

Move any number of +1/+1 counters from target creature onto another target creature with the same controller.

ViscountVonSausageRoll on Green Counter Gang

1 year ago

Since Managorger Hydra has been suggested I feel honorbound to also suggest his older cousin Forgotten Ancient. A little more expensive, but more shenanigan-able. For instance with Branching Evolution

And since Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx has been suggested, allow me to suggest Rushwood Elemental & Chlorophant to make the most of the devotion. Also Garruk Wildspeaker goes great with it, and well with Wild Growth.

Your profile says you're a newer player, so if you're looking for more budget friendly generic ramp options (Nykthos is kinda pricey) Nature's Lore is pretty hard to beat for pure early value, Migration Path is 4 mana, but it's never dead.

Oh, also maybe Bioshift

Flavuss on Hardened elves

1 year ago

wallisface I made a few tweaks to make the list more +1+1 counters centered , what do you think now? I thought as the finisher as Joraga Warcaller + Bioshift (hopefully with at least one hardened scales) to boost all the board.

Growth-Chamber Guardian adapt ability can be decent but the thing was to drop it after Bramblewood Paragon to thin the deck a little bit and to have another fast creature in hand. Do you think its wrong? depending on the board Pelt Collector can reach 5/5 , i dont think thats too bad for a 1 drop that can be used to move the counters on Joraga Warcaller no? feel free to correct me. BotaNickill Thank you i'll give it a look :)

wallisface on Hardened elves

1 year ago

Imo your list would be better without Hardened Scales - the only card that utilises it well currently is Bramblewood Paragon (Pelt Collector just gets out of range of gaining more counters quicker, Growth-Chamber Guardian being a 5/5 instead of a 4/4 is meh, and the extra counter on Joraga Warcaller feels negligible).

I think, because you’re a stompy deck, you’d probably benefit from ditching Hardened Scales and Bioshift in favour of more stompy/aggressive cards, like Rancor and maybe Aspect of Hydra, or some Elf mana-dorks to help you spew your hand out onto the board quicker

TheoryCrafter on The Madness of Fractal Being Manifested

1 year ago

The biggest threat to your deck is Solemnity. I'd recommend some counterspells including, but not limited to, Decisive Denial, Quandrix Command and Voidslime.

If you can't prevent Solemnity from entering the battlefield, Fecundity and Soul Net will turn your 0/0 Fractals into a boon until cards such as Fade into Antiquity and Naturalize can be used. Your commander's static ability will also feed into it.

You may also wish to consider cards that affect or are affected by +1/+1 counters. These include, but not limited to, The Ozolith, Swarm Shambler, Bramblewood Paragon, Herald of Secret Streams, Vigean Graftmage, Experiment Kraj and Plaxcaster Frogling.

Scavenging Ooze can give your deck some much needed graveyard hate.

Have you considered Simic Ascendancy with all these cards creating creatures with +1/+1 counters on them? You can move growth counters from Simic Ascendancy to Paradox Zone by means of Nesting Grounds.

Other lands to consider for the deck are Cave of Temptation, Forge of Heroes, Littjara Mirrorlake, Llanowar Reborn, Novijen, Heart of Progress, Opal Palace, Oran-Rief, the Vastwood, Temple of Mystery and Tyrite Sanctum.

Other cards to consider for your deck are Altered Ego, Bioshift, Clone Legion, Hardened Scales, Jiang Yanggu, Wildcrafter, Kiora, Behemoth Beckoner, MirrorBox, Repudiate / Replicate and Slippery Bogbonder.

I hope this helps. Thank you for reading me out. Happy Hunting!

Bravo_Christian on Abzan Scales

2 years ago

Hey man, your deck is very similar to my abzan scales deck. I made mine when Khans first dropped and have made small improvements to it but it's still a pretty consistent deck.

For creatures I do run 1 Abzan Battle Priest and 2 Mer-Ek Nightblade. I Appreciate the buffs they give but that's usually after a few turns. Ainok Bond-Kin and Abzan Falconer are also great to have as they come out earlier and give creatures first strike and flying. You already have the falconer of course.

For spells I run Citadel Siege, Brave the Sands, Bioshift, Feat of Resistance, and Solidarity of Heroes. Kin-Tree Invocation is also very nice. Recently I paid two mana to get a 9/9 spirit. For removal I use Hunt the Weak, Naturalize, and Putrefy.

Don't forget about proliferate. You're using Planeswalkers to create tokens which will work, but I always find that Planeswalkers are easily removed. Cards like Courage in Crisis and Grateful Apparition are cards I've been thinking of adding and they might work for you too!

Seiva on Will Multani, Yavimaya's Avatar always …

2 years ago

If I use Bioshift to move counters from Multani, Yavimaya's Avatar will Multani stay with the same amount of counters due to his power being tied to the number of lands on the field and in the graveyard or would it need to re-enter the battlefield to regain its power?

Mornelith on

2 years ago

I'd try to fit in Hardened Scales if you can find room. Bioshift has also saved my game a few times as well.

nuperokaso on Simic counters

2 years ago



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