Avacyn, the Purifier

Legendary Creature — Angel


When Archangel Avacyn  Flip creature transforms into this, this deals 3 damage to each other creature and each opponent.

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Extricator of Sin
Firesong and Sunspeaker
Truefire Captain
Angel of Grace
Venerable Warsinger
Guilty Conscience

Kogarashi on Can I play fate transfer …

4 years ago

For future reference, the color identity of a card is determined by:

  • All mana symbols in its casting cost (including both halves of a hybrid mana symbol)
  • All mana symbols in its rules text (but not reminder text)
  • Any color-defining text in the rules text
  • Any color indicator on the type line (such as on the reverse face of a double-faced card)

So, per each:

  • Fate Transfer has a hybrid mana symbol. Both halves count, so it is both blue and black.
  • Bosh, Iron Golem has a red mana symbol in its rules text, so it has a red identity. Crypt Ghast's Orzhov symbol is in reminder text, so it doesn't count, and the Ghast is only black.
  • Older printings of Ancestral Vision contain the text "Ancestral Vision is blue." This sets the color identity even though there are no blue mana symbols on the card. It's important to note that Devoid ("this card is colorless") does not apply in this case, as Devoid cards still have mana symbols that inform their color identity.
  • Newer printings of Ancestral Vision have a color indicator on the type line (the blue circle). This sets the color even though there are still no blue mana symbols, and the "(This spell) is blue" text has been removed. These indicators are on the reverse of double-faced cards, so while Archangel Avacyn  Flip is white, its reverse, Avacyn, the Purifier, is red, making the card's identity red/white. This one trips up the most people, it seems.

dragonstryke58 on Devoid and Color Identity

4 years ago

Just an addition to Tylord2894's explanation of color identity:

Color identity also includes any color indicators in the type line. An example would be Archangel Avacyn  Flip and it's flip Avacyn, the Purifier. Archangel Avacyn  Flip would have a color identity of white and red due to the red color indicator on the type line of Avacyn, the Purifier.

austintayshus on The Holy Clap Back (update v1.3)

4 years ago

Also I meant to suggest Archangel Avacyn  Flip who flips into Avacyn, the Purifier .

austintayshus on The Holy Clap Back (update v1.3)

4 years ago

This is an interesting build.

I would add more multi-colored creatures and/or more angels, 16 creatures just doesn't feel right in a Naya deck. Probably cut down on the instant and sorcery spells and add in cards like Lyra Dawnbringer and Avacyn, the Purifier and Sigarda, Host of Herons and Basandra, Battle Seraph .

Since you're using green to ramp, I would also replace some of your mana rocks with land ramp spells like Cultivate and Rampant Growth . Artifacts get destroyed all the time to Vandalblast and similar effects, but lands tend to be much safer (unless your meta is really mean lol).

You might also consider more card draw. I only counted 3 cards that allow you to draw more cards, none of which were recurrable or particularly potent. I think your deck will be much more powerful if you add more draw effects. Most commander decks are okay with about 10 such cards. For this deck I would recommend Hunter's Insight and Rishkar's Expertise and Lifecrafter's Bestiary and The Immortal Sun and Vanquisher's Banner and Keen Sense .

BMHKain on What to add/cut for cEDH …

5 years ago

I thought the last time was the final time I converse w/ such a Dark Art, but...

cEDH Boros is so CRUEL, they'll never give up!

Commander / EDH* BMHKain


After all the times I have thought of, even w/ multiple Wincons (Even a One-Sided Helm of Obedience + Rest in Peace where everyone but you mills their library combined w/ some artifice that untaps. (BTW, I really like the Rest in Peace in Signature Spellbook: Gideon. Very well done flavor. T_T

Since I'm trying to do an infinite combo on such a duo, that's not the only combo I'd want to do. Outside of the other two combos focusing on infinite damage or even infinite Combat Phases, I've several things to address.

A: Are there any other truly competitive Boros Combos so few ever talk of that are also cEDH worthy? It's quite fine if you say no, if none; in such a case, I already have three as it is.

B: With stuff coming from War of the Spark (WAR), & Modern Horizon (MH1), I already have Prismatic Vista , & even the new Talisman of Conviction (My very conviction right now is making an archetype truly good; If so few cEDH Commanders can win before Turn Three, I'll have to try & take advantage of this fact before even those that are close to doing it also suffer. But the limits of Boros are truly high, so even if a Tier 3 can somehow beat even a Tier 2, that in itself is Manipulating Fate itself.), can you guys think of anything good from either set in Boros colors already not used yet?

C: The CMDR that will prepare for Pre-Flight, & Ultimately, shine above all others. For this list, I'll mention some things that might actually work, but I'm also mentioning everyone else in a hard decision for a CMDR for this:

* Adriana, Captain of the Guard : Was there an Aggro for cEDH? Yes, actually. Breakfast Hulk Thrasios / Tymna . Ironically, there are many variants of this trope, though the strict rule (Mostly.) is that you need Protean Hulk . Boros doesn't even have a card like that in their colors, otherwise, it actually would have such combos in mind. For this, the ol' Hulk Combo is out; unless you have a secret 4th combo that can be used here as a kind of Hulk combo; & no, we're not Naga Wizards capable of Sultai () Magic, much less stuff that might as well have in a CMDR's Color identity (We already have A Snow Creature w/ that as it is.). Regardless, anyone who has an idea for a Hulk Alternative for Boros, Post IMMEDIATELY. I'd love to put it in no matter how slow. For now...

* Agrus Kos, Wojek Veteran : Strictly worse than Adriana. Instead of tapping like mad, those in you control get +2/+0, while creatures also attacking get +0/+2. (Attacking creatures w/ defense support. (Screams Internally).) At least Adriana attacks, & the others get a bonus for attacking all the same! Again, we need a Boros Hulk Combo of some kind.

* Akiri, Line-Slinger : This one actually makes more sense than both former cards (& maybe more.). First Strike, & Vigilance means she can Attack, & Block many threats. While her toughness is relatively low; only 3, Akiri's Power, although starting at 0, increases for each artifact you control. Since this has a crapton on of them, this might actually go far; in addition to the fact this can strike, & block at the same turn. Do NOT underestimate a Kor that uses lines af if she is a Kusari-Gama Practioner...

* Anax and Cymede : Like the aforementioned Akiri, this King & Queen duo of Akros has both First Strike & Vigilance; but Heroic really hurts them more than most. Heroic requires these two to be targeted by a spell you control, not an ability. Stuff that enters play has to target these before their part of the Stack resolves; & we don't even have anything to back this up! Why can't we just act like Assassins, & murder both rulers w/o anyone noticing?

* Anya, Merciless Angel : This Angel is Automatic crap. No opponent would go near 20 just to make this Warrior of God have Indestructible, much less have a +3/+3 boost. Is this possible anywhere? The answer is no. Easily one of the worst Boros Commanders in my book; We already have better flyers anyway.

* Aurelia, Exemplar of Justice : Better than anything the Wojec Troops can even allow in, the 2nd iteration of Aurelia Flies better, gives a +1/+1 Counter on those w/ lower power; but that's not saying much, she has only 2 Power, & 5 Toughness. & while Agrus would be jealous of the fact she gives Creatures Vigilance, is opposed to a meaningless +0/+2, Aurelia is certainly no leader of a Guild that is reckless in combat for so long. If it means Mana Bleed, The Legion needs a better leader...

* Aurelia, the Warleader : Ah, OI! We already have her in the 99 via a combo! We don't need her as a Commander on her own terms!

* Basandra, Battle Seraph : Another surprisingly decent Leader of War, &... (sigh)... A sadist; but we've seen worse in Mono- alone. Anyways, She flies, Locksdown spells in combat, & even forces enemy creatures to attack; three great qualities such a CMDR needs in these colors. We now have our potential applicant Numero Dos, alongside Akiri, Line-Slinger . Is it possible this deck might have its own Dominatrix-sama? Well, we're certainly not finished here, we still have more...

* Brion Stoutarm : Easily my choice for Giant Tribal, but NOT a cEDH Commander. Lifelink is really good here, unless somebody makes you want to gain life from a card in play. Really discerning when everything a Giant Tribe Leader throws at your opponents is truly horrific as you gain life. Only one card like this also exists as a Commander in this identity. & "they" have much higher potential than this Beast; which, contrary to popular children's jokes, has a Bigger Brain than even Aminatou's head as a whole. XP

* Bruse Tarl, Boorish Herder : Where Akiri succeeds in pure raw power, & can still react, ol Bruce (Because Bruse as a name makes no sense at all.), however, is the idiot Herder that's not only an idiot, but not even a dumb fattie. He has to enter play or attack to grant ONE creature Double Strike, & Lifelink. One creature isn't going to cut it, Ally of Tazri. This is basically combat restricted; & only on your turn. What a damned waste.

(& while we're at it...)

Akiri, & Bruce as Partners (Meaning you only need to worry about 98 other garbage.) does make both Allies better than they initially were (w/ Akiri.), or will never be (w/ Bruce.). One shotting an opponent by bypassing Akiri's First Strike & converting it to Double Strike does make winning a lot easier, but we already have an infinite combat phase combo anyway, so, why the hell should I care?!

* Depala, Pilot Exemplar : Depala was never meant to be truly good, but the problem with this monstrosity is that Depala is meant as a Tribe Leader backed up w/ more Vehicualar Manslaughtering Depala should've had as a Commander. Sure, Dwarves are great here, but we're making a deck that can seriously perform, not make a Dwarf army that act like reckless idiots that do just fine on their own (Most Dwarves as of the Kaladesh Block don't have to rely on Vehicular Destruction for the most part.) Don't get me wrong, some Vehicles are awesome, but so few are truly great, & even Depala barely knows any of them; she just wants to make an army of Vehicle piloted Dwarves. Maybe a Five Vehicle Group that behaves like GoLion/Voltron, or even Daizyujin/the Dino Megazord would be fun... ^_^

* Feather, the Redeemed : This may as well go down in MTG history as the greatest Boros Commander ever. This is also a kind of Commander that says: Your mileage may vary. Since we aren't running a lot of Nonperms in comparison to the rest of this deck, this is actually useless. Good cost and all, but even recurring the few Nonperms makes this a waste. However, it does get an Honorable Mention for getting the closest so far for being of cEDH quality... ...Until you realize 2 Minotaur would love to say: Konnichi-AH!

* Firesong and Sunspeaker : Burn everything, & gain life for it. These two Minotaurs would love you playing some big burn spells in exchange for healing you if they aren't Permanents. But loves burning the crap out of anything, & is complemented by 's ability to heal as the fire settles. Regardless though, even to this day, I really wanted to find a loophole w/ these beasties in which you gain life, while your opponent gets cremated, & lasts for eternity; all w/o some ruling WotC declared, or a card that its effects don't end even after the smoldering. Anyone who can find such a card, let me know right away; I'd love to make this kind of deck... ;)

* Gisela, Blade of Goldnight : Flying, First Strike, Doubling damage from you, & even halving opposing damage, rounding up; Gisela is one of the greatest Angels in MTG History, considering her pure presence as she enters play, her overall power & Grace is a monster to beheld. But that's not saying much; Gisela has gotten significantly weaker than it originally was. Gisela #1's flaws come from a manacost you won't pay in time. & even using the wrath of Gisela is probably better off w/ Heartless Hidetsugu & a damage doubler that at least leaves you w/ one life, rounded up... As for damage, even Aurelia, the Warleader & even Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker can do so much better at a faster rate.

* Iroas, God of Victory : Having a God in these colors are great. Indestructible is also good. Having a Dolmen Gate effect is amazing, & giving all your creatures Menace? The only restriction is your Devotion & Conviction to both & needs to be 7up, otherwise, it's not a creature. But if Aggro is hellish in this manner, What other Commander of The Legion would you want? This makes Iroas Boros cEDH Commander #3; alongside Akiri, Line-Slinger , & Basandra, Battle Seraph ; But I can't stress this out; Boros needs its own Hulk Combo in such colors; I don't care if it means adding artifice!

* Jor Kadeen, the Prevailer : First Strike has already been demonstrated before in very well done manner. Metalcraft will give your creatures +3/+0 as long as you have 3 or more Artifacts. No pressure, we already have a lot. & a 5/4 is not that scoffable to a degree either. There's just one problem. Jor himself; he has to be in play to use his Metalcrafting of otherwise, Phyrexian alloy. W/o one of the few Mirran Resistance members left, that boost ceases to exist. Don't get me wrong, an 8/4 is uncalled of, but that's just an idea for a really stupid fat cell massing. It's no wonder the Praetors won; how many Mirran are left?

* Kalemne, Disciple of Iroas : Just shortly after talking about Iroas himself, we have what should be a Disciple of that God. Not even close. Double Strike & Vigilange all at once is amazing; but, that is all. During Commander 2015, there were several Commanders of enemy 2 colors, some better than others. If you want to know who, I'll explain your Folly!

* Meren of Clan Nel Toth : Gains an experience counter every time a creature besides Meren you control dies. The more experience Meren has during the end step, the bigger creatures she can recur back into play!

* Mizzix of the Izmagnus : When you cast an Instant or Sorcery more than the number of experience counters, you gain one. Each counter represent one less to cast them.

* Daxos the Returned : For every Enchantment you cast, you gain an experience counter. You can create a Spirit Enchantment Creature w/ X/X where X in the number of experience counters you have.

* Ezuri, Claw of Progress : When you cast a creature with Power 2 or less enters play, you get an experience counter. At the beginning of Combat, another creature gets +X/+X, where X is the number of Experience Counters.

But what about this Giant? Hold onto your butts. It sucks. She requires to cast creatures w/ 5CMC or more to even grant you a counter of this kind. What do you get in return? Just a +1/+1 boost for each counter. While you are trying to afford to cast fatties that suck, someone might say to you about this whimp: "I beat you in 5 turns." (Your usual Commander Game.), "I beat you in 2 turns', (Now we're reaching cEDH level territory, but only slightly.) or worse: "You lose before your next turn."! Boros doesn't have time for trying to buff your creatures in such a slow speed, & neither should the God of Victory himself!

* Munda, Ambush Leader : Thought Boros Commanders were bad already? Even Tazri herself (Himself?) would relieve this imbecile of duty permanently, & feed her to the Eldrazi Swarm. Haste is alright, but all other things about this being blow. As an Ally, Munda just searches your Top 4 cards of your library to find one thing; at least one other Ally to Topdeck. The rest is put onto the bottom of your library in a random order. The Pinnacle of Dishonorable Mentions in Boros? Your pick, Boss.

* Razia, Boros Archangel : Actually, THIS is the Pinnacle of Dishonorable Mentions in the colors allotted. 8CMC basically means you'll already be too late to cast this Outcast of the Legion (Even w/ Mana Rocks, this is a very hard task, even in a Base Commander Game.)! & even if you can cast this, her abilities are truly lackluster. Flying, Vigilance, & Haste would've all been amazing, IF RAZIA WAS DAMN CHEAPER TO CAST! Even tapping her to even redirect combat damage compromises her "already awesome in these colors" Vigilance! & she can only handle 3 of that damage! Uh... I hope you don't mind, Razia-sama, but I'm going to have to Lightning Bolt your ass to nothing. SPECIAL DELIVERY!

* Tajic, Blade of the Legion : The Guildrunner of Boros Legion has some very awesome tricks. First, he's indestructible, & 2nd, if he & at least 2 others attack, he gets +5/+5. This boosts him from a meager 2/2 to a freaking 7/7. There's just one problem w/ this. The bonus isn't shared to other attackers you declare, & Tajic himself just was nominated by the Boros Legion to find an end to a certain "Implicit Maze". Just fighting w/ two others only to have you w/ all the benefits reaped to you & all others pissed at you for not having such abilities? Pass.

* Tajic, Legion's Edge : Haste actually seems to work better here, Tajic also has more potential w/ Mentor than Aurelia can ever dream of doing. Also, Noncombat Damage dealt to creatures besides Tajic are negated. Even Paying for first strike seems sound here. The only problem w/ this is that nearly all Tajic has just seem's... underwhelming... Oh well, Maybe I'm not cut up to be a Legion Cadet after all. Oh well, time to Swab the Deck; speaking of this...

* Tiana, Ship's Caretaker : Flying & First Strike in the Air sounds awesome. Being able to recur Auras, & Equipment back to your hand at the next end step is also awesome. One problem though; we already have a merciless Guild Leader w/ her own combo. Nice try, Tiana. Swab the Deck, dammit. Jhoira stated the direct order.

* Archangel Avacyn  Flip: A Flashing into Play Commander in Boros? Nice. Flying? Great. Vigilance? Is this my life I'm living? I'm doubting this. Indestructible for all you creatures, including Ava-fricken-cyn?! OMG! How can she get better than that? Well, let's kill off one of our own, (One turn later.) Holy... Avacyn is Transforming? I'm fricken loving this! She is now... Avacyn, the Purifier . S---. I'm going to have to tank that damage, & I've seen better use of damage anyway. Regardless, I actually do recommend Archangel Avacyn  Flip regardless. The Road so far? Akiri, Line-Slinger , Basandra, Battle Seraph , Iroas, God of Victory , & now Archangel Avacyn  Flip reach the best thus far, Boros' Fantastic 4; just, not the MARVEL franchise; it sucks.

* Khorvath Brightflame & Sylvia Brightspear : I might need a famous weapon to smite these two... Easily one of the Worse Duos from Battlebond, I'd rather use Akiri & Bruce over these anyday. Starting w/ Khorvath, I love the Flying & Haste thing going on thus far, but a duo where Knights & Dragons are the ultimate enemies? So why would Khorvath Brightflame, Envoy of the End give your Knights his exact abilities?! Sylvia Brightspear, Envoy of the Beginning has Double Strike, but gives Dragons the same thing. Merely just Vanilla Statistics, this is Tier 5 garbage, Envoy of Post-Time. We've already explored numerous times that Tribal Components in cEDH don't work so well. This is the last I'll say that here. Also the last thing I'll say is If anyone has an idea for a Boros Hulk Combo, let me know!

Overall: Akiri, Line-Slinger , Basandra, Battle Seraph , Iroas, God of Victory , & now Archangel Avacyn  Flip are the four candidates for this kind of deck. All that said, I just want to cut to 100 cards, find even just one more combo if needed, & at least playtest from there. If you have something to add, here, you must also suggest a cut as well, or, just simply mention a cut. I want to make the most competitive Boros can ever make, where all others failed. Wish all of us good luck.

Oh, BTW, as I'm making a Simic deck, I read Rashmi, Eternities Crafter can cast cards like Wildest Dreams nonstop. Since that card is an X-Cost, how do cards leave exile in such a way done in her colors? Kruphix would love to put her in...

Caerwyn on Anyone knows if lone rider …

5 years ago

For future reference, when you have questions regarding rules, cards, or card interactions, you can use the Rules Q&A section of this site. Unlike the regular forums, you have the option to "Mark as Answer" a button to indicate your question has been resolved and you have no more follow-ups. I have taken the liberty of moving your thread--if you could mark an answer once this matter has been resolved, that would be appreciated.

A card's colour is determined by the mana symbols in its mana cost or its colour indicator (a dot next to its card type, such as Ancestral Vision having a Blue colour indicator). This only looks at the card face that is showing. For example, Archangel Avacyn  Flip is mono-White, even though its back face, Avacyn, the Purifier is Red due to a colour indicator.

Lone Rider  Flip is only a White permanent. As such, it will only receive the +1/+2 effect from Edge of Divinity.

It That Rides as One , on the other hand, lacks a casting cost and a colour indicator--thus it is a colourless creature. As such, once your Lone Rider  Flip transforms into It That Rides as One , it will go from being a White creature receiving the White benefit of Edge of Divinity to being a colourless creature, receiving neither benefit from Edge of Divinity.

Daedalus19876 on Advertise your COMMANDER deck!

5 years ago

Taking a look now.

Anyone have any thoughts on the rebuild of my well-known Avacyn, the Purifier EDH deck? I'm shifting it from straight-up Voltron to a hatebears list with Voltron subthemes, and enjoying the new version a lot!

Judgment Day: Avacyn the Purifier EDH [REDUX]

Commander / EDH Daedalus19876


Daedalus19876 on Judgment Day: Avacyn the Purifier EDH [REDUX]

5 years ago

Darkshadow327: My meta is one where spot removal is more helpful than full wraths, honestly? Not to mention that Ghostly Prison is often better than a wrath against token decks (in terms of combat), and Avacyn, the Purifier 's damage can often do the trick against mana dorks and smaller creatures. But in this deck I mostly want to prevent my opponents' silliness from happening at all (say, with Spirit of the Labyrinth or Containment Priest ) rather than focusing on answering it after-the-fact (which Boros is very bad at generally).

hkhssweiss: Thanks for the comment. I'd like to avoid ETB-hate (because several things in my deck only work with ETBs, and Containment Priest tends to deal with dedicated ETB spam well enough). However, Devoted Caretaker is very interesting (sorta like a second, less-good Mother of Runes ), and Grand Abolisher is something I really should be playing :/ I'm not a fan of Spelltithe Enforcer or Leonin Arbiter (I don't like giving my opponents choices when using hatebears), and while Gorilla Shaman is really good in Vintage I'm not much of a fan in EDH (he's only good dealing with 0-cost artifacts, and there's rarely more than 5 of those in any deck save Jhoira). Harsh Mentor was something I considered here, but I have found it's very meta-dependent and doesn't do enough work for me. And while I like Sunforger packages, I think that I have enough in those slots (and most of those options are pretty bad outside of their synergy with Sunforger itself). Thanks for your thoughts!

Any of you have any ideas on what you would cut?

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