your deck is doing is most likely hindering gameplay.

Your deck is not built to go-wide with Elementals because you don't have any Elemental tribal lords, anthem effects and no early game Elemental token sources to flood the battlefield with Elementals. Lords are needed to make little Elementals actual good attackers so that you can swarm opponent. You're best attackers other than Muldrotha when it has evasion are the Elementals who can grow themselves. These Elementals are go-tall strategy not go-wide, having a large power/toughness Elemental for an attacker, instead of many little Elementals.

You're not going to like my next suggestions, but now that you've seen that your deck is struggling, some changes could help? My advice is build your deck first to maximize Muldrotha and second add in Elementals after doing so? Cut the weaker Elementals for more Muldrotha synergy especially draw/self-mill, ramp, protection and removal? Just play the better Elementals? I'm not suggesting to change your deck strategies, keep Elementals, +1/+1 counters and proliferate, but tone them down in favor of Muldrotha?

An example of a streamline Elemental base using current Elementals (by CMC):

I left Slitherwisp off the list because you don't have any other cards with flash? Without other cards with flash, Slitherwisp isn't worth a deck spot. Now you could add cards to give spells flash, but even so Muldrotha doesn't work with flash since you can only during your turn cast permanents from your graveyard.

Flash doesn't get around this Muldrotha restriction. You can flash at any point during your turn, but not on opponent's turns which defeats the purpose of flash. Spending your mana in the early turns for ramp, evoke Elementals, self-mill and draw is better to setup Muldrotha then having many Elementals on the battlefield.

Just adding a small package of nonElemental budget creatures that have excellent interaction with Muldrotha and Cavalier of Night could help gameplay.

multimedia on Muldrotha: Budget Elemental Tribe!

1 year ago

Hey, you've moved on from snow :) Nice version on budget, interesting strategy of proliferate. Unique combination of Muldrotha with Elementals and proliferate.

Consider less basic Forests? Get more green sources from budget dual lands to help color fixing? Command Tower is a staple land in Commander for multicolored decks. Exotic Orchard in multiplayer Commander will rarely not make the color of mana you need. Path of Ancestry is a Tri land that also provides repeatable scry when used to cast an Elemental.

The Pain lands ETB untapped and in my opinion they're among the best budget dual lands in Commander. Wastes and River have just been reprinted in the latest Standard set Brother's War.

Even cutting some basic Forests for dual lands you'll still have many basic lands therefore consider some dual lands that care about basic lands? The Snarls care about basic Forest in hand and you'll have many of them.

These are staple budget mana rocks in Commander. Sol Ring can be really helpful to cast Muldrotha.

Improving color fixing from lands can also help to cast the five drop budget Cavalier Elementals who have nice ETB trigger and die trigger, that's good with Muldrotha. Cavalier of Night is also a sac source to sac a creature you control to cast it again with Muldrotha.

These are excellent budget cards with Muldrotha and have synergy. The creature you get with Neoform ETB with a counter, ready for proliferate. Jarad's Orders can tutor for Witness and another creature.

Good luck with your deck.

wallisface on None

1 year ago

I think two things can be going on here.

  • It sounds like you're playing against decks that are much-more expensive than your own decks, which will generally mean your opponents have access to stronger cards. If your local meta doesn't have a wide-range of players, and everyone is splashing more cash, then it will quickly become an uphill fight, and it might be worth trying to find a more accommodating meta where players are using similar budgets to yourself.

  • Regardless of deck costs, it sounds like you're wanting janky cards to perform waaay better than they should be. Using your NeoPod deck as an example, there is a plethora of really suboptimal cards here (Breaching Hippocamp, Cavalier of Gales, Undercover Operative etc etc), as well as a really awkward mana curve (having no turn-1 plays immediately puts you behind the opponent, also your mana curve requires a large amount of lands in play, but you've only got 19). There are MUCH stronger things you can do for that money-investment. So you may find that even in a less-cash-splashy meta, your decks would still struggle. I think your brewing needs some work, and considerations towards the meta you're playing in, optimal card choices (for your budget), and a working mana-curve.

It seems to me that really you're building for a casual/kitchen-table environment, and then wanting this to be able to compete competitively. I would suggest if you're wanting to strengthen your decks, to reach out here and get feedback on the one you're wanting to improve on, with budget-restrictions in-mind.

tonton_latouche on Uro, titan of walue

2 years ago

trippy_mcfly I could see it for Cavalier of Gales, but Cavalier of Thorns is a bro! He does everything the deck wants to do. He fuels the yard, he ramps, he regrow something if I need to and is a wall against agro. Also, I play in an agro heavy meta, where there's weirdly alot of flyers. So having a 5-6 reach and a 5-5 flyer is kind of a big deal to stop the bleeding sometimes.

RNR_Gaming on If I'm flyin I'm scryin

2 years ago

+1 because the name is catchy. Also, you may want to add more hubs to this so more eyes can get on it.

Also, Preordain, Hakka, Whispering Raven, Cavalier of Gales, Diviner's Portent, Faerie Seer, Hedron Alignment, Mazemind Tome, Marit Lage's Slumber (swapping to Snow-Covered Island of course), Retreat to Coralhelm, Silver Raven, Thassa, God of the Sea, and Treasure Map  Flip would be good additions.

I never realized how much support a scry commander could have - If they ever add cards that create material; creatures, treasures, clues, ect. I can see this being a powerhouse in those mid-optimized games.

dentalflosstycoon on ObNoxious Miracles

2 years ago

I think that Cavalier of Gales fits your theme better than AEtherling. It also costs one less.

Aeriosis on Garth One-Eye ETB, Tap, & Blink

2 years ago

Some other ideas: Thassa, Deep-Dwelling MOAR BLINK Cavalier of Dawn Target Thassa, Deep-Dwelling and get unlimited 3/3 Golem Tokens. Cavalier of Gales Stack your deck.

awalloftext on Mistakes Into Miracles: God-Eternal Kefnet

3 years ago

Coward_Token - Opt is here! Best off-turn Kefnet trigger in the deck, haha - would never remove it.

Goal with Multiple Choice is to always hit mode 4 off Kefnet. Most likely play after that is just to cycle it with the first mode. Worst case scenario, hit it on mode 4 again.

Cavalier of Gales has absolutely overperformed - here's the thing about about this deck: Brainstorm and Dream Cache are super important for setting up loops, but even then are obviously great as single cast to get the right stuff on the top of your library - or even dig for Kefnet if he dies. Cavalier can do that too, but as a second Brainstorm effect, he can put Brainstorm or Dream Cache back on top of the library (if I tutored for them or drew them while Kefnet was offline), setting up a new loop. I'd call him a "pet" card for me for this deck.

You're probably right about Wasteland . I don't think I can squeeze in another colorless, so I'll probably swap it back at some point. Just testing out some new stuff for now!

I might swap Deliberate for Telling Time honestly. Telling is one of my favorite cheap blue spells but it also doesn't have as much synergy with Kefnet because it doesn't draw cards.

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