Asylum Visitor

Creature — Vampire Wizard

At the beginning of each player's upkeep, if that player has no cards in their hand, you draw a card and lose 1 life.

Madness (If you discard this card, you may cast it for its madness cost instead of putting it into your graveyard.)

SefTheReject on

1 year ago

All suggestions are mono black vampires and fit more of an aristocrats build.

Lords - Captivating Vampire buffs the squad and gives the ability of stealing an opponent’s creature

Vampire Nocturnus buffs the squad, gives evasion and since you’re mono black can play with the top of your library visible

1 drops - Knight of the Ebon Legion is the best 1 drop vamp imo. Can buff itself, gains permanent buffs and doubles as removal mid-late game

Viscera Seer a great sac target and let’s you scry 1

Vampire Cutthroat has skulk and lifelink

Vampire Lacerator a 2/2 for 1, you take one damage unless your opponent has 10 or less life

Indulgent Aristocrat a decent buffer with a sac engine

Guul Draz Vampire gains a buff if the opponent has 10 or less life

Pulse Tracker opponent takes 1 damage when it attacks

2 drops - Cordial Vampire not a lord in name, but has that buffing ability and triggers when ANYTHING dies. Buffs the team more efficiently than any lord imo.

Bloodghast a vital piece imo, it can’t block, but comes back when you play a land

Blood Artist a key piece for an aristocrat build, combos great with cordial and Vito

Asylum Visitor for card draw and the ability to come back

Kalastria Highborn great addition for a drain and gain/aristocrat build

Vraan, Executioner Thane combos great with Vito

Stromkirk Condemned can buff the team for a turn

Vampire Hexmage great sideboard piece for dealing with counters

Gifted Aetherborn might be favorite vampire, but doesn’t fit an aristocrat build

3 drops - Sorin, Imperious Bloodlord the only walker you need. Buffs, gives deathtouch & lifelink to a vampire, acts as a Lightning Helix and you cheat out a vampire

Silversmote Ghoul is a perfect target for Sorin’s second ability and comes back at the end of your end step

Vampire Nighthawk one of the best vampires imo, has evasion, deathtouch and lifelink, but doesn’t fit the aristocrat build

Nighthawk Scavenger a vampire goyf

Drana, Liberator of Malakir has evasion, first strike and buffs attacking creatures

Lands - Cavern of Souls an absolute MUST for any tribal build

Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth flips things to swamps

Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx is great for all devotion the build will have

Castle Locthwain for card draw later

Prismatic Vista, Verdant Catacombs, Polluted Delta, Marsh Flats & Bloodstained Mire to fetch and thin out your deck to keep the gas flowing.

TheVectornaut on Mono-Black Budget

1 year ago

Based on the profile name, description, and seeming inaccuracy of the price stated, I'm guessing this is an AI-based account. Still, I do like budget black decks like this. On the off chance that a human reads this, I'll offer some advice from my experience. First, there's no real reason to be running Gravecrawler here with no other zombies. Something like Dread Wanderer, Bloodsoaked Champion, or Cult Conscript could serve a similar role for much cheaper. On the draw side, Necropotence could be Phyrexian Arena or Midnight Oil, but I really like Blood Scrivener and Asylum Visitor for refilling from empty. For removal, cards like Sinister Concoction and Bone Shards can take advantage of creatures that return from the grave while Bone Picker offers an evasive threat and answer for cheap. For finishers, I like Mogis's Marauder or Foul-Tongue Shriek for a lot of matchups and Gray Merchant of Asphodel for others.

Kret on Blackness EDH

1 year ago

Hello from a covert discard enjoyer. My suggestion is that the discard itself won't win you the game and If I were you I'd cut some discard spells that target only a single player like Duress or Invoke Despair because they are quite inefficient in a 4 player game as well as some discard spells that only discard one card like Burglar Rat because again they are quite inefficient. Bad Deal isn't what you want to be doing for 6 mana. Instead, I'd add Painful Quandary because it has a static effect and in a low resource environment your opponents will have to start paying 5 life to do anything and that feels really miserable. Discard goes well with reanimation, I'd add all 3 versions of Animate Dead -> Dance of the Dead and Necromancy. Unfortunately discard players often get focused by the table so I like to add something like Gray Merchant of Asphodel to keep life total high. Consider also Bone Miser, Soul Shatter, Sign in Blood, Rankle, Master of Pranks, Bottomless Pit, all versions of Plaguecrafter, Asylum Visitor and Containment Construct. In general I'd prioritise static discard effects (like discard one card every upkeep etc) over single dicard effects.

Madcookie on Every -sexy- card art

1 year ago

I was making a similar artwork list and stumbled upon yours. It's very good and I found some great additions. I'd like to suggest some other cards I've found myself:

Wakedancer, Bloodbond Vampire, Asylum Visitor, Guul Draz Vampire, Stream of Unconsciousness, Beguiler of Wills, Nin, the Pain Artist, Oriss, Samite Guardian, Cursebreak, Ruthless Cullblade and Manaforge Cinder


immakinganezehaldeck on Anje Reanimator (Casual CEDH)

1 year ago

11/23/22 - Madness update

I'm really low on madness cards. Needs to be far higher for an anje deck.




Removed most end game threats + interaction that didn't have madness, since madness tech needs to be there in high density and the deck can win through that stuff mainly.

lhetrick13 on Sucks to Suck (Damage Themed)

1 year ago

Chasmolinker - Ohhhh...Asylum Visitor has some merit for when I blow though my hand pretty quick. I did not even think of that. Good suggestion!

Rancor has been a solid addition. With the focus on applying pressure by dealing damage to an opponent with low cost vampires that then pump themselves and/or others when that condition is met, Rancor is a great low cost option I can cast over and over to keep that pressure applied.

Chasmolinker on Sucks to Suck (Damage Themed)

1 year ago

You're Welcome! This is a cool take on Jund with a great Tribal theme. How has Rancor been? Have you tried Asylum Visitor

TheOfficialCreator on Historic Mono-Black Help

1 year ago

Hello everyone!

I am looking to improve my deck: Mono-Black Historic Artisan.

Specifically, I wanted to be able to accelerate the game in the middle. In my playtesting I have noticed that the deck struggles to keep pace in the mid game if it cannot take out opponents early on. I have pinpointed the issue as a lack of sizable card advantage. Cling to Dust and Asylum Visitor are my only current sources of draw, but I'm trying to look for better ways to draw cards and make the deck more efficient at bringing out its wincons.

Also, is there a way to make Cauldron Familiar and Witch's Oven go infinite? Is there, like, a creature that can do this?

Thanks in advance!

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