Cartographer's Hawk

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Cartographer's Hawk

Creature — Bird


When Cartographer's Hawk deals combat damage to a player who controls more lands than you, return it to its owner's hand. If you do, you may search your library for a Plains card, put it onto the battlefield tapped, then shuffle your library.

nuperokaso on W/U Birds

7 months ago

If you end up with spells of only one color, you can replace some basic lands of the other color with Secluded Courtyard and Unclaimed Territory. As an example, now you are playing Ponder as the only colored non-Bird spell in your entire deck. Then you can replace say 2 Plains, since every Bird can be played with Unclaimed Territory anyway, but this fixes opening hand with three Plains and your multi-color Birds. You still want to leave some of them, because of Cartographer's Hawk

nuperokaso on W/U Birds

7 months ago
  • You need more interaction, otherwise you are just dropping low-power creatures with no real card advantage and hoping that's enough.
  • Restless Anchorage turns into a Bird, so that seems an easy swap for Irrigated Farmland
  • There's no way Vexing Gull is playable. An Aven Mindcensor offers some disruption. One is enough, since it can catch your opponent and he can't really play around a single card.
  • Your main "Combo" of Kangee, Aerie Keeper with Aven Mimeomancer is actually quite bad. Kangee is too expensive to cast, and if you move your Aether Vial to 4, you have no other creatures on that cost. Since Kangee is legend anyway, you may play 1 but even that is too much.
  • Replace Ponder with some one drop or interaction. Path to Exile indeed seems good, since you are playing Cartographer's Hawk

legendofa on Card creation challenge

8 months ago

TypicalTimmy Thingamajig Combo: AEther Storm + any indestructible artifact. No more creatures! (Everything else I came up with was already a "you win the game" combo.)



When Geomancy enters the battlefield, each player may sacrifice a land. Each player who sacrifices a land this way gains 3 life and searches their library for a basic land card, puts it onto the battlefield, then shuffles.

At the beginning of your first main phase, for each opponent who controls more lands than you, search your library for a basic land card and put it onto the battlefield tapped, then shuffle.

I think this works in color. Cleansing Wildfire + Cartographer's Hawk, more or less.

Create a land support card

SithLord on Birb Storm

2 years ago

There are very few birds to be found here. Odd, because this is a tribal bird theme deck. You aren't even running Maskwood Nexus or Arcane Adaptation

So here are some birds I found that would be fun to play:

Derevi, Empyrial Tactician

Augury Owl

Arctic Aven

Falcon Abomination

Aetherstorm Roc

Apex Hawks

Aven Brigadier !!!!!

Aven Gagglemaster

Aven Mindcensor

Aven Squire

Aven Wind Guide

Bay Falcon

Celestial Gatekeeper !

Airborne Aid !

Battle Screech !

Teshar, Ancestor's Apostle !

Steel-Plume Marshal !

Emeria Angel

Judge's Familiar

Skycat Sovereign

Cloudchaser Kestrel

Healer's Hawk

Esior, Wardwing Familiar

Skyway Robber

River Hoopoe

Donal, Herald of Wings

Whippoorwill an exile for so little the cost

Storm Crow why isn't this here?

Spire Owl cheap, but nice

Jubilant Skybonder

Sephara, Sky's Blade this hits the field by turn 4 for 1 white mana!

Ledger Shredder badass name and badass ability

Cartographer's Hawk a fun card that empties your deck of plains

Watcher of the Spheres dude

Flurry of Wings and Settle the Wreckage There is so much fun to be had

Ishai, Ojutai Dragonspeaker_ look at this scawwwwww _ Warden of Evos Isle not needed, but nice for making 5 mana birds cost less

Empyrean Eagle lord

Kangee, Sky Warden all it takes is one 1/1 bird token to scwwwaaa

Kangee, Aerie Keeper you can't run one bird and not have any feathers ay?

Shabraz, the Skyshark its a sharknado

Wingmate Roc the best wingman

High Sentinels of Arashin use your mana ramp to buff your army

Nimble Obstructionist _a tale's end _

Cloudfin Raptor

Emeria Angel dude

Soulcatchers' Aerie

bushido_man96 on Isperia's Flying Circus of Tools

2 years ago

Jubilant Skybonder would offer some good protection for your flyers. Ornithopter of Paradise would be a good fit here. Not everyone is a fan, but I think Cartographer's Hawk could be of some value, too.

Reynan on Rarefied Atmosphere

2 years ago

Very cool deck, I always thought the new Linvala could give a nice azorius deck.

I would like to suggest Shabraz, the Skyshark, as you use Drogskol Reaver, you can make an infinite draw combo - but only if you are interested in that wincom, of course.

You use Emeria Angel and Azorius Chancery, so adding a Walking Atlas, you are able to put millions of tokens as you wish, and Walking Atlas work as a ramp in early game.

Boreas Charger, Cartographer's Hawk, Knight of the White Orchid and Loyal Warhound are nice possibilities of ramping defense. They can get Hallowed Fountain and Irrigated Farmland for you.

Another combo you can explore, and there's a lot of tutors for it in Azorius, is Archon of Sun's Grace + Enchanted Evening and there's endless tokens ETB(entering the battlefield). Anything to sacrifice a token or some ETB trigger to mill or deal damage to opponent do the trick, cards like High Market, Pyre of Heroes, Culling Dais, Altar of the Brood.

That's it buddy, nice deck.

McToters on #6 Vega & Winnfield

3 years ago

Hey there! Finally getting around to this. Sorry it took me an extra day.

So I’m mostly a red player at heart but I should have some ideas for you and it’s entirely possible you’ve thought of them before.

I always like to suggest Settle the Wreckage in creature-focused white decks for two reasons: 1) at a minimum it’s a board wipe that exiles opponent’s attackers and 2) at its max it can be a gnarly tool for ramp on yourself (not as ideal on non-token creatures but it’s still a novel idea). The other recent white wipe I rather like is Winds of Abandon . Yes, it ramps you opponents up but more than likely would be used late game. Also, if used you can think about adding in white ramp spells like Kor Cartographer and Cartographer's Hawk that need opponents to have more lands than you to hit those ramps. Seems conditional but that’s how ramp works in white. Again, even excluding those latter cards both wipes are very good to include IMO.

Another creature-focused card that could work here is Sneak Attack . Cost effective and still triggers Bruce’s ETB. Reconnaissance provides your creatures protection and untaps them if you’re in a tight spot.

Combat focused cards like Combat Celebrant , Seize the Day , Savage Beating , Relentless Assault seem more than ideal here since you want to keep attacking to trigger Bruce.

Cards like Chance for Glory and Final Fortune are personal favorites of mine (because I’m a reckless RED player, haha) that give you a quick second upkeep for Ravos, Soultender to trigger again (also one last chance to attack with Bruce).

I think Berserkers' Onslaught could come out for Avatar of Slaughter only because it gives you another creature. Bedlam or Goblin War Drums seem like great adds to a high-octane offensive deck like this too!

I hope these suggestions don’t discourage you. This deck looks awesome, and I’m not saying it would play better with these cards but that it would be the direction I’d personally take it. Overall, the deck looks incredibly balanced with your quantities of sorceries/instants/artifacts/planeswalkers/etc. My only other suggestion at the moment would be to maybe go down 1-2 lands, as it opens another two slots for you. I typically run 34 in most of my decks and everything runs great.

Great brew!

DevoMelvminster on Bounce and Ye Shall… Bounce?

3 years ago

Alright, I swapped out:

Solitude for Giant Killer

Azor's Gateway  Flip for Cartographer's Hawk

A Plains for Winding Canyons

And am testing Binding Mummy in place of Monologue Tax . I like the idea here, binding mummy can do some serious work with God-Eternal Oketra out. Stopping attackers, tapping artifacts to lock people out of artifact effects or mana, etc. Maybe i’ll end up not utilizing it since the deck has become so much less reliant on Oketra, we’ll see.

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