Boon of Erebos


Target creature gets +2/+0 until end of turn. Regenerate it. You lose 2 life.

dnthymamai on X gon' give it to ya' [Xantcha EDH]

1 year ago

Great Deck! First time I see something this interesting on a Xantcha deck.

Can I ask you please why do you choose to return Xantcha under your control when you are trying to save her? (with the black instants) Here, you may also add Malakir Rebirth  Flip which is a bit cheaper than Abnormal Endurance to cast.

If you want her to remain under the opponents' control may I suggest some other options for your black instants: Armor of Shadows ,Boon of Erebos, Without Weakness and Unlikely Aid

Sorry If I am not seeing the trick where you want her under your control.

Nice deck!

Optimator on You break it you buy it.

1 year ago

Plague Wind - Attrition - Gift of Doom - Darksteel Plate - Hammer of Nazahn - Kaldra Compleat - Shield of Kaldra - Kaya's Ghostform - Malakir Rebirth  Flip - Armor of Shadows - Boon of Erebos - Feign Death - Supernatural Stamina - Undying Evil - Undying Malice -

I know you're not trying to go for board-wipe-tribal but here are lots of other ways to save your commander. I know you know about a lot of these.

You should seriously consider Blasphemous Act; it's one of the best wraths period.

triproberts12 on Toshiro's Samurai Guide - Harikiri Those Instants!

4 years ago

While Toshi does give card advantage, powerful stand-alone card-draw spells are still important. I really like Skeletal Scrying and Moonlight Bargain for being instants, here. Also, I think some instant-based protection like Boon of Erebos , Abnormal Endurance , Butcher's Glee , or Dark Dabbling would be good. Finally, I'd recommend Victory Chimes , Isochron Scepter , Runechanter's Pike , Spellbinder , Sentinel Tower , Mirari , Haunting Hymn , and Aphotic Wisps as good synergy cards for a black instant deck.

Spell_Slam on PDH(BRG) - The Master of Slaughter

4 years ago

This was my first ever PDH build. I built it with 21 commander damage in mind, which isn't actually that hard to obtain on turn 3. I'm considering picking it up again.

You could use some more value lands, I think. Khalni Garden is a good way to get a body in play for edict cover. The same could be said for Dwarven Mine , but it might not be easy to get to three mountains.

I found I didn't like the regenerating protection spells that much, because it removed the Slaughtermaster from combat. I would like to see something like Rush of Vitality over Boon of Erebos any day, for example.

Tainted Strike is the perfect card in your deck. You could probably also use Phyresis . It loses the surprise factor, but it works a lot better than many of your pump spells.

Wicked Reward could be good, depending on your board. Wielding the Green Dragon (if you can find a copy) could also be just another Titanic Growth effect. Wild Might is excellent in the early game, but loses value quickly. Phytoburst is better than Larger than Life. How about Screaming Fury ?

I always suggest this card in red decks: Destructive Tampering is an overpriced Shatter or Falter, but being able to do both makes this card super versatile in a game of PDH.

Frd123 on [Primer] Nightmare by Design

5 years ago

What are your take in cards that protect Chainer, similar to Imp's Mischief like Boon of Erebos, Rush of Vitality, Unnatural Endurance or Without Weakness?

I was thinking in using those together with Sidisi, Undead Vizier and Rune-Scarred Demon to protect Chainer at instant speed. But I don't know if it is too much.

JoeTheHero123 on Infect

5 years ago

First of all, you should only have 21 or 22 lands. You should also add pump spells like Giant Growth, Titanic Growth, and Boon of Erebos.

HowsLife on Marchesa, Lobbying for Power

6 years ago

I would recommend Anguished Unmaking , Bitterblossom , Blessing of Leaches , Blood Scrivener , Bloodgift Demon , Boon of Erebos , Coa Ren, Wei Commander , Corpse Augur , Cruel Tutor (Actually, any of the tutor cards). Be sure to include Embargo. Some more are Grinning Demon , Hoarder's Greed , Kothoped, Soul Hoarder. Just suggestions.

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