Ancient Den

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Ancient Den

Artifact Land

(This isn't a spell.)

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SufferFromEDHD on Pia Goes Brrrrr

8 months ago

Ancient Den, Great Furnace and Goblin Welder non-combat damage triggers.

Eternal Scourge and Squee, the Immortal infinite castings from exile.

Loyal Apprentice and Retrofitter Foundry efficient thopter generators.

Conspiracy Theorist repeatable impulse draw.

Cosmic Intervention protection that triggers.

eliakimras on Wyleth, Boros Voltron

9 months ago

Hello fellow Wyleth, Soul of Card Draw player!

I'm glad you got both Wyleth's and Aesi's precons for a good price. They are reeeeally explosive in gameplay with a few upgrades.

I play a lot of this bad boy, and I want to suggest some swaps below 3 USD for you to take it to a higher ground:

First of all, the ramp. I found out that 2 CMC, untapped ramp is the best for Wyleth. Since he draws so many cards, he can chain rocks and voltron pieces in the same turn, so his next turn is even more explosive than the last one. I almost always have more mana than the Green decks in my pod.

You should run boardwipes that hits your stuff the least:

Also, you can streamline your removal package. All of those are fetchable by Sunforger:

More/better auras and equipment

Cheating equip costs

If you really need to protect yourself against attacks, Ghostly Prison is a way better Palace Guard.

More utility lands

DreadKhan on Voice of the Emperor

11 months ago

I'm not really sure how you'd protect against it, but a deck that runs a lot of edicts (Diabolic Edict is the OG I think, it's easy to run more of these than you run creatures) would burn through 12 creatures pretty quickly, I guess you mulligan for a hand with both Light Paws and multiple free creatures?

I am a fairly big fan of Vault Skirge, evasive lifelink for only 1 mana seems like it would fit in, maybe sideboard material vs decks that run tons of removal? Skirge is also an Artifact fwiw, so it'll help All That Glitters, playing Skirge turn 1 and Glitters turn 2 seems like a pretty solid start?

Really out there idea, have you thought about throwing in some artifact lands, probably just Ancient Den to squeeze a bit of extra damage out of your All That Glitters? Probably not a good idea if people run a lot of artifact hate in your meta, in some areas there are no drawbacks to them, in others they're big liabilities.

I'm not sure how long your games end up going, but Single Combat might be a helpful card vs decks going wide (with creatures and/or planeswalkers), I figure few decks will have a better single creature than you, and yours can have evasion and vigilance. Maybe another sideboard idea?

multimedia on Breya, "Brothers war? I Barely Know Her"

1 year ago

Hey, you left out highlighting or explaining the best infinite combo with Urza you have here. Urza + Myr Battlesphere + Ashnod's Altar = infinite Myrs, infinite colorless mana, infinite copies of all artifacts you control and infinite damage to each player with Breya.

Nice version so far on a semi budget, but build around the Urza + Battlesphere + Altar combo with more protection? Consider more combo protection? Urza + Battlesphere + Altar combo can be activated at instant speed at any time as long as you control all three permanents and have 6 colorless mana available. You're going to want more than 6 colorless mana if you intend to activate the combo though because you'll also want instant protection.

Darksteel Forge and Padeem, Consul of Innovation can protect Altar + Battlesphere, but they can't protect Urza without additional effect to make Urza an artifact. In the combo Urza is also not leaving the battlefield making him much easier to protect.

Assembling combos in Breya is made much easier with Wishclaw Talisman and because it's an artifact it has insane interaction with Breya. You can sac Wishclaw before opponent gains control of it, but still tutor for your card. When you activate Wishclaw it puts the entire effect as one trigger onto the stack. In response sac Wishclaw, putting it into your graveyard, then when you resolve Wishclaw trigger you tutor for your card, but opponent doesn't gain control of Wishclaw because it's no longer on the battlefield. Pair Wishclaw with Goblin Welder, Emry, Lurker of the Loch, Goblin Engineer or any other artifact recursion/reanimation source for a repeatable tutor.

Master Transmuter is powerful with high CMC artifacts especially when she can help assemble combos Darksteel Forge and Myr Battlesphere. It's also nice with Breya as a source to create more Thopters for 1 mana or to abuse any other artifact that has an ETB ability.

Consider more Pain lands and Artifact lands? They could replace some basic lands to improve color fixing/Breya interaction which can help gameplay. 23 basic lands is a lot in a four color deck.

Good luck with your deck.

Max_Hammer on Shorikai go vroom

1 year ago

So, right now, Commander included, you've got 126 cards. Seeing as you're only 26 over the cap, this shouldn't be too bad.

This is a low mana cost deck with a lot of draw, you probably only need 34-36 lands if you're being generous. If I were you, I'd drop some of the slower lands, such as Temple of Enlightenment, Skybridge Towers, Prairie Stream, Azorius Chancery, Castle Ardenvale, Castle Vantress, or even Port Town.

You might also want to include more fetch lands, too. Flooded Strand, Fabled Passage, and Flood Plain all come with a pretty high price tag, but they're all good.

On the other side of the coin, Brokers Hideout, Obscura Storefront, Evolving Wilds, Terramorphic Expanse, Myriad Landscape, Esper Panorama, and Bant Panorama are all cheaper fetch lands that you could use.

Drawing mana late game can be a dead draw a lot of the time, so being able to remove that excess from your deck can be a really nice tool to have, so you can draw just what you want. Maybe take out cards that are fast, but not necessary such as, Skycloud Expanse, Sea of Clouds, Mishra's Factory, and Crawling Barrens.

Changing it to this (or a list of just 35 mana), should bring us down to 122 cards.

As for non-land ramp, you have a lot. I’m going to say you want to kick out Silver Myr, Gold Myr, Mind Stone, and Ornithopter of Paradise. Normally I’d say more, but for this specific deck that seems to love ramp, this seems more than fine.

118 left.

For the rest, I’d say Ondu Inversion  Flip, Access Denied, Tezzeret the Seeker, Tezzeret, Artifice Master, Phyrexian Metamorph, Cultivator's Caravan, Invoke Justice, and An Offer You Can't Refuse, all mostly because they’re too expensive.

That leaves you with 109

Okay, so, this decklist is surprisingly tight for being 30~ cards over and I don’t know where to kick the last 9 off. Maybe Artificer Class? Maybe some of the creatures/vehicles? Idunno, good luck.

Max_Hammer on Mardu Treasures

1 year ago

Hello friend! I have some suggestions! I had way too much time today, so here you go.

Relatively cheap, potent, and just perfect upgrades.

This bit is, of course, focused on making as many treasures as your board can bear.

Great, now you have all of these treasures, now what are you going to do with them?

  • Frogmite, Lens Flare, Scale of Chiss-Goria, Tooth of Chiss-Goria, Mycosynth Golem, Slag Strider, Furnace Dragon, and Myr Enforcer are all notable cards you could add, since they pretty much become free after a while, though mostly pretty useless.

  • Forsworn Paladin is pretty good token generation early game, but really shines with the second ability where it can instantly punish anyone blocking or attacking you recklessly.

  • Marionette Master is going to pack a punch.

  • Dargo, the Shipwrecker is super cheap for a 7/5 with trample.

  • Enraged Giant, Freejam Regent, Battle at the Bridge, Saheeli's Directive, Herald of Anguish, and Organic Extinction are all pretty solid additions, since they don’t make you sacrifice anything in exchange for it.

  • Ruthless Technomancer has a million combos with (like Dockside Extortionist+sac outlet) and is just pretty good on its own.

  • Leonin Elder is just one life, but when you’re playing a treasure deck, that one life will definitely add up.

  • Underhanded Designs is a murder or a poke engine, which is very snazzy.

  • Glaze Fiend is pretty scary, considering that it has trample.

  • Dragonspark Reactor could be a bit of removal in your back pocket or your wincon.

  • Arcbound Crusher’s design team didn’t anticipate just how many artifacts I was planning on throwing onto the field.

  • Professional Face-Breaker is just like Grim Hireling, in that it makes treasure tokens, but more importantly, it gives you something else. You get a load of impulse draw, which is really nice when you have loads of mana.

  • Magda, Brazen Outlaw is just an artifact tutor, really. Though, there are plenty of treasure loving dragons you could also fish for. (:

  • Kalain, Reclusive Painter loves treasures, giving everyone big buffs.

  • Swashbuckler Extraordinaire can give anything that might be sensitive to dying double strike for a big final push. That, or just give one big boy double strike.

  • Their Number is Legion gets you lots of life and lots of tokens.

  • Necron Overlord is just a worse Ghirapur, but it’s still gonna hurt.

  • Street Urchin is the same idea as the above.

  • Armix, Filigree Thrasher could be some annoying removal, especially early game.

  • Hellkite Igniter is a big boy that, if left unblocked, could be a one hit kill.

  • Feedback Bolt is a big, powerful spell. To put it simply: ouch.

  • Fain, the Broker can make treasures, can make +1/+1’s, and can make little spooky boys. The best type of boys. Great utility and variety overall.

  • Rain of Riches is big. One cascading spell a turn, whichever one you want? Imagine dropping Feedback Bolt and cascading into Hellkite Igniter.

  • Captain Lannery Storm is innocent… Until you leave her unblocked like a dummy.

  • Concussive Bolt can be an easy kill, letting you get as much damage as you want through.

  • Dispense Justice is just like saying “Fuck your voltron.”

  • It seems you also like having and sacrificing constructs, so here’s a bit to let you do more of that, if you’d prefer to have a construct deck over a treasure token deck.

    • Shared Animosity will give constructs a boost, but there really isn’t a specific theme across creature types aside from that, and your constructs are better used for chump blocking or just turning them into scrap. Ignore this if you’re going for more of a construct tribal sort of thing.

    • Fable of the Mirror-Breaker  Flip is a good card, don’t get me wrong, but I don’t think it’s really necessary.

    • Rakdos Charm could be replaced with something better as far as artifact removal or graveyard hate. Nihil Spellbomb would be good graveyard hate and Generous Gift is just a good white staple.

    • Comet Storm is fun, but Crackle with Power is more fun.

    TheoryCrafter on

    1 year ago

    Ok, here's more.

    Have you considered adding Prototype Portal? You can make extra copies of Grafted Skeleton or, if you choose to add them, any combination of Ancient Den, Power Depot and Treasure Vault. If you're concerned about losing the exiled card permanently, there's always Karn, the Great Creator.

    The only colorless infect creature you're missing is Phyrexian Digester.

    Another thing you may want to consider for your deck is proliferate to get poison counters on your opponent faster. This includes, but is not limited to, Contagion Engine, Grateful Apparition and Karn's Bastion.

    Also, you may want to consider graveyard hate for your opponents. This includes, but is not limited to, Lion Sash and Rest in Peace.

    I hope this helps. Thank you for reading me out. Happy Hunting!

    WarpedZerghead on Sen Triplets

    1 year ago

    What I found worked best for a Sen Triplets deck is using blue and white for control so you can have your artifacts do all the work getting combos into play.


    Stop players from stopping your fun: the match is yours and they simply haven't realized it yet. Dispatch quickly sets you up for a nasty rebuttal in between whichever counter-spell you choose to deploy. Vindicate, Mortify and Fracture (to name a few..) will help them learn that you mean business.

    Land Fetch

    Utilizing Esper colors, Black is the tutor-for-all, Blue is great artifact tutoring and White for some artifact but also enchantments. Good enchantments to have on hand are Paradox Haze (which you have) and Artificer's Intuition. Intuition is good because you can use it to get a Sol Ring in hand, another cost artifact you might have, or, any of the following "artifacts that cost :

    This cards makes for great and tutoring in a non-green deck as it can be used again and again and there are quite a few you can fetch. Another option is Tezzeret the Seeker that can get you your lands by using the -X ability for 0 to put them into play, unless you want to get a different combo/ramp artifact instead.

    Artifact Tutor

    Besides the obvious Vampiric Tutor an Demonic Tutor for your get-anything option, there are many options still available for finding the cards you need that are artifact type.

    If you are ok with losing a few artifacts, Kuldotha Forgemaster is the ticket as I will sometimes even sac my artifact lands to get better beef on the ground. Otherwise, Sphinx Summoner will get you something in hand and provide you with a flier and a card. Some new cards that play well alongside the Trinket Mage are the Tribute Mage and Trophy Mage cards. Trinket gets you your Sol Ring or another artifact where Tribute and Trophy get you and , respectively.
    Artifact-related lands you want to look into are Inventors' Fair for artifact tutoring and Buried Ruin to get something back into your hand from the graveyard.

    Ramp Boost

    With such a vast array of artifact-type cards - especially mana ramp - you'll want an Unwinding Clock to be sure to keep everyone on edge.


    Combos? We've got combos!
    This is my new favorite infinite trigger set using Dross Scorpion + Myr Turbine + any of the following sacrifice outlets:

    Steal their Kool Aid

    Your Commander will lock a player out of your turn but it also allows you to play their hands. This is a good time to drop any lands they might have in their hands to keep them starved and likewise cast their good ramp spells to get you ahead or continue to lock them out. In the event they finally are able to cast something, you can respond with a Desertion counter-spell (mana permitting) and stick whatever creature/artifact they were trying to cast back in their Vault of Whispers. Thada Adel, Acquisitor and Daxos of Meletis are also nasty foes that puts an opponents deck against themselves. Bribery and Acquire are a malicious and personal jab that should only be used at every chance you get assert your dominance on the board and your opponents deck.


    All these cards stand alone from what you can do to further abuse you opponents with just your commanders abilities: it is a multi-pronged deck that throws multiple threats at your enemies making them scramble to deal with one thing while still getting overrun by another.

    Have fun...

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