Angel of Finality

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Alchemy Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Angel of Finality

Creature — Angel


When Angel of Finality enters the battlefield, exile all cards from target player's graveyard.

EDH 1 / 0
Bruna, Light of Alabaster feature for Angels
EDH 2 / 0
Serra the Benevolent feature for Heaven

Noire_Samhain on Cheap cards for Kaalia

11 months ago

Since you mentioned you're pretty on a budget, most of these (at least according to my knowledge) are at or under a dollar.

For some cheap angels- Angel of Finality, Resplendent Marshal, Angel of the Ruins, and Angel of Serenity.

For some cheap dragons- Drakuseth, Maw of Flames, Terror of Mount Velus, Piru, the Volatile, and Glorybringer.

For demons- Infernal Sovereign, Dreadfeast Demon, Overseer of the Damned, Nightmare Shepherd, Abhorrent Overlord, and Indulgent Tormentor.

TypicalTimmy on None

1 year ago

wallisface, reading each example carefully;

  • Surgical Extraction targets a card within the graveyard, not the graveyard as a zone.
  • Snapcaster Mage targets, specifically, an instant or sorcery card. Not the graveyard.
  • Unearth likewise targets a creature card with mana value 3 or less from your graveyard, and again not the graveyard itself.

What that_dude33 is asking for is a card that prevents the graveyard in totality from being targeted. My point is that the graveyard itself is never the target, rather the individual contents of it are. The only other exception is targeting the player whom controls the graveyard, such as Angel of Finality, targeting the player, not their graveyard. Therefore, if the opponent has an Orbs of Warding, Angel of Finality can not target them, thus it can not view their graveyard for its exiling effect of the ETB ability.

Unless an ability is worded as one of the following, it'll never target the graveyard itself:

  • "Exile target graveyard."
  • "Shuffle target graveyard into its controller's library." (I am not sure if legally we 'own' our graveyard or not. Therefore I do not know if we are the 'owner' or 'controller', so I just went with controller. I suspect we do not 'own' a zone, but do 'control' it. Though, I am not sure.)

Instead, what we see are wordings such as:

  • Bojuka Bog where we exile target PLAYER's graveyard, not targeting the graveyard itself. Or, Cranial Archive, again which targets the player him or herself and not the graveyard.

TheoryCrafter on Holy Hosts of Angels

1 year ago

Since you're looking to up the number of Angel tokens, Have you considered Divine Visitation? If you were to combine this with any combination of including, but not limited to, Alliance of Arms, Martial Coup, Pest Infestation, Secure the Wastes and Sylvan Offering, not only would the combo give you sizeable lifegain with Seraph Sanctuary on the battlefield, but also make Youthful Valkyrie huge.

One Angel Ramp card you should consider is Starnheim Aspirant. Another Angel to get for your deck is Segovian Angel.

Angel of Finality can give you some graveyard hate against decks with strong graveyard interaction.

Angel of Destiny is the must have alternate win card for an angel deck.

I hope this helps. Thank you for reading me out. Happy Hunting!

Mannlicher on Psycho Bunny Wonderland

1 year ago


This deck was an idea to use some of my old cards, and also see just how nuts I could go with Kwain, Itinerant Meddler. This deck is a spider-web of synergy and combos, multiple infinite combos, and complete bonkers level shenanigans lurking behind a friendly-looking magic rabbit. This is not a budget deck, but in a gracious nod to Lewis Carroll, it is incredibly fun to go "down the rabbit-hole".


At it's core, the deck is group hug with card-draw, card based mana-ramp, and multiple options for life-gain. I use a few card-draw creatures as well, such as Shabraz, the Skyshark for their synergy with Kwain. Alternate win conditions include Approach of the Second Sun, Jace's Archivist, Windfall, Jace, Wielder of Mysteries, Triskaidekaphile, and Test of Endurance; but the deck is also perfectly capable of beating someone to death with a giant fish - or a giant anything thanks to numerous life-gain options paired with an Archangel of Thune.

The deck has several prison elements with Moat, Silent Arbiter, and Archon of Emeria, as well as Propaganda, Ghostly Prison, and Sphere of Safety. Silent Arbiter and Crawlspace help directly reduce the deck's exposure to attack, along with Gwafa Hazid, Profiteer for any specific threats or "when attacks" triggers. Finally, since this deck does not rely on creatures or doing damage to win, and generates lots of cards in hand, Meishin, the Mind Cage is an easy way to reduce all opponents' creatures to 0 power. For direct damage and targeted attacks outside of combat, the deck includes The Wanderer and Greater Auramancy.

Card draw, treasure tokens, and unlimited hand-size combine with four different Tutors, an Urza's Saga, and a Teferi's Puzzle Box help you keep multiple options in hand, and hopefully keep Kwain hopping one or two steps ahead of your opponents (Remember to use the tutors before your Teferi's Puzzle Box hits the board). Tidal Barracuda, and Vedalken Orrery let you cast anything on anyone's turn. Walking Atlas helps get rid of lands anytime it's not tapped (another combo with Mind Over Matter), and Drumbellower and Teferi, Who Slows the Sunset make sure you're able to untap on every turn, so you can play cards anytime - including win-cons like Laboratory Maniac or Jace's Archivist on an opponent's end-step, then draw for the win.

Circling back to Sphere of Safety - the deck runs 18 enchantments natively, but also features Enchanted Evening to turn everyone's permanents into enchantments. (The deck also conveniently includes Cleansing Nova to destroy all enchantments, which is an absolutely devastating total board wipe when paired with Enchanted Evening, especially if you have Avacyn, Angel of Hope in play on your side). With Enchanted Evening on the board and Sphere of Safety, every permanent you control also counts toward your opponents' cost to attack you for each creature they target you with. Comboing Enchanted Evening, Avacyn, Angel of Hope, and Greater Auramancy means every permanent has both indestructible and shroud, and prevents your planeswalkers from being targeted (or targeted for attacks) directly.

I am only running two counterspells, Mana Drain and Force of Negation, so the deck uses Dovescape to lock down any stray non-creature spells, as well as Tidal Barracuda and ultimately Forced Fruition to further reduce any errant spellcasting. And in this deck, Dovescape not only helps creates magnitudes of tokens, but each of those tokens is potentially an enchantment when it hits the board. With Enchanted Evening in play, those tokens, or ... literally ... any ... other card you play, combos off Archon of Sun's Grace to instantly create infinite (enchantment) pegasus tokens, and become effectively a 1 card infinite combo of 2/2 flying (avoiding Moat) lifelink pegasus. Every. Single. Time. any permanent hits the board under your control after you have both in play.

The Deck includes a The Tabernacle at Pendrell Vale to help keep down on the riff-raff, (plus kill off a few billion pegasus every turn), and helps tie up opponent's mana; meshing with the prison cards we already use. For its own mana, there are some basic mana-rocks and a Smothering Tithe to help offset some of the higher casting cost spells if Braids, Conjurer Adept is not on the board.

The Smothering Tithe pairs well with sheer card-draw provided through Forced Fruition, Temple Bell, Kami of the Crescent Moon, and Kwain, Itinerant Meddler to almost guarantee several dozen treasure tokens each turn and help the deck rapidly ramp to maintain both card and board advantage towards casting an Omniscience.

More combo madness, Teferi's Puzzle Box helps spin through the deck looking for lands and combo solutions. Teferi's Puzzle Box also combos really well with Shabraz, the Skyshark and Alhammarret's Archive, effectively doubling the card-draw effect of Teferi's Puzzle Box each draw phase - and Sphinx of the Second Sun provides double the draw-phases per turn, so you're geometrically quadrupling your cards in hand each turn (and possibly playing them for free). And, for every card you draw, the shark is growing, your life is growing, and if you have the Archangel of Thune, everything else is growing too.

If you want to discard cards from your hand, to hit Triskaidekaphile for instance, or just go infinite with your commander, you can use Mind Over Matter, Omniscience, or Peace of Mind to manipulate your hand-size and either play or discard. The deck includes an Ulamog, the Infinite Gyre, Timetwister and Elixir of Immortality to shuffle your graveyard back into your hand, as well as Displacer Kitten and Angel of Finality to exile your opponents' graveyards with a quick bounce.


Summary Combos:

Forced Fruition + Smothering Tithe == Treasure Tokens

Teferi's Puzzle Box + Shabraz, the Skyshark == Giant Shark and TONS of life-gain every turn

Teferi's Puzzle Box + Shabraz, the Skyshark + Alhammarret's Archive == Sheer madness

Teferi's Puzzle Box + Shabraz, the Skyshark + Alhammarret's Archive + Archangel of Thune == Same as above, but now ALL of your creatures grow exponentially, every turn

Kwain, Itinerant Meddler + (any of the above) == even more nuts

Kwain, Itinerant Meddler + Mind Over Matter == Infinite combo, draw your deck

Kwain, Itinerant Meddler + Mind Over Matter + (any "if you cannot draw you win") = instant win

Enchanted Evening + Sphere of Safety == every card you have counts towards attack cost

Enchanted Evening + Cleansing Nova == total board wipe (lands, creatures, artifacts, all permanents)

Enchanted Evening + Aura Fracture + (any land) == targeted removal of any permanent

Enchanted Evening + Archon of Sun's Grace == infinite flying pegasus whenever ANY card hits the board under your control, even treasure tokens from Forced Fruition.

Enchanted Evening + Greater Auramancy == every card you play has shroud when it comes into play, but will interfere with Mind Over Matter combo with Kwain.

Sheer Card Draw and hand-size + Mind Over Matter == you can tap or untap whatever you want, whenever you want, and you can reshuffle your graveyard with Elixir of Immortality or Timetwister.


There's more I could write about with additional combos and card interactions, but those are the highlights. The deck is just all-out madness to play and can quietly build and recycle cards until it comes out of nowhere with an 600/600 flying shark. I enjoy it. I hope you will as well.

Thank you.

Guerric on [Primer] Helming the Host of Heaven *Update*

2 years ago
New cards an en route in the mail, and I think I know how I am planning to update the deck. In the meantime, I'll continue to play as it is, but I can announce final plans later this week when the cards arrive. As of now, here is what I am planning, please let me know if you agree or disagree with any of my thinking as it could help me avoid errors.

1) Cosmos Elixir OUT Vanquisher's Banner IN

Elixir works in this deck but is my worst draw piece in that it only gives life if I don't draw, I have to have over 40 life to draw, it costs 4 colorless mana to cast, and it at most can net me one card per turn. The all star draw pieces so far are those that allow burst draw such as Well of Lost Dreams and Thorough Investigation. Banner allows for this burst draw as every angel replaces itself with a new card, and tokens net us free cards. Its one mana higher but the upside makes it a far superior card. The anthem is just gravy really.

2) Disenchant OUT Tome of Legends IN

I think there is sufficient removal in this deck, so I can afford to cut my worst piece. This deck needs more draw and better draw, so adding a card that can consistently net me an extra card most turns is great.

3) Welcoming Vampire OUT Eye of Vecna IN

Even though many of my angels are weenies they don't ETB that way. As such, vampire is subpar card draw here, whereas normally it is premium for white. Eye may only get me one extra card per turn but it is cheap, fairly unconditional, and I'll have plenty of life to power it. The only downside is that Angel of Jubilation shuts it down, but I think that in most cases I'll be glad to have the option to draw.

4) Mirror Entity OUT Sanctuary Warden IN

I can't believe I missed Warden on the first round. It is unlimited draw in this deck stapled to an angel which has quite a bit of built in protection due to the shield counters (which we won't have to use to power it thanks to Giada). I'll confess I've never liked Entity, though in this deck it has some additional upsides and additional downsides. As for upsides, the counters help it a lot. One reason I feel like Entity is weak normally is that it often dies to ping effects if you don't reserve mana to pump it. I've seen this over and over again over the years, but the counters Giada gives it here mean we can rest easy. Another advantage is that it is an angel here, so the deck supports it well. A disadvantage, however, is that it is less useful and necessary. It is most powerful when it turns 1/1 tokens into 4/4 threats and provides a massive swing. It does little in this deck unless we pump at least 5 mana into it, and even then the improvement is marginal. A second disadvantage is it doesn't fly. Even an Angelic Page is a huge threat in this deck that can go over a defensive line, whereas Entity can be chump blocked easily. Thirdly, it can't enabled combos in this deck because of Giada. We are playing Karmic Guide, so a thought might be to add Reveillark and enable the combo so we can gain infinite life and do other recurison shenanigans. The problem is that this approach relies on paying zero into Entity to kill the board, but the board won't die to counters, so Giada shuts the combo off. Overall I think this isn't worth it, I sentiment I feel about pretty much all of the non-flying changeling cards that we might think would be good to put in.

5) Plains OUT Together Forever IN

I think with enhanced card draw of the update and Giada's ramp ability I can afford to go down to 35 lands, something I have done successfully in other low-to-the-ground aggro decks. Together Forever is premium protection here that also allows Giada to give herself some protection. What I especially like about this card is that it can serve as protection from both targeted removal and board wipes. The deck has done well so far, but well-played protection is key, and this is one of the most flexible pieces there is.

6) Archaeomancer's Map OUT Mask of Memory IN

This is likely to be my most controversial change as Map is a good card that fetches some lands and can ramp over the course of the game, provided we have the lands in hand. It may be bad! That being said, ramp is less of a problem here because of Giada and because of our curve. Map is bad turn three play where we sometimes want to ramp, because it leaves us often having to discard on our end step. I think with our curve and Giada what is important is simply to draw into our land drops, and extra ramp is gravy. That means more draw is better than more ramp, and between Map and the swords/dagger I think the latter are better land fetching/ramp pieces in a deck with evasive creatures. Mask is great because we can see two cards every turn and discard whatever is least relevant in our hand. It can also go down on turn three and be immediately attached to Giada and used right away to get things going.

7) Angel of Finality OUT Angelic Curator IN

Finality isn't great here, as the body doesn't matter too much and cmc is less conducive to a go-wide and high theme than a 2-drop. I think more turn 2 angels has some advantage here, and this is the best of the bunch (other options would be changelings that don't fly). 2-drop angels allow us to play an angel and a support piece like Tome of Legends on turn three, or even play two angels. Four drops can also be good turn three if they are high impact, which Finality is not. It was only in to be an anti-graveyard piece, but is just bad when there are no serious graveyard threats. As such, I'll address that by putting Scavenger Grounds into the mana base and drop the curve to a better place.

8) Mana Base Changes- I'm going to cut two of three cycling lands as this deck really doesn't want lands coming into play tapped, especially early in the game, and the cycling option just isn't worth it. I'll keep Secluded Steppe for now on account if its efficiency, but the others are gone. They'll be replaced with War Room and Bonders' Enclave, which tap for colorless but come into play untapped and give us additional card draw options that we need. Since we are only in one color we can afford more colorless lands than other decks, but we want as many to come untapped as possible due to the fact that we always have stuff to do early. I'll also add Seraph Sanctuary for more life gain and Scavenger Grounds to deal with problematic graveyards.

Those are the proposed changes. Let me know what you think!

Guerric on [Primer] Helming the Host of Heaven *Update*

2 years ago

I have also pondered maybe cutting Angel of Finality. Once again this would be cutting a four drop and also a graveyard removal piece, but I could pop Scavenger Grounds into the mana base to make up for that. Just a thought. I'm definitely curious about people's opinions on cuts.

TheoryCrafter on Giada, the best angel commander (for mono white)

2 years ago

Have you considered Scroll of Avacyn? Once you have an angel on the battlefield it's 2 mana for 5 life and to draw a card.

I also noticed you don't have Graveyard hate. Have you considered Angel of Finality? Since you can't have Rest in Peace in your deck without messing up your graveyard interaction it makes a great alternative.

Other angels you may want to consider are Angel of Destiny and Enduring Angel  Flip.

I hope this helps. Happy Hunting

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