Alms Collector

Creature — Cat Cleric


If an opponent would draw two or more cards, instead you and that player each draw a card.

Profet93 on S U P E R F R ! E N D S (Djeru)

5 months ago

SufferFromEDHD +1

Reprieve - Counterspell cantrip

Moat - If budget / proxies allow

Cloud Key/Semblance Anvil - Ramp

Land Tax - Ensure land drops

How are you doing on draw? Options to draw include Alms Collector and Archivist of Oghma

Teferi's Protection - Super protection

Smothering Tithe - Ramp

ShadowAblaze on 'Oorah!

11 months ago

I like the deck! You should definitely try to fit in a Alms Collector as it reins in opponents, gets you card draw, and is a cleric! Consider Dusk / Dawn because it functions as a good board wipe and recursion for a deck like yours. Lastly, if you plan on running a lot of life-gain effects, maybe add Well of Lost Dreams because that can turn into a lot of card draw.

Terrashock on Rin and Seri

11 months ago

Hello, fellow cat and dog enjoyer. I noticed that you pretty much stuffed every cat or dog in naya colors in that you could find but not a single changeling. While changelings might not be satisfying since they don't look like a cat or a dog, they provide great value because they actually trigger Rin & Seris ability twice generating two tokens instead of just one. They also benefit from both lord effects. Notable examples of changelings are:

Additionally, you seem to have missed (or purposfully no included?) some rather powerful cats and dogs:

Just a few for you to consider. I have a list of all good (in my opinion) cats and dogs in my Rin & Seri list: Rin and Seri

Now, let's be real: Its not the best tribal. So I wouldn't force cat and dogs as hard as you do and also supplement with normal creatures like Mondrak, Glory Dominus or Bloom Tender .

You also do not seem to have a lot of draw options in your deck. Depending on the pod you are playing in, board wipes might be present and can absolutely wreck your game plan. Draw effects help you recover from this. Sadly, Naya is not the best color combination for drawing cards and most of the good draw effects are really expensive. You can see some suggestions for draw effects in my deck list: Rin and Seri

I would highly recommend proxying if your pod allows it. Be careful with draw effect like Camaraderie or Shamanic Revelation. They look good on paper in a token theme but they are "win more" cards in my opinion. If your board got wiped and you draw into those cards, they will not do a thing to help you recover. A wheel effect like Wheel of Misfortune however, will draw you 7 fresh cards to start again.

Lastly, I would recommend getting some tutors in there. Eladamri's Call, Green Sun's Zenith, Natural Order and the like. The best card in your deck by far is Jetmir, Nexus of Revels. He is basically your secret commander. If you can resolve him with 9 creatures on the board, you can devastate your opponents out of the blue. All the more important to be able to find him if you need him.

That's all for now. Have fun!

fluffyeel on Sen Triplets - Esper Control (Seeking Help)

1 year ago

I would joke about "how can it be a Stax deck without Smokestack", but that's separate, and instead I'll offer up some possibly evil advice:

Azoth2099 on Sen Triplets - Esper Control (Seeking Help)

1 year ago


Okay, so if you're specifically trying to outdo Aesi, Tyrant of Gyre Strait, you're going to have to make sure that you're not being outdone by it's immense card draw & Ramp. Deep Gnome Terramancer, Archivist of Oghma, Esper Sentinel, Alms Collector, Monologue Tax, Smuggler's Share, Consecrated Sphinx, Faerie Mastermind & Ledger Shredder will help accomplish this. Black Market Connections, Scroll Rack, Sensei's Divining Top, Dark Confidant, Dark Tutelage & of course Necropotence are also great card draw options, but won't scale with whatever your opponents are doing. Tithe, Gift of Estates & Land Tax are generically great, but extra great in this context.

Consider Rule of Law, Arcane Laboratory & Archon of Emeria as well. Sanctum Prelate, Void Winnower & Chalice of the Void will also hit 'em with a big ole "NOPE" when adequately applied. Decree of Silence + Solemnity will do so as well.

Weird stuff like Deathgrip will also probably help you lock the game down, but it might not translate very well outside of trying to take down Aesi, Tyrant of Gyre Strait lol. Depends on how heavy your group is, really.

Speaking of that, you really might just need more Counterspells or something! Stuff like Tale's End seems pretty good for your goal here. More Mana Rocks seems like a great idea here too. I'm sure you're buddy is running a bunch of traditional Ramp & Dorks, right? You absolutely must keep up, or you're gonna lose.

More Tutors will help you grease the wheels, too. They can get pretty expensive dollar-wise, but options like Diabolic Tutor, Diabolic Intent & Wishclaw Talisman are very affordable right now.

Let me know how you feel about these suggestions! Cheers!

KibaAlpha on Dance Beneath the Moon

1 year ago

Forgot to mention Alms Collector and Esper Sentinel.

In terms of ramp, I like to use Farseek, Three Visits, Nature's Lore and if I have enough snow lands Into the North.

NV_1980 on

1 year ago

Looks well-balanced and powerful. I'd probably add some more ramp (like Rampant Growth and Land Tax) and maybe some additional draw (Alms Collector comes to mind). Otherwise, no comments.

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