Avacyn, Angel of Hope

Legendary Creature — Angel

Flying, vigilance, indestructible

Other permanents you control have indestructible.

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Waste Land (Playtest)
Vengeful Townsfolk
Stagecoach Security
Zealots en-Dal
Capashen Templar
Guardian Angel

TypicalTimmy on Card creation challenge

1 week ago

Fair Market Value


Gain control of target nonland permanent and untap it. Its controller creates a number of treasure tokens equal to that permanents mana value plus 3.


And yes, you could target your own permanent! So perhaps you target your own Avacyn, Angel of Hope and create 11 treasures, which nets you 7!

:D mono-white ramp ftw!!

Wild :3

TheForsakenOne on You Shall Not Pass

2 weeks ago

What I'd cut:

Pilgrim's Eye: Not a very good rate, and it doesn't even ramp

Eldrazi Displacer: You don't have enough colorless mana producers to make this consistent, and there are better flicker effects you have acess to

Eight-and-a-Half-Tails: Clunky protection when it isn't really needed

Avacyn, Angel of Hope: Sadly just a win-more card in this case. If it sticks around sure you're probably going to win but you'll be enemy #1 and you're likely not going to survive that

Sword of Feast and Famine: Probably the most overpriced of the swords, and the most likely to draw hate. It looks good on paper but without a way to capitalize on it you're going to bite off more than you can chew.

The Wanderer: Not worth the 4 mana. There are just better cards that could be run.

Ephemeral Shields is kind of a weird addition. Its just not very good.

2-3 Plains: 38 is just a bit high for a deck that peaks at 3 cmc cards. Maybe add more ramp instead

Suggestions to add

The MDFC's are just great to have due to their flexibility: https://scryfall.com/search?as=gridℴ=name&q=type%3Aland+commander%3AW+%28game%3Apaper%29+is%3Amdfc

You don't have that many ways to sacrifice artifacts despite having several triggers off of. The standards are Trading Post, Arcbound Ravager and for this deck Oswald Fiddlebender is great because it tutors out another artifact for free. Kuldotha Forgemaster is a must because it can turn some of your dud artifacts into a portal or blighsteel, and at instant speed too.

Metalwork Colossus is just fun, plus with all your expendable artifacts it can be quite persistent

Wurmcoil Engine is just great, and doubling that death trigger is fantastic. Can't play its new little brother, because he's black, but the original is still a classic

Threefold Thunderhulk has two ETB's that can be copied, and he's a sacrifice outlet. I would also recommend Hangarback Walker since you can double the death trigger

If you put in enough Artifact sacrifices cards like Scrap Trawler, Myr Retriever, and Loran, Disciple of History to recur them back to your hand. Also consider Syr Ginger, the Meal Ender for payoffs to all that sacrificing.

Its a dead horse, but Swords to Plowshares and Path to Exile are never bad choices.

DemonDragonJ on Why Have There Been So …

3 weeks ago

Defensive cards have always been a part of the game, but I have noticed that recent defensive cards have been instants and sorceries, rather than permanents; of course, Teferi's Protection, Flawless Maneuver, and Flare of Fortitude are all excellent cards, but the fact that they are instants requires a player to spend additional resources to reuse them, which I dislike; when was the last time that there was a card such as Story Circle, Righteous Aura, or Martyr's Cause, which are all permanents, so players can easily reuse their abilities; recently, WotC did print Avacyn, Angel of Hope, Avacyn, Guardian Angel, Gisela, Blade of Goldnight, or any version of Sigarda, but they are the exception, rather than the norm, for defensive cards, so I very much would like to see a greater frequency of permanents that protect players and prevent damage.

What does everyone else say about this? Why have there been so few defensive permanents, recently, or am I simply complaining and seeing only what I wish to see?

MartinEMcArthur on If an opponent and I …

1 month ago

Sorry if a question like this has been asked a million times, but the other night my buddies were saying that the legendary rule keeps two of the same legendary’s from being on the battlefield at the same time regardless of who’s controlling them. I’m not sure if that’s true though. Last Sunday I was playing with coworkers and a dude made a token copy of my Avacyn, Angel of Hope and no one brought up the legendary rule. I’ve read the part of the rule that says: “If two or more legendary permanents with the same name are controlled by the same player, that player chooses one of them, and the rest are put into their owners' graveyards.” I don’t see how that would keep opponents from making a copy of someone else’s legendary, or even keep two opponents from playing the same commander. If there’s a part in the rule that I’m overlooking please let me know and thanks in advance.

Renegadespider on Help improve my deck pls

2 months ago


So I'm trying to make the ulimate Genesis Deck that focuses on cheating out Creatures and producing lots of mana to activate Spawnsire, Avacyn, Angel of Hope is for boardwipe protection Archetype of Endurance is for targeting Exile protection, Nylea's Disciple is for life gain from using The One Ring for draw and all the Genesis Cards to cheat my Board state out, except Gelatinous Genesis which for an alt win con. I've managed to get everything out by turn 4 before...but it just doesn't feel fast enough, I brick way too often, by either drawing way too much mana or not drawing enough mana, any advice?

kirbysan on [Primer] Helming the Host of Heaven *Update*

2 months ago

I would definitely run Trouble in Pairs over Mangara, the Diplomat. Unfortunately it doesn’t come in foil and I’ve made it a point to foil out my entire Giada deck.

2 non-angel cards I have my eye on are Lost Jitte and Collector’s Cage.

With Jitte I’d probably stack counters and dump them all at once to untap a strong land like Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx or Lotus Field.

For the cage I like the idea of doing hideaway on something big like Avacyn, Angel of Hope or Serra's Emissary for board wipe protection and a big swinger on your turn. You can then reset it with Guardian of Ghirapur or something that blinks it.

UltimateRoxas40 on Lazav Mill n' Kill

5 months ago

Cool deck! I used to run a Lazav, Dimir Mastermind mill deck, but ended up turning it into Captain N'ghathrod. I still have Lazav in it though.

One card that I ran with Lazav is Grinning Totem. It seems innocent enough, but it's effectively a tutor for Lazav. You can pick the best/strongest/biggest creature out of an opponents deck, then either cast it if you want/can, or just wait until the next upkeep, when it goes back to it's owners graveyard. Since Lazavs trigger says 'From anywhere...', he can turn into that creature. Turn him into an Emrakul, the Promised End or Avacyn, Angel of Hope. I've gotten some pretty salty looks after using it haha.

raspberryfish25 on The Kaalia Battalia

5 months ago

Hey, I really enjoy your Kaalia deck but, one thing I noticed, you don’t have a lot of ways to protect Kaalia while she is on the board. A few cards I run in my personal Kaalia deck to help with this are: Galadriel's Dismissal, Teferi's Protection, Mithril Coat, Sephara, Sky's Blade, Earnest Fellowship, Malakir Rebirth  Flip and, Sejiri Shelter  Flip.

Both Teferi’s Protection and Gladriel’s Dismissal basically do the same job of not just protecting Kaalia but your entire board from spot removal and mass removal. Gladriel’s Dismissal also has the two added bonuses of in a pinch just being able to protect Kaalia or using it on your opponent to remove all their blockers for a turn. Mithril Coat is more niche but, has protected Kaalia a few times from targeted removal spells. What I like about the coat is I can play it at instant speed so I can possibly bait an opponent into waisting one of their removal spells on Kaalia. Sephara, Sky’s Blade is a slightly worse Avacyn, Angel of Hope which you are already running. Earnest Fellowship is a card I find a lot of people sleep on. At first glance the enchantment does not look like it would do that much but with it out you’re giving Kaalia protection from the three most prominent removal colors. I have had this card in my Kaalia deck for years and I have lost count how many times an opponent has went to cast a removal spell on Kaalia only to realize that they can’t because Kaalia has protection from it. Lastly, both MDFCs should almost be an auto include because they only things they are replacing is a basic plains and swamp.

I see you run a lot more spot removal then I personally do in my Kaalia deck which is not a bad thing I have just found it is not as necessary. Instead, I focus more on mass removal because, I have found in most games getting rid of one or two cards on the battlefield does not help me when I am behind. However, resetting the board when the table has shut me down helps me out immensely allowing me to claw back into the game.

A few mass removal cards I would consider are Damn, Farewell, Crux of Fate, and Scourge of Kher Ridges. Damn is just an upgraded version of Damnation because it has the flexibility to be spot removal or mass removal. Farewell is arguably the best removal spell in the format because outside of Planeswalkers it can deal with anything making it so versatile plus as an added bonus it exiles instead of destroys. Crux of Fate is unique because your deck is already running a ton of dragons so why not possibly save your board of dragons while you clear everything else out of your way? Speaking of dragons, I stumbled upon Scourge of Kher Ridges awhile back and man has this card impressed me so much. You cheat it into play with Kaalia then for you get to do 2 damage to all creatures without flying! Best thing is you can activate the ability as soon as Scourge hits the table. As long as Scourge is out you are able to shut down all non-flying creatures. Plus 99% of the creatures in your deck have flying so you don’t have to worry about any of your creatures taking damage.

Sorry if this was a longer than normal post. Overall, I really like the direction you took your Kaalia deck.

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