Armored Skaab

Creature — Zombie Warrior

When Armored Skaab enters the battlefield, put the top four cards of your library into your gravyard.

rekkim on Ritual Mill

1 year ago

V2.0: Shifted aim toward answers from threats. Tokens aren't anything to worry about before turn seven, anyway.

Armored Skaab: Down by one.

Blex, Vexing Pest  Flip: Cut. Buffing the tokens to speed up lethal is counterintuitive to much of the rest of the deck's intention to stall. Rarely, if ever find reason to use the back side, and life is valuable to this deck only so far as delays are concerned. Once you're stable, you don't need to fish so desperately for pieces.

Boneyard Wurm: Down by one.

Combine Guildmage, Swarm Guildmage: See: Blex.

Lotleth Giant: I really like this because it dodges blockers, but it's never decisive like a seven-drop ought to be. Dropped.

Decisive Denial: Dropped. Couldn't justify its use when creature-based iterations can be used to keep the effect and fuel other spells.

Drown in Filth: Dropped. Part of the issue is the mana requirement. It's hard to reliably draw all three colors in the first two turns, so a lot of my starts were awkward with this. It could also fizzle early on by not having enough of the right thing in my graveyard.

Spider Spawning: Reduced by two. Slow, and the deck is pretty heavy on recursion. Despite issues with the tap requirement, Vilespawn Spider is a body, on or off the field, and anything in the way of attackers or pumping spells is important.

Spiketail Hatchling: Added four copies. Might look for one I like with a mana cost to make the tax a greater burden. Or maybe something with lower CMC and no flying.

Winds of Rebuke: Added three copies.

Spore Frog: Added four copies.

Svogthos, the Restless Tomb: Added another copy. Realized somewhere down the line that it plays really well with Crop Sigil to return two creatures to play.

Deadbridge Chant: Added one copy. Still not wholly sold on this, but it makes sprinting against other stall decks much more viable. Valid target for Winds of Rebuke, if you happen to need to reset with elixir.

Land: Reduced prominence of black and green for blue.

T_Dog345 on T_Dog345

4 years ago

Alright, let's see if maybe this will help. I'm really new to everything on here sorry. //Lands 2 Dismal Backwater 1 Dimir Guildgate 2 Submerged Boneyard 4 Evolving Wilds 2 Desert of the Mindful 1 Arcane Lighthouse 1 Reliquary Tower 1 Temple of the False God

//Spells 4 Duress 2 Ghoulcaller's Chant 3 Macabre Waltz 3 Sleep 4 Slip Through Space 2 Taigam's Scheming 4 Tome Scour 4 Lich's Caress 4 Sovereign's Bite 4 Resourceful Return 3 March of the Returned 1 In Garruk's Wake 1 Army of the Damned 1 Dutiful Return 1 Decompose 1 Worst Fears 1 Rise of the Dark Realms 4 Hubris 4 Countermand 1 Tezzeret's Touch 1 Paranoid Delusions 1 Coerced Confession 2 Mind Sculpt 1 Compelling Argument 1 Index 1 Redirect 1 Dream Twist 2 Gift of Tusks 2 Rewind 3 Thought Scour 2 Psychic Spiral 1 Gigadrowse 4 Negate 1 Overwhelming Denial 1 Dramatic Reversal 1 Impulse 2 Cremate 3 Crypt Incursion 2 Grim Harvest 1 Scarab Feast 1 Grim Return 1 Gravepurge 1 Dark Ritual 4 Font of Return 3 Death's Approach 2 Cast into Darkness 1 Triskaidekaphobia 1 Grave Betrayal 1 Endless Ranks of the Dead 3 Invisibility 2 Curiosity 4 Curse of the Bloody Tome 3 Illusory Wrappings 3 Ice Over 1 Chronic Flooding 1 Navigator's Ruin 1 Chant of the Skifsang 3 Bone Saw 3 Millstone 3 Tormod's Crypt 2 Trepanation Blade 1 Ghoulcaller's Bell 1 Masterwork of Ingenuity 1 Sol Ring 1 Nihil Spellbomb 1 Illusionist's Bracers 1 Codex Shredder 1 Profane Memento 1 Loxodon Warhammer 1 Bonehoard 1 Trusty Machete 1 Mirari 1 Argentum Armor

//Creatures 1 Archetype of Finality 1 Overeager Apprentice 1 Agent of Erebos 1 Butcher Ghoul 1 Risen Executioner 1 Dutiful Attendant 1 Sly Requisitioner 1 Sepulchral Primordial 2 Zombie Assassin 1 Nightmare 1 Marshmist Titan 3 Graven Abomination 4 Workshop Assistant 4 Guardians of Meletis 2 Phyrexian Revoker 2 Ornithopter 1 Juggernaut 2 Veilborn Ghoul 2 Minotaur Abomination 4 Undead Servant 3 Gravedigger 2 Mogis's Marauder 2 Bogstomper 4 Walking Corpse 3 Corpse Hauler 4 Gravewaker 2 Returned Phalanx 3 Faerie Miscreant 1 Master of Predicaments 2 Benthic Giant 1 Stormtide Leviathan 4 Screeching Skaab 2 Seer of the Last Tomorrow 1 Floating-Dream Zubera 3 Fog Bank 1 Possessed Skaab 3 Armored Skaab 2 Murmuring Phantasm 1 Wall of Frost 4 Doorkeeper 1 Clever Impersonator 1 Jace's Mindseeker 1 Oculus 1 Mindshrieker 1 Willbreaker 1 Spellweaver Eternal 1 Wall of Mist 1 Sultai Skullkeeper 1 Diregraf Captain

heckproof on G/U Self-Mill

5 years ago

Armored Skaab seems kinda weak for what you’re trying to do here. Maybe you could replace it with Taigam's Scheming ? That card would help you fill your graveyard faster or help you fix your future draws

BOXES_O_MOXES on Persistence is Key | Pauper EDH

5 years ago

This is what I'm thinking: The Armored Skaab , Dimir Informant , Homarid Explorer , Laboratory Brute and the Mulldrifter All have ETB triggers which you can benefit from again if you flicker them. If you flicker after a block it keeps your crit from dying and you net the ETB gain. I Would find a spot for a Mnemonic Wall (Maybe out (1) more petitioner). This way you can flicker the wall and get your flicker back and do it continually. It's essentially a continuous mill (Using your crits that have the mill ETB) and card draw if you use it with Mulldrifter . You'll always have the flicker if you bounce the wall and another crit. You can also run a Radiant Fountain in lieu of of Island and flicker it and the wall to gain life over and over. It's a combo that gets used in my blue decks on a reg basis. I'm going to build my version and I'll link you to it. I have been looking into building this deck since I saw Petitioner and I guess it's time to actually get to it. I'm glad you had the same idea. Keep me posted. =]

Icbrgr on

5 years ago

Skaab Ruinator with a bunck of the self mill creatures from the Innistrad blocks like Armored Skaab and Mindshrieker can be great for both working towards your combo and or just having a Plan B

imafreak05 on

6 years ago

You should look at either getting more or removing anything that is a single card. With Modern and Standard you want as many copies for your win-con to be in your deck.

Some of the card ideas don't really run with your synergy idea. There are more efficient cards that you can utilize in modern for some cards.For example: Rampant Growth for Dawntreader Elk. You can use Two spells (Thought Scour and Tome Scour) for the CMC of Armored Skaab and you can cast them onto yourself.

Play around with some other cards that exploit how many cards are in graveyard (Nighthowler).

Hope I was able to help you some. Nice idea for a modern deck.

Lame_Duck on Mulls

6 years ago

I think you need to work on the deck's mana-curve. As it stands, it looks like you're going to have some pretty clunky early turns; the only turn 1 play you have is Noble Hierarch and the only efficient follow-up to that is a turn 2 Armored Skaab. A few more 1-drops would improve your ability to make use of all your mana each turn; Thought Scour and Hedron Crab jump immediately to mind.

Edit: Oh, I'd also recommend ditching the Unified Wills; they're just too unreliable and they're at their worst when you're losing, which is when you need your cards to be at their best so you can catch up.

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