Belbe's Portal


As Belbe's Portal enters the battlefield, choose a creature type.

(3), Tap: You may put a creature card of the chosen type from your hand into play.

Thevenom on Angel tribal EDH

4 months ago

i have Caged Sun, Sol Ring, Gilded Lotus, Urza's Incubator i could put in here, also Belbe's Portal. Using this in a handful of games, it worked pretty well considering the mana issues i was looking at. Thanks for the info NV_1980 and taking time to stop by!

seshiro_of_the_orochi on Demon Days

4 months ago

Looking at the list, this deck seems to go reeeaaally hard. Nice! 34 lands seems a little light, though. Maybe try to get to 36 at least?

Coming to cards to suggest, how about Marshland Bloodcaster? It will help you cast some really big things basically for free. Two more great cards to cheat fatties out are Belbe's Portal and Cryptic Gateway.

Last_Laugh on Dragon's of Jund

8 months ago

Belbe's Portal would pit in some work here.

seshiro_of_the_orochi on Shadowheart/Acolyte of Bahamut

9 months ago

The fact that this is a Golgari dragons list that looks pretty intimidating is already worth an upvote. Awesome idea! Kokusho, the Evening Star is an obvious upgrade, but is pretty expensive. Two other ideas are Belbe's Portal and Cryptic Gateway

seshiro_of_the_orochi on Untap lands?

10 months ago

I'm asumming it's about a cheap mana base, then? Relic of Legends and Honor-Worn Shaku can help with that. Who is the designatic commander? Esika, God of the Tree  Flip would propably be your best option. Cryptic Gateway could also help you cheat costs, as would Belbe's Portal.

Rocketman988 on Defile Me Daddy Rakdos

11 months ago

Spectacular Showdown is also awesome- it can goad all opponents while adding double strike counters to all your creatures, which won't count towards Rakdos's non-demon count. Nyx Lotus seems like it may do more for you than Belbe's Portal, since Belbe's effect only works for cheating out specific creatures, but Nyx could be used to pay for anything in the deck!

TsaboTavoc on Belbe's Portal + Legend

1 year ago

OK thank you. More than a few things have changed since I last played this game. I found a post from Mark Rosewater that relates to this, and no surprise is from 2011, around the set Belbe's Portal was in.

legendofa on Belbe's Portal + Legend

1 year ago

No, the creature type Legend has been completely replaced by the supertype Legendary. Maraxus of Keld's typeline is Legendary Creature - Human Warrior, so in this example, naming Human or Warrior with Belbe's Portal would let you put down Maraxus. "Summon" is an old name for creature cards.

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