Call for Unity

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Call for Unity


Revolt — At the beginning of your end step, if a permanent you controlled left the battlefield this turn, put a unity counter on Call for Unity.

Creatures you control get +1/+1 for each unity counter on Call for Unity.

bensprout on No Life Pain, No Life Gain (Elas-Il-Kor)

8 months ago

NV_1980 Thanks! I'll do some playtesting and see what comes up. I think I like Cathars' Crusade better, but Call for Unity would be a great budget swap. And depending on how the deck ends up running, may be better overall. Thanks so much for all the help!

NV_1980 on No Life Pain, No Life Gain (Elas-Il-Kor)

8 months ago

Hmm, you may be right about the triggers. Let's do a count. Current Enter The Battlefield triggers: 9. Current Exit the Battlefield (death) triggers: 12. If you want to figure out whether Elesh/Pan are worth it in this deck, I think you need to play a few games with to find out. It really depends on your meta as well. By the way, I just remember Call for Unity as fun support for Exit the Battlefield stuff.

Cheiromancer on White revolt Pezzent

2 years ago

If anything, Call for Unity is opposed to the idea of a revolt; they are not united. But the rebels might be singing an anthem, like La Marseillaise or Bella Ciao. How glorious!

Is 8 creatures with power 1 not enough to use Vesperlark? Maybe Diamond Knights for Court Street Denizens? Instead of tapping one or two creatures, they get +1/+1 forever! But even if there is no 1/1 in the graveyard, a 2/1 flyer is nice. 3/2 with Glorious Anthem. :)

Saccox on White revolt Pezzent

2 years ago

Hey Cheiromancer,you're right about Call for Unity,it's slow but very strong. This deck it's a "revolt idea",i can't take it off,the deck wouldn't make sense with Glorious Anthem. For utilise Vesperlark i need more drop at one mana. Wall of Resurgence i don't think it's suitable.

Cheiromancer on White revolt Pezzent

2 years ago

The Call for Unity seems slow for an aggro deck. Is Glorious Anthem too expensive? If so, then I think that Vesperlark or Wall of Resurgence from your maybeboard would swing more games.

BenjimusPrime on Historic Junk

3 years ago

Aight so we've got some cuts to make! So I think a good benchmark to shoot for off the bat is 36 lands and 64 non-lands, though with the sheer number of transform lands you have you might be fine at 34 or 35 - I would NOT recommend going that low until you've played a respectable number of games or playtest hands (probably at least 4 games and 30 playtest hands) and you have a solid understanding of how consistently you come in with too few lands.

As far as the cuts, I'd say drop: Rushed Rebirth , Ecological Appreciation , Vona, Butcher of Magan , Silent Sentinel , Resolute Archangel , Aegis of the Gods , Path of Discovery , Shapers' Sanctuary , Springleaf Drum , Perpetual Timepiece , Accomplished Alchemist , Call for Unity OR Collective Blessing (probably the latter), Rune-Tail, Kitsune Ascendant / Rune-Tail's Essence , Elixir of Immortality , Heliod, God of the Sun , Huatli, Radiant Champion . I can give you my rationale one-by-one if you like.

Then add three lands, possibly modal spell-lands like Agadeem's Awakening  Flip. Ideally, more of your lands should be multiple colours, as you have a large colour cost burden in black and white especially (lots of cards that need two or three of the same colour). The cheapest options are the snow taplands, guildgates, refuge lands (give 1 life when they enter the battlefield), and the showlands from Shadows over Innistrad and Strixhaven. There are definitely some mid-range lands that you can pick up for less than $10 that should be a high priority for you: Sunpetal Grove and Godless Shrine to fill out your buddy and shockland sets, the three scrylands a la Temple of Malady , Murmuring Bosk , Canopy Vista , and Scattered Groves . Since your deck doesn't currently have many ways to fetch basic lands, you really shouldn't have many since your colour demands are so high. Also definitely be on the lookout for legendary lands that fit into the deck well! Those will be sweet.

amd64char on Kodama / Livio ETB triggers

3 years ago

I was also looking to build a Livio, Oathsworn Sentinel deck. 2 cards that I came across that looked fun were:
Call for Unity and Aid from the Cowl

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