An Offer You Can't Refuse


Counter target noncreature spell. Its controller creatures two Treasure tokens. (They're artifacts with ", Sacrifice this artifact: Add one mana of any colour.")

ASalesman on Unesh, Ultimate Guide (Tribal)

1 week ago

New Revision here!

ASalesman on Unesh, Ultimate Guide (Tribal)

4 weeks ago

Flare of Denial is looking really good yall. I am gonna think about a sub for this. Maybe take out An Offer You Can't Refuse

Shrieking Drake Getting a foil print, WOOT

DreadKhan on Sisay- CEDH Build

2 months ago

I'm not sure if you should be running that many guild Signets, why not just run more Green ramp that is better at fixing your mana? Artifacts do better in cEDH than more casual games, but you'll be feeding Dockside. I'd even run Talismans over Signets if you feel desperate for 2 mana rocks, Talisman of Indulgence is a more useful card in most situations than Rakdos Signet. Also Fellwar Stone exists fwiw.

Similarly, I'm not sure if you should run ETB tapped Fetches in a cEDH deck, but I will admit the fixing is nice. Stuff like Rocky Tar Pit belong in more casual games, at least in my experience.

I can see you have tons of combos in here, but I can't help but mention Selvala, Heart of the Wilds, she synergizes incredibly well with Sisay, Emiel and a Haste source (like Samut), usually netting you infinite mana and as many cards as you want (by flickering your Sisay, who should be the strongest creature). I only mention it because I think you've got everything Selvala needs to work, and she's a Legendary mana dork that can make any colours of mana.

If you're hoping to play cEDH I would recommend you run at least a couple Counters, some relatively affordable ones (that still hit relevant stuff reliably) are Swan Song, An Offer You Can't Refuse, and maybe Pact of Negation or even Flusterstorm. If these are too pricey you can also try Arcane Denial or Dispel. I would definitely run Dispel over Lightning Greaves in a deck like this, people don't run Sorcery speed answers very often in cEDH, so they'll just wait until you're going to equip the Greaves and then Swords you.

Do you have a plan for Opposition Agent? I feel like if people resolve one you're going to be having a very bad time, unless I'm missing a bunch of removal, and people love Oppo in cEDH. You might consider some of the more versatile removal options, stuff like Generous Gift, Stroke of Midnight, and Beast Within can hit pretty near anything you need gone.

jbump75 on

3 months ago

Balaam__: I think I figured it out. Replacing Etali, Primal Conqueror  Flip with Emrakul, the Promised End works because Emrakul, the Promised End is essentially immune to counterspells due to his protection from instants. I also exchanged Consider for An Offer You Can't Refuse. It seem to be working well.

Profet93 on How the Turns Tabled (Elminster)

5 months ago

Necramus +1

Soothsaying - While not scry, can set up your topdeck. Not sure if its worth including but worth mentioning.

Scroll Rack - Set up top deck, scrys help card quality

An Offer You Can't Refuse or Misdirection > Mana leak - Mana leak gets weak in mid-late game. Offer is solid. Misdirection can counter counterspells while redirecting targeted removal, draw, and extra turns! Not to mention bluffing while tappedout.

Mind Stone - Ramp when you need it, draw when you don't. Do you feel you have enough ramp with only 7 artifacts?

evkede on Stop Playing the game please

5 months ago

Isochron Scepter with a counterspell or silence.

More suggestions: Dovin's Veto, SwanSong, An Offer You Can't Refuse, Counterspell, Rhystic Study, Remand, Reprieve, Unwind.

The deck currently lacks card advantage, and especially engines that stay on board. Malcolm, Alluring Scoundrel isn't card advantage, but is selection, and can end up casting some of your top end for free. The Reality Chip is very impressive as a Future Sight that you can pay for across multiple turns and hold up mana/spend it on other things. Dragonlord Ojutai and Iymrith, Desert Doom have been impressive to me as card advantage/beaters to close games.

Profet93 on Oh My Gizzard, It's a Zombie Wizard (Nekusar)

5 months ago

Necramus +1

Alhammarret's Archive - Extra draw from wheels

An Offer You Can't Refuse > mana leak - Mana leak is only good early-mid game. Better to get a complete counterspell in EDH. Although this might be slightly more difficult in a 3 color build, given all your card draw, Misdirection should be considered as well. It's another deflecting swat and imp's mischief of sorts.

Mystic Remora - Draw, although perhaps not necessarily needed in this build.

I would cut megrim for another piece of artifact ramp like Mind Stone potentially. 10% ramp seems solid and would allow you to more easily 1) Cast your commander sooner 2) Cast all the cards you draw and recover from artifact wipes.

If you're going to run underworld dreams for 3 black, then perhaps an Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth could help with your 3 color mana base and casting requirement.

I don't play 3 colors but 2 nonbasics to consider, should you mana base allow it are Ancient Tomb for ramp and Riptide Laboratory. Riptide words with your commander and a few other creatures, most notably snapcaster mage.

How has necropotence been treating you? I ask because triple black along with GY exile is steep, but it does help with Thassa oracle and card advantage so I'm torn.

Would Notion Thief be helpful or anti-synergistic?

ThassaUpYo@ssa on Be'Elz A'Boot

5 months ago

Love the suggestions, Profet93! Bolt Bend is in over Demon Bolt, Imp's Mischief is in over Feed the Swarm, Mystic Remora is in over An Offer You Can't Refuse, and Phyrexian Metamorph is in over Spark Double.

To the question you raised - games typically go well given the ramp and tutors that allow me to set up, cast other demons/useful enchantments, and ultimately expedite the summoning of Be'Lakor, the Dark Master triggering additional card draw. There have been a few instances where I've gone through a "creature drought", but that's pretty rare and is just how it shakes out every once in a while just like getting land flooded (or starved).

With respect to Yawgmoth's Will, I would like to slot it in but am unsure of what to take out. I'm hesitant to remove a creature but it might not be a bad idea given the power YW offers. Any final thoughts on this addition given the updated list?

Thank you again for all of the valuable suggestions, Profet93!

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