Bloodletter of Aclazotz

Creature — Vampire Demon


If an opponent would lose life during your turn, they lose twice that much life instead. (Damage causes loss of life.)

zAzen7977 on KAALIA'S CATACLYSM - Aggro/Stax cEDH [MH3 Update]

1 week ago

Hey XinZhao, after a long break I’m back with updates, what do you think? I added Drana and Linvala, Bloodletter of Aclazotz, Rakdos, Patron of Chaos, Aven Interrupter, Insatiable Avarice, and High Noon. Also considering Doorkeeper Thrull.

Last_Laugh on Grixis Marchesa, The Black Rose

2 weeks ago

Nice deck, I love me some etb/death trigger abuse Marchesa. I do have some suggestions for you though and I'll break it down by card function.


Gray Merchant of Asphodel's lifegain seems counterproductive but with alternate sources of +1+1 counters your life total doesn't matter. In 9 years of running Marchesa, Gary has ended more games than any other card here and it's not remotely close. I personally recommend a clone suite to sac when he enters so they all reenter as Garys (Phantasmal Image, Flesh Duplicate, and Phyrexian Metamorph). Note that Imperial Recruiter abuse will look up Gary, Clones, and Bloodletter of Aclazotz in one go around the table.

Jokulhaups is a bit of a dick move, but it will end games since all your creatures come back to an empty board.

Alternate +1+1 Counters:

Anduril, Narsil Reforged is on attack and even gets counters on your fresh non-attacking stuff.

Mikaeus, the Unhallowed lets you abuse all your non-humans and he enables some infinite combos with Persist creatures.

Vigean Graftmage looks underwhelming but he comes down before and immediately protects Marchesa and he let's you abuse any etb/death trigger on everyone's turn (itself + 1 other).

Thran Vigil is only on your turn but this card still puts in serious work.

Metallic Mimic doesn't need a tribal deck here. When it first comes down you name humans or wizards to immediately protect Marchesa but you sac it to rename the type to your most abuseable etb/death trigger as needed.


Ripples of Potential is a great answer to non-destroy wraths including Farewell.


Canoptek Tomb Sentinel will hit anything non-land but most importantly it's an abuseable effect that hits enchantments.

Feel free to check out my list for ideas. Upvotes on any of my decks are appreciated (especially since it'd be upvote #200). Every Masochist Needs a Marchesa to Love Them

capwner on they exist to cease

1 month ago

Cool budget list, Torgaar is a neat commander and I hadn't seen him built before. I gotta rec some of my favorite black 'goobers' Bloodghast, Gravecrawler, and Nether Traitor, I think these are some of the best repeatable sac fodder you can get and not too expensive. Also seems like Bloodletter of Aclazotz could be a good add because Torgaar's ability results in life loss and would gib players at full or over 40 life, but I guess this sees pioneer play so it's a bit more $. Sadistic Hypnotist is also one of my favorite cards in mono b sac and like a $.50 card.

Veethevvitch on Evil dead ☠️ (Ode to Sheoldred)

1 month ago

Hi Profet93, for the combos I have Peer into the Abyss and my: Sheoldred, the Apocalypse, Bloodletter of Aclazotz, i got Exquisite Blood and my : Vito, Thorn of the Dusk Rose, Sanguine Bond and finally i have Peer into the Abyss and Bloodletter of Aclazotz. And i am mainly looking for tips to boots competitiveness! :)

Apollo_Paladin on Mono Black Control (MTGA Deck

2 months ago

The new mode-based black sorcery from Thunder Juction, Rush of Dread is an instant kill using its 3rd mode if you have Bloodletter of Aclazotz in play regardless of opponent's life total, so it's pretty much a shoe-in for any deck already running the Bloodletter.

That said, the deck looks a lot more viable in this new incarnation - nice work and maybe give Rush of Dread a try if you want to keep it in top rankings

DarkKiridon on How Good is Death Cloud?

3 months ago

Fraying Omnipotence is better in my opinion. I run it in my Clavileno, First of the Blessed deck paired with Bloodletter of Aclazotz.

Aside from that I'm sure there are better options to choose from for you. :)

Titus7007 on Gary Murder Scene

4 months ago

Profet93 I'm newish to Commander after playing a lot of Standard on Arena since coming back to the game. Mostly I need help with things like how much removal/lands/mana rocks to run.

Also, Commander has so many unspoken nuances, I hope to avoid playing things that everyone hates, hence Bloodletter of Aclazotz and Fraying Omnipotence not being the win-con

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