Archaeological Dig


Tap: Add (1) to your mana pool.

Tap, Sacrifice Archaeological Dig: Add one mana of any color to your mana pool.

BEDECK on Storm but lions eye diamond isn't real

2 years ago

First things first: nice basics. And I like the sideboard. Good choice for card draws. I agree with the premise that LED isn't mandatory in a storm deck.

I disagree strongly with one card in the main: Lightning Bolt.

And I want to hear your reasons for the Chromatic Spheres.

I think the lands are ok but could be better: Archaeological Dig isn't the best one. I'd recommend Mana Confluence, City of Brass if your goal is to produce any kind of mana.

I think you should have some protection in the maindeck like Duress or Silence or even Swan Song.

I also want to name Peer into the Abyss just so you take a look at it and see if it's worth fitting in the sideboard for Burning Wish.

I'm a big fan of Wishclaw Talisman (activating it on the turn you1ll win).

Battosai28 on Gitrog Dredge Combo [Primer]

5 years ago

Do you think Archaeological Dig would be worth running or would the slot be better used for a more permanent form of mana/utility?

Stardragon on Why is Library of Alexandria …

5 years ago

IAmTheWraith Okay it can be the comboed fine, but there are faster and better infinite draw combos without having the whole needing exactly seven cards in hand tacked on and none of those are banned. As for the mana acceleration what acceleration? It enters untapped and taps for one colorless. So does Archaeological Dig, Cascading Cataracts, Eldrazi Temple, Gods' Eye, Gate to the Reikai, and basic Wastes and with the exception of Archaeological Dig they have more utility tack to them. And I don't think it would be in every deck if it was unbanned that what everyone says about any banned card. I don't see Protean Hulk in every green deck even though he was unbanned and everyone said he would be. And a free card advantage in every deck really thats just wrong. I have at least 6 decks alone that wouldn't get the free draw unless it was in my opening hand and unless you stack or cheat it not possible to get in every opening hand. Plus not every deck will have it, and even your combo needed blue and green to make it work. What about a mono white deck or a abzan or jund deck they can't make that combo work. And as stated above unless you have blue or to a lesser extant black, drawing is limited (though every color has a some draw true) so keeping 7 cards in hand would unrealistic. And even though they have a price they are plenty of better draw cards, Pull from Tomorrow, Lifecrafter's Bestiary, Horn of Plenty, Horn of Greed, Ponder and Opt just to name a few.

oliveoilonyaasscureshemorrhoid on ''It's Ok,They're just slivers''

7 years ago

Land suggestions :P

There's a bunch of good lands and serve functions, but a bunch of them come in tapped; I'll focus on lands that come in untapped, and can produce any color. The first ones to come to mind are Tarnished Citadel, Rhystic Cave, and Thran Quarry (which is great in creature-heavy decks, like Forbidden Orchard in your deck).

In lower priority, consider Forsaken City, maybe Transguild Promenade (which is just name of your Rupture Spire, but I'd rather have one of the vivid lands), Pillar of the Paruns, and Grand Coliseum (the shittier Forbidden City). There's also other lands that give an immediate, one color use, but aren't as stable.. like Aether Hub, Archaeological Dig, Tendo Ice Bridge, Crumbling Vestige, Undiscovered Paradise, and Rainbow Vale.

In addition, I would trade your Gemstone Mine with something like Crystal Quarry or Cascading Cataracts. In a five color deck, you won't be searching for a basic land that much. So consider some ramp that tutors for any land your little heart desires.. like Expedition Map, Traverse the Ulvenwald, Tolaria West, and Crop Rotation.

Hope this helps, I'm always here.

Rzepkanut on

7 years ago

Nice deck! Got a few ideas from looking at your list here...Ghost Quarter, Archaeological Dig, Crystal Vein, Havenwood Battleground, Ebon Stronghold, Hickory Woodlot, and Peat Bog are all good self sacrificing lands you can use. I have found success with them in my Mazirek deck. I have a very different take on this deck than you, not sure what else to I'll leave you with a link to mine. Happy gathering!

Mazirek Sac-Storm: The Contraption of Life & Death

Commander / EDH Rzepkanut


whoniversereview on Mina and Denn Extreme Budget

7 years ago

wadledo: Stonebrow was just added to give the tramplers +2/+2. Since Mina and Denn, Wildborn can give trample, I just wanted a card that could enhance that part of their ability. I originally thought of having Attune with Aether in the deck, but Savage Ventmaw replaced it.

VanDerTroll: If you want to slightly bump the budget up, you can easily put in more cheap sacrifice lands like Ash Barrens (this card will come down in price soon), Archaeological Dig, Balduvian Trading Post, Jund Panorama, Centaur Garden, Crystal Vein, Throne of the High City, Warped Landscape, Mountain Valley, etc. These can replace some of the basic lands. Then, you can replace some of the "Ramp" cards with a few cards that will get these lands back from the graveyard, like Cartographer, Groundskeeper, Nature's Spiral (Which I might add to this decklist anyway), Pulse of Murasa, Stoic Builder, Tilling Treefolk, Woodland Guidance, and mostly -- Splendid Reclamation. If you go this route, I would definitely consider replacing one of the creatures with Centaur Vinecrasher.
Of course, there are many other things you can do, also. You can switch out Mina and Denn with Omnath, Locus of Rage for your commander. They both pilot the deck in different ways, but I built it to be compatible with both. As I pointed out in the description as well, Restore and Rampaging Baloths are great additions, and both are pretty inexpensive. Restore can steal the Evolving Wilds/Wooded Foothills out of somebody else's graveyard. So, that's always fun. Avenger of Zendikar is a $5 card that's a staple for landfall.
The very first thing I would upgrade, though, would be the land base. There are so many options here, and it all depends on how much you want to spend. If you're in the $10-$15 card range, Stomping Ground is a must-have. If you're looking more in the $1-3 range, Kessig Wolf Run, Reliquary Tower, Tectonic Edge, and Ghost Quarter are all great additions.

mtgThaen on Itty-Bitty Sydri

7 years ago

So you play your eggs (cheap artifacts that draw cards when you sacrifice them), then use lands like Archaeological Dig, Ghost Quarter and Crystal Vein, artifacts like Ashnod's Altar, and creatures like Basal Sliver, Blood Pet, and Blood Vassal to generate mana, then pass the mana through your eggs to get white mana and draw cards. Cast Second Sunrise to bring everything back. Then, use Codex Shredder to bring back the Sunrise. Respect and profit. Now, it's more difficult to pull off without Krark-Clan Ironworks, but it's doable. It may not be consistent enough for you, but if you like it, it's a pretty neat combo, IMO.

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