Boonweaver Giant

Creature — Giant Monk

When Boonweaver Giant enters the battlefield, you may search your graveyard, hand, and/or library for an Aura card and put it onto the battlefield attached to Boonweaver Giant. If you search your library this way, shuffle it.

IHATENAMES on Light-Paws, Divine Kitsune

2 years ago


Kor Spiritdancer a better shram in the deck id run both

Eidolon of Countless Battles + for each aura

Ardenn, Intrepid Archaeologist moves auras especially for faith fetter type effects

Heliod's Pilgrim aura tutor

Boonweaver Giant aura tutor onto a body

Umbra Mystic Totem armor effects in general are good. One of the recent precons was aura based id look at that one for ideas!

Nomad Mythmaker recursion

Skybind interesting flicker effect for enchantment perms with sigardas aid out you can blink your lands to cast more auras next opponents turn. or flicker tokens etb creature ect.

Mistveil Plains return auras to re tutor for with your commander.

Homeward Path vultron doesn't like opponents taking their toys

Lost Leonin Infect if you choose is an option here is one to look at.

Flickerform Decent especially if you run auras that etb draw

Hero of Iroas cost reducer that gets a benefit when targeted.

Faith Unbroken removal aura

Sage's Reverie HIGHLY suggested card draw and powerful aura

Sphere of Safety If you want a late game plan this might give you time to do something else like Approach of the Second Sun

EVEN-ELITE on Ghave That Bitch an Infinite Combo [Primer]

2 years ago

Thoughts on Boonweaver Giant? With a sac outlet, Saffi Eriksdotter, Reveillark, and Karmic Guide, you can fetch out every creature in the deck. This happens because Boonweaver Giant ends up searching for Pattern of Rebirth.

Zhugo12 on Karadorable [cEDH Primer]

3 years ago

darkseid4nk Yeah, it seems like that deck leans more towards creature control. It also uses some high cost critters that I personally think slow the deck down. That said, I think that deck is very good, but the lack of Boonweaver Giant combo is disappointing, while understandable because that deck hasn't been updated in several years. I was also honestly baffled to not see Necropotence in that list because it is far and away the strongest card advantage effect in these colors.

Another thing you might consider looking into is decks based around Nethroi, Apex of Death. While not identical, the decks often play similar strategies, and functions similarly. If you like the hate/control cards from the Junkus deck though, you might consider looking into creature toolbox decks that helm Sidar Kondo of Jamuraa and Tymna the Weaver , because they lend themselves to utility creatures that control the board. Check out EDHRec to see what I mean: EDHRec Tymna//Sidar

abby315 on An old elephant learns new tricks

3 years ago

Cloudchaser.Kestrel Thanks for the suggestions! I considered Gift of Immortality but I'm not just gunning for the combo ASAP (or this would be a Bell Borca deck probably) so I'd rather just run the tutors to find Angelic Renewal . Boonweaver Giant is interesting though since it goes and tutors the enchantment as well, so I'll pop it in the maybeboard and see whether I can fit it in.

VampRamped Thank you! I don't want to load up on self-exile unless it can play the card too, since I can't actually mill that many cards at a time, but I probably should run Relic of Progenitus since it's a good rate.

Cloudchaser.Kestrel on An old elephant learns new tricks

3 years ago

Gift of Immortality and Boonweaver Giant double up on the sun titan angelic renewal combo, and synergize really well with it.

cfost827 on Karador EDH - Reanimator Toolbox …

3 years ago

Hey guys,

I've recently retooled my Karador deck to be less powerful and to focus on more of a toolbox theme. I've constructed this deck to be around 75% (or 7.5/10) mostly to ensure it's not oppressive and to have FUN! Most other decks in my meta are around this power level. I'm using infinite combo's mostly as a backup incase the game drags on too long, so you won't see cards/combo pieces like: Protean Hulk , Boonweaver Giant , Pattern of Rebirth , Academy Rector , etc as they are much too powerful I found out for my playgroup. More on this below -

Link to my deck: Karador Toolbox / Reanimator!

Deck Goal/Objective: The goal of this deck is to be a value-centric reanimator deck. I aims to take over a game with creatures, then grind my way to end and finally reanimating giant monsters to win the game. Again, infitine combos are a means of ending a game that has dragged on for to long, or else can’t be won on the battlefield.

Some background: So Karador was the first deck I created but I realized it was too strong as I based it off of a cEDH deck apparently (minus the expensive land base). It really wasn't fun for anyone to play and not really for myself either. So I've now totally revamped it and included a more reanimator/toolbox route. I'm looking to keep the strength of the deck around 75% - 80%. I'm hoping you guys could give me some feedback on my deck list and let me know if there is anything you think I should cut or suggestions for cards I should add in. Any links to other successful toolbox decks that do not only focus on infinite combos would be great!

About my Playgroup/Meta: So most of the decks in my playgroup are well constructed and I would say are at about 65% - 80% tooled. They are not too powerful but could also do fairly well against more competitive decks if needed. This is mostly to keep everything FUN! lol. From a price point perspective, I would say most decks are anywhere from $200 - $800 in value. Some of the Commanders our playgroup runs are: Zedruu the Greathearted , Atraxa, Praetors' Voice , Atraxa, Praetors' Voice , Korvold, Fae-Cursed King , Lazav, Dimir Mastermind , Chainer, Nightmare Adept , Kaalia of the Vast , Sisay, Weatherlight Captain , Lathliss, Dragon Queen , Sliver Overlord , Mayael the Anima , The Mimeoplasm , and a few others. - So please keep this in mind when making suggestions for additions/cuts to give me an advantage :)

PLEASE ALSO TAKE A LOOK AT MY "MAYBE BOARD". This has cards I cut or I'm unsure if I should include them. Happy to add to the list as well - but any feedback is appreciated!

Please let me know your thoughts and suggestions. Thanks guys!! :)

cfost827 on Karador EDH Deck (Hulk/Boonweaver Combo's …

3 years ago

Hey All,

So.. I'm basically looking to reduce the strength of my current Karador deck to 75%-80% (or 8/10), as it's currently much too strong for the Meta I play in with my buddies. Perhaps make it more Toolbox or Graveyard focused (i.e. fill it up), and have more ways to win through combat rather than ONLY infinite combos (cEDH). Basically make it more fair and fun to play against (including for me lol).

My Deck List: My Tapped out Deck list link here

Background: This is the first deck I ever built about 7 months ago (built 2 more since). However, the problem was I built it off of a cEDH deck (minus the expensive land base) and didn't realize how powerful it will be. I really don't need to fill up my graveyard either (i.e. Entomb Hulk, Boonweaver, etc works just fine). I'm basically looking to completely change my Karador format but I'm still relatively new to MTG (mostly played my buddies decks for the past 2 years).

The strategy of my deck is basically to combo out (go infinite) as fast as possible. My deck relies on a lot of the common Karador combo's pieces (I have many different possible combo's): Protean Hulk, Boonweaver Giant, Pattern of Rebirth, Karmic Guide, Reveillark, Saffi Eriksdotter, Loyal Retainers, Sun Titan, Acidic Slime, etc etc. Obviously, I'm planning on removing Hulk, Boonweaver + Pattern of Rebirth. I'll probably keep the Karmic Guide/Reveillark combo though.

I also run a strong tutor suite with Demonic Tutor, Enlightened Tutor, Worldly Tutor and other strong cards like Academy Rector and extensive hate bears Gaddok Teeg, etc etc - (I try to only use when in a bind). So it would make sense to remove these.

What happens when I play this deck in our Meta: is that I don't really interact with the board/players much, as I'm just trying to tutor and find my infinite combo's as quickly as possible. This tends to annoy some people as the game will have interactions between players all over and then all of a sudden - I combo out infinitely and win the game. So every game either comes down to A) Me winning.. or B) Each player focusing their attention on me to kill me as quickly as possible, which is understandable, as I can go infinite quite quickly. So you can see why I need to reduce this and try to make my deck more fun to play with for everyone (including myself).

About my Meta/Playgroup: We always play 4 way player EDH (sometimes even 6!). There are some pretty optimized and strong decks. I would say generally decks in our meta are optimized anywhere from 60% - 80% (or 6/10 - 8.5/10). Most decks are valued mostly under $700 (which is on the high end). Infinite combo's are not thought of highly, though there a few decks that run them but it's not their main/only win cons. Our games generally last anywhere from turn 10 - turn 13 - but some decks have gone off turn 4-6 and won. So it does vary but mostly, our games go longer.

My thoughts on how to reduce my decks power (adjust to my meta) and make it more fun below - : - Remove the most powerful tutors - Remove Protean Hulk + Boonweaver Giant/Pattern of Rebirth/Academy Rector and other infinite combos - Remove most of the hate bears - Add more dredge - Add more cards to win through combat (Craterhoof Behemoth) - Transition deck to a Karador Toolbox box deck (can win through combat) ?

Please let me know your thoughts any advice will be helpful! Feel free to include links to any Karador deck lists you think I might find useful. Sorry for the long post but looking forward to all feedback

Thanks guys! :) -Cory

1empyrean on Scouts for the Empyrean Squadron

3 years ago

Well Epicurus, you took the time to comment and at least think about what the deck is doing, so its fine if this is out of your element. I'm really looking for outside perspectives and weird ideas more than help with combos anyways.

I have a bunch of weird little interactions in the deck that probably aren't clear to a lot of players, and fundamentally, the goal of the deck is to get extra combat steps to trigger Ardenn and untap Alena.

You mention boros lacking tutors, but I am using Citanul Flute (creatures), Burnished Hart (land), Boonweaver Giant (auras), Stonehewer Giant (equipment), Sunforger (instants), and Enlightened Tutor (artifacts/enchantments).

As for ways to spend the mana, Captivating Crew is a really fun one especially with Lunarch Mantle. There is also Cavalier of Flame. I might find a few more, but activated abilities on creatures trump burn spells for this deck.

I did consider those creatures that have more power than their cost, but that just wasn't the direction I ended up taking. I also considered using Assault Suit and keeping those creatures around. I might try that idea out eventually, because Ardenn + Suit is funny. I think Kaldheim is going to have a bunch of stuff that will change this deck a lot, so I'll have a bunch of new things to try.

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