Breya, Etherium Shaper

Legendary Artifact Creature — Human

When this enters the battlefield, create two 1/1 blue Thopter artifact creature tokens with flying.

, Sacrifice two artifacts: Choose one —

  • This deals 3 damage to target player or planeswalker.
  • Target creature gets -4/-4 until end of turn.
  • You gain 5 life.

Recommendations View more recommendations

Tetzin, Gnome Champion
Goldbug, Scrappy Scout
Ratchet, Rescue Racer
Soundwave, Superior Captain
Weldfast Engineer
Jetfire, Air Guardian

legendofa on What commanders do you want …

10 months ago

What's the mana value of this thread? I'm about to Reanimate it. I'd like to see more four-color stuff. Unlife mentioned this earlier, but I'd like to expand on the thought.

Four-color cards are especially hard to design and make meaningful, per Mark Rosewater. I'm willing to grant that. Right now, though, I'm trying to line out a Curse deck that uses Lynde, Cheerful Tormentor and Eriette of the Charmed Apple. Breya, Etherium Shaper, has absolutely no synergy, and the best partner options, in my opinion, are just kind of generically useful.

(I know Go-Shintai of Life's Origin is an option, but I don't see having a deep role in this deck, and it feels a little too "five-color good stuff" for me. It's off-theme and is offering stuff I'm not sure this deck concept wants or needs.)

There could be a graveyard commander, or a damage over time commander. Maybe I'm just being demanding, but I feel like outside of the two Atraxas and 's wealth of options (so two color sets out of five), there's just not any worthwhile choices for brewing four-color decks with cards that work well together but happen to not overlap in color identity.

multimedia on Deck Crisis

1 year ago

Hey, you have the Invent Superiority precon? Breya, Etherium Shaper can be a powerful and casual/fun deck on a budget. My Breya deck isn't even $200, Breya Goddess of Etherium (Budget). It wins with an infinite combo using Breya as the wincon and there's plenty of other fun interactions.

Jurien on Artifact Commander Pre-Cons Merged

1 year ago

Hey there multimedia, thanks for the suggestions and I really appreciate it! That was well-detailed and gave me a lot of insight, wondering why I didn't consider those in the first place. Maybe I was too focused in the idea of Artifact Tribal or some sort but with lesser value in return.

I was really considering Armory Automaton since I find it really cool to "steal" equipments from any players and make him bigger. Yeah, I've also thought that those can be sacrificed later on but I guess that's not the case since there's no "gain control" which I totally forgot about.

I just made this deck list for fun since there have been a lot of commander pre-cons lately and felt like it would be cool to combine each one of them with the same theme. I also really like Artifacts and well, Breya, Etherium Shaper of course! heh

Anyways, thanks again and I'm glad you appreciate it. Peace!

RNR_Gaming on New secret lair Alert!

2 years ago

Anyways with that whole kickstarter thing going on I noticed that the professor hasn't made a video so in case anyone was wondering

Some regular guys non-foil/foil

Void Winnower - 16.07/20.46

Vengevine - 10.71/12.95

Collector Ouphe - 5.63/33.07

Goblin Settler - 48.71/N/a

Non foil: 81.12 Foil: 115.19

Foil: B / non-foil: C+

There's a good bit of value with this secret lair. Goblin settlers getting its' first foil printing is definitely noteworthy. Also, if you're into the Adventure Time art style you'll like be picking this up anyways.

Showcase: Streets of New Capenna

Atraxa, Praetors' Voice - 30.77/35.53

Breya, Etherium Shaper - 7.98/9.84

Yidris, Maelstrom Wielder - N/A/8.84

Non-foil: 47.59 foil: 54.21

Non-foil - D foil: C-

This grade pains me because I REALLY think the art on these is beautiful and they'll likely include a Kynaios and Tiro of Meletis in the same style as a bonus card but putting personal preferance and speculation aside the value just is not here.

Special Guest: Matt Jukes Foil Edition

Glacial Fortress - 3.71/11.25

Drowned Catacomb - 7.28/17.46

Dragonskull Summit - 3.79/6.96

Rootbound Crag - 3.81/6.55

Sunpetal Grove - 3.89/5.96

Non-foil: 22.48 foil: 48.18

Non-foil - F foil - D-

The value in these really speaks for itself.

Artist Series: Magali Villeneuve

Mother of Runes - 4.91/Varies

Death's Shadow - 6.12/10.19

Elvish Mystic - .45/9.97

Forest - N/A

Non-foil - 11.48 Foil: N/A

Non-foil - F Foil - D-

The biggest thing out of this lair is the foil Mother of Runes the prices fluctuates so much with the older foils it's hard to set an exact price to obtain a foil one; if we look at the previous secret lairs those versions of Mother of Runes are sitting at about 6-10 a piece.

Artist Series: Sidharth Chaturvedi

Concordant Crossroads - 46.87/N/A

Nomad Outpost - 1.06/5.74

Ghost Quarter - 1.12/16.90

Island - N/A

Non-foil: 49.05 foil: 69.51

Non-foil: D- foil: C

Essentially this lair is being carried by the fact that Concordant Crossroads only has 1 printing and has never had a foil printing. If you need one or would like to get a foil one knows your chance but outside of that its just some bulky cards with nice art.

Artist Series: Wayne Reynolds

Sram, Senior Edificer - .25/6.09

Torbran, Thane of Red Fell - .95/1.89

Depala, Pilot Exemplar - .23/1.65

Balthor the Defiled - 10.95/59.61

Non-foil: 12.38 Foil: 69.24

Non-foil - F Foil - C

This lair is also being carried by 1 card that has only 1 printing the rest is bulk.

Finally! Left-Handed Magic Cards

Sisay, Weatherlight Captain - .98/6.02

Empress Galina - 18.31/206.82

Geralf's Messenger - 9.89/34.48

Rograkh, Son of Rohgahh - .26/.41

Garruk, Caller of Beasts - 8.20/23.41

Non-foil: 37.64 foil; 271.14

Non-foil - C Foil: A

While Empress Galina is definitely the chase card out of this; it still has value in the other slots too outside of Roger - but even Roger is still highly playable.

Anyways, after doing all the math and putting this all together I appreciate the professor doing this and compiling it a video format. Also, which secret lairs if any are you planning to get?

Mana_Mythic_Legendary on Pursuing Perfection, Part 13: Izzet …

2 years ago

According to an old myth, a king once posed his advisors an awkward problem: how to prove whether a crown was pure gold. The guy who figured it out was stumped until he took a bath. As he sank into the water he noticed his body was displacing it, and in a moment of epiphany he realized this was a method to check the crown. Evidently, this was such a stimulating realization that he jumped clean out of the bathhouse and took off down the street, buck-ass nude and shouting “I’ve got it!”

You’ve probably heard this story, and know the point I’m making: the Izzet League, Guild of Engineers and Magewrights, can best be described as a pack of over-caffeinated nerds hell-bent on chasing moments just like that. Coincidentally, this parallels the experience many magic players pursue in a given match. While you can have those moments doing anything, if you’re looking to thematically mimic Archimedes at the moment of streaking epiphany, preferably laying aside public indecency, Izzet the place to be. Today, we’re discussing commanders tied to three prevailing Blue-Red themes: Storm, Chance, and Gunslinging. As always, please bear in mind that our focus here is not necessarily competitive but rather on thematic, archetypical commanders.


I don’t necessarily mean the keyword, though Thousand-Year Storm is admittedly a favorite: I mean instants and sorceries as an overall theme. Bear with me on this: If I were to assign a card type to each color…

White: Enchantments

Blue: Instants

Black: Creatures

Red: Sorceries

Green: Lands

Understand that my suggestion here isn’t that any color has the best of the associated card type, but rather that each card type is among the color’s primary thematic interactions. Green has the closest relationship with lands, Black kills/resurrects/abuses creatures, etc. Sorceries, being generally cruder but also more powerful than instants, tie in thematically with Red, which is cruder and... not more powerful, but definitely more direct than Blue, a subtle and minimalist color.

Izzet, then, has a primary interaction with both instants and sorceries, focusing on non-permanent spells in order to capture the thematic essence of spellcraft. If you want to rock the hell out of the game by wizarding it up, I have some commanders for you to Ponder!

Melek, Izzet Paragon Simple, potent, and tasty. A copy of any given spell is welcome, and firing from the hip off the top deck is quite thematic, quasi-literally throwing ideas at your opponents, technically before you even have them.

Veyran, Voice of Duality This is very pretty art, and while maybe not the best choice for slamming down massive X drops, for raining down a pile of cantrips Veyran’s your best friend. Who would say no to getting bigger whenever you cast a spell AND doubling both the card’s own effect and that of any accompanying triggers, like Archmage Emeritus, Aria of Flame, and Firemind's Research? With a potential for solid command damage AND a great doubling effect, this is a fantastic commander.

Vadrik, Astral Archmage Or, if you think cantrips are for wusses, Vadrik is probably more your speed. Power him up with, say, the Runechanter's Pike, wheel a few times, and unleash all manner of insanities by slamming down a hideously overpowered Banefire or Blue Sun's Zenith. Heck, go for broke and play Epic Experiment while having Thousand-Year Storm out as well. If anyone’s still alive after your thirty-minute turn, they’ll probably have lost all will to go on anyway.


Just as this is the pairing of inspiration, Izzet is also about boom-bust gameplay. There’s an element of chaos to it, yes, but rather than inflicting lunacy on everyone Izzet also has the potential to ride a private brainwave straight across the finish line, whether in control or not. Sometimes your plan will go off like an atom bomb. Sometimes it will fizzle, wheeze, and grind to a sad little halt. Regardless, that type of gameplay will be a LOT of fun.

Okaun and Zndrsplt

I did promise to talk about a coin deck back in the Red article. Okaun is potentially (unreasonably) large, Zndrsplt occasionally supportive. Seeing them together is worrisome: three lucky tosses and Whispersilk Cloak or something like will kill an opponent, and it’s not unlikely. Add Krark's Thumb and you’ll probably overstock your hand, break a thousand P/T on a single creature, and strike a blow for gamblers everywhere. Bring mana rocks, bring evasion, and above all… bring Fling.

Arjun, the Shifting Flame Wheeling is a mechanic that clearly illustrates chaos in magic, both for good and for bad. Doing it every time you cast a spell? Glorious. No plans. No guarantees. Just making like a leaf on the wind. Any win you get out of this commander is EARNED.

Eruth, Tormented Prophet Nekusar, the Mindrazer, the sphinx-that-shall-not-be-named, or Smothering Tithe ruining the local meta? Have I got a solution for you! Jump across that fuzzy line of lunacy Izzet players so love to skip along and never draw a card again. This is neat, completely sidestepping a fundamental mechanic of the game. Throw in a few permanents that draw at instant speed, wizards are good like that, and tot up options as needed. I am very, very excited to see decks built around this.


This is wordplay at its worst, and I apologize. Again, I don’t necessarily mean commanders that ping you to death. Rather, I mean commanders that are trigger-happy on the draw, or vice versa. The act of drawing is, in metaphorical terms, new ideas coming to you over the course of your wizardly duel, and ideas are very much in the provenance of Izzet. It’s only appropriate that a few commanders in this pairing either reward you for having lots of ideas or ensure you have lots of them. Obligatory mention of buggy rewards from The Locust God and Kindred Discovery goes here.

Niv-Mizzet, Parun And, of course, this is where Wattles the Wizened himself comes into the conversation, being exactly what the theme sounds like. Draw cards, give him deathtouch, and torch the board. Go for broke on this moldy old cheese and attach Ophidian Eye. It’s not exactly creative, but it’s certainly effective. Jhoira, Weatherlight Captain You know, compared to Jhoira of the Ghitu this is practically calm, but people don’t really respond to her that way. I’d like to profess ignorance as to why that might be, but having built several artifact combo decks I really can’t. She’s a solid choice, not that offensive in and of herself, and I recommend her to anyone not willing to go full Breya, Etherium Shaper. Keranos, God of Storms This is one I wouldn’t immediately recommend to anyone angling to compete, insomuch as one can in a casual format. However, as the literal god of insight and inspiration (and smiting Zeus-style), he’s thematically perfect. Depending on what you draw, you either get another card or a Lightning Bolt. On an indestructible, sometime 6/5 creature, that’s pretty nice. If your deck is of a caliber where it doesn’t depend on its commander, this is a very innocuous choice that’s going to mislead a lot of people and yet still get you a lot of utility.

And, for my personal favorite… Rielle, the Everwise She tried to replace my Okaun/Zndrsplt deck. She tried, and failed, but I still have a great deal of affection for her. This is a commander made to wheel all day who has the color access to nearly every instance of that mechanic. Fill that graveyard with ephemeral goodness, sprinkle a few evasion cantrips for flavor, and tag opponents HARD with a sweet old lady. Then bake them cookies, just to rub it in. Seriously, someone teach their grandmother magic and have her play Rielle. You’ll break the internet.

That's it for this round. Thoughts and questions are welcome. I hope you enjoyed it, and will come back soon for an old favorite, Golgari!








Green, with links to the other mono-colors

PhotogenicParasympathetic on Best commanders to introduce new …

2 years ago

I usually give them my Omnath, Locus of Rage deck. It's pretty simple - play lands, play Omnath, play lands, win. But there are also more complex decisions they can make as they start to get a grasp on how the game is played. My Neheb, the Eternal deck is a step above in complexity, but the basic strategy is still easy to grasp - hit things, get mana, hit things harder; that's normally what I play against newer players (since it's also a deck that I can "go easy" on them with, by just... not hitting as hard as possible every time). Then, once they've seen it in action a few times, it's pretty easy to be a logical "next step" kind of deck for them to pilot.

Then I throw them in the deep end with my tutorless Breya, Etherium Shaper eggs deck.

plakjekaas on Overperforming Cards?

3 years ago

Whenever I play Authority of the Consuls it always does a lot more than you'd think. Not only does it gain me over 20 life in a game on average, but it also shuts down quite a few combos that generate infinite creatures (think Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker or Breya, Etherium Shaper -fueled ones). It shuts down surprise blockers with flash, and all of that for a mere . My playgroup sounds the sweetest of groans whenever I manage to play it turn 1 these days, can't recommend it enough.

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