Baeloth Barrityl, Entertainer

Legendary Creature — Elf Shaman

Creatures your opponents control with power less than Baeloth Barrityl's power are goaded. (They attack each combat if able and attack a player other than you if able.)

Whenever a goaded attacking or blocking creature dies, you create a Treasure token.

Choose a Background. (You can have a Background as a second commander.)

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Belfore on Boros Enchantment Fort

1 month ago

Maybe Baeloth Barrityl, Entertainer for a little more consistents on your commander's abilities activating since you aren't the one attacking it seems. Or maybe Lightmine Field / Powerstone Minefield to punish attacking a bit, or you know some more chaos thrown in.

BX223Hunter on Voja, the Lone Wolf

4 months ago

Mirror Entity Would make your critters all elves and wolves too if you wanted another piece. I also like Baeloth Barrityl, Entertainer for the forced protection you get from him. Unless you think he's too slow?

Coward_Token on Murders at Karlov Manor

5 months ago

Disappointed with the new cards in the Boros deck. Too much politicking and random burn, not enough goading synergy. And the one good goading matters card doesn't work with Marisi, Breaker of the Coil or Jon Irenicus, Shattered One, my favored goading commanders. (Well, at least my rank #3 Baeloth Barrityl, Entertainer is happy.)

jarncards on Instigate

5 months ago

Spectacular Showdown. Here is the best card in your deck. keep in mind the doublestrike will also cause Firkraag's second ability to trigger twice per hit your opponents get on each other. Avatar of Slaughter, Total War, and Disrupt Decorum are probably the other best ones for killing everything.

Each of these are also good considerations depending on how you build. Agitator Ant | Baeloth Barrityl, Entertainer | Chaos Dragon | Goblin Spymaster | Sly Instigator | Goblin Diplomats | Grand Melee | Master Warcraft | Total War | War's Toll |

IHATENAMES on Slaughter Festival

6 months ago


Anger : haste is a powerful keyword.

Stormfist Crusader card draw on creature. Maybe better phyrexian arena.

I feel like this is one of those decks that I would focus in a game. Mainly because it can feel annoying to play against. Some sort of Crawlspace or goading card likeSpectacular Showdown or perhaps Baeloth Barrityl, Entertainer might be important. Good luck and hope you aren't at my table!

DreadKhan on BBEG Deck Ideas

9 months ago

If you want a more control oriented Goad deck there is Baeloth Barrityl, Entertainer, he's really silly with Raised by Giants as his Background. Baeloth's 'show' was to kidnap random people and force them to fight in his gladiatorial matches, it's not especially hard to raise Baeloth's power even higher, and as long as everything is Goaded he becomes fairly hard to block, and with Raised out he's a fairly hard hitter, though probably smaller than Thantis with the same amount of effort.

Rasaru on Ib Halfheart, Goblin Sac-tician [PRIMER]

9 months ago

While Baeloth Barrityl, Entertainer has a huge amount of potential, it does require some sort of board state to be effective. If you draw this card later in the game and had to pay 5 into it, when part of your sub-strategy is to sack mountains, will you have enough to play it? My guess is no. I'd rather run something more like Invasion Plans that caters more to the everything has to block a single kamikaze goblin strategy :D

I also recently threw in The One Ring to protect myself and give me access to a bit of additional draw. If only the Ring could tempt Ib....

KayneMarco on THE FIRST RULE OF GOAD CLUB - Forced Combat

11 months ago

And with all the +1/+1 counters your deck can put on critters Baeloth Barrityl, Entertainer would be a good fit as well.

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