Bloodfeather Phoenix

Creature — Phoenix


Bloodfeather Phoenix can't block.

Whenever an instant or sorcery spell you control deals damage to an opponent or battle, you may pay . If you do, return Bloodfeather Phoenix from your graveyard to the battlefield. It gains haste until end of turn.

Optimator on Anarchy Burger

8 months ago

Spiteful Banditry - ramp and a mini-wrath. Seems pretty good

Gimli, Counter of Kills - has the potential to deal certain opponents a lot of damage. Good for board wipes. Is Dwarf

Fiery Inscription - strong instant/sorcery synergy!

Erebor Flamesmith - some more bonus damage. Is dwarf

Fear, Fire, Foes! - decent multiplicative damage.

Display of Power - strong copier, if you're looking for more

Wrenn's Resolve and Reckless Impulse - quality cheap impulse-draw in Red. Doesn't get too much better than this for it's cost. Well worth noting

Nahiri's Warcrafting - weird removal/impulse-draw hybrid. Worth noting

Into the Fire - another modal damager/card selector. Seems all right

Invasion of Karsus  Flip - mini wrath that turns into an instant/sorcery payoff. Not terrible

Invasion of Regatha  Flip - mini Torbran!

Invasion of Kaldheim  Flip - pretty decent card advantage on both sides, plus damage. Well worth noting

Chandra, Hope's Beacon - probably too difficult to defend planeswalkers in this deck, but this one has all the synergy

Bloodfeather Phoenix - probably doesnt fit the deck perfectly, but it has the synergy. Better in 1v1

Curse of Opulence - very strong ramp, can get some heat off of you

plakjekaas on looking to upgrade a standard …

1 year ago

The best thing to do is probably to lower the curve a bit:

Kumano Faces Kakkazan  Flip is a cheap card that works wonders for the strategy

Play with Fire is a better Shock, and Lightning Strike is a better Roil Eruption

Monastery Swiftspear is probably one of the best red 1-drops ever, and pretty cheap with the BRO reprint. Soul-Scar Mage is pretty similar, no haste, but a chance to progressively kill problematic creatures or mess up combat math with the -1/-1 counters is great.

Den of the Bugbear and Ramunap Ruins can be considered to have some utility in your lands without giving up any colored sources.

Eidolon of the Great Revel is the most expensive card that mono red plays in pioneer right now, that might be a step too far if you're worrying about the budget. But that's probably where you'd want to end up being serious about the deck. In the meantime you could consider cards like Khenra Spellspear  Flip, Kari Zev, Skyship Raider or Bloodfeather Phoenix to make sure chapter 2 of Kumano Faces Kakkazan  Flip goes to use.

You could look up some lists on MTGGoldfish or MTGTop8 to see what's generally played in the mono red decks, and work your way there bit by bit. I think my suggestions should give you plenty inspiration to get started though.