Alive / Well



Create a 3/3 green Centaur creature token.


You gain 2 life for each creature you control.

Fuse (You may cast one or both halves of this card from your hand.)

GangstaFranksta on Arcades, the Strategist's Army

3 months ago

You should think about adding The Pride of Hull Clade because he is good but also cool. But I think you would benefit a lot from improving your mana base. I suggest it should look more like this:



8x Plains, 8 Island, 4 Forest


Adarkar Wastes, Brushland, Yavimaya Coast

Scry Lands

Temple of Mystery, Temple of Enlightenment, Temple of Plenty

Tri Color

Brokers Hideout, Seaside Citadel, Bant Panorama

Any Color

Command Tower, Exotic Orchard

If you wanted you could also add the gain 1 life lands: Tranquil Cove, Blossoming Sands, and Thornwood Falls. You may also consider adding Krosan Verge or Myriad Landscape just to help ramp.

It would also be really beneficial to have at least a Sol Ring and an Arcane Signet.


Remove Verity Circle. Seems like there are a lot of possibilities where it is just sitting on the field not providing any value. And it isn't even a creature so it can't block. You could replace this with one of the mana artifacts I mentioned earlier or like a Swords to Plowshares, Pongify, Rapid Hybridization, Path to Exile (I kind of think you need some more removal lol, but you could replace Verity Circle with whatever you wanted.)

Remove Alive / Well. Just straight up not worth. Replace with one of the cards I have mentioned.

Other than that I think this is a really good deck. I think you could use most of my suggestions and keep it close to $100.

lagotripha on Pioneer GW Convoke Tokens

4 years ago

I'd like to see more token generation in the lower slots- convoke payoffs are amazing, but cutting a few to get a threat on the board that can scare 3 mana plainswalkers is essential for pioneer. More raise the alarm, more marshal.

In terms of 1 drops, Legion's Landing  Flip Hunted Witness , Cartouche of Solidarity , Skymarcher Aspirant / Snubhorn Sentry , Thraben Inspector exist. If you make bigger tokens, Wake the Reflections can work. Springleaf Drum helps power out low-mana creatures.

Voice of Resurgence is the strongest 2 drop available for this list.

Further up the curve, Launch the Fleet , Countless Gears Renegade / Servo Exhibition , Dwynen's Elite , Animation Module / Anafenza, Kin-Tree Spirit , Hero of Precinct One , Lovestruck Beast , Murder Investigation Precinct Captain , Thorn Lieutenant , Westvale Abbey  Flip and Hanweir Militia Captain  Flip

In terms of sidebord, we'll see how the meta shapes up, but Alive / Well , Dryad Militant are worth looking at beside standard options. Druid's Deliverance if vannafar combo takes off. Sundering Growth as an artifact answer.

TefflonDice on Welcome to the party, I'm your host

4 years ago

Out with the old and in with the new

Out: Aether Vial , Evangelize and Giant Adephage

In: Ancestral Mask , Alive / Well and Femeref Enchantress

Lets see how the new party guests get along with the rest of the rowdy bunch!

Is that Emmara Tandris singing Louie Louie?!?

Femme_Fatale on Split Cards Individual Side Submissions: …

5 years ago

This is a question open to the community on whether or not the site should keep each individual submission of all the split cards in our database. Things like Alive from Alive / Well and Market from Farm / Market .

I personally do not think they should be kept for the reasons as follows:

  • As a card, split cards are no longer 2 different cmcs, but rather a sum of both sides. So numerous effects that care about a card's cmc, types colour, etc. rely on that sum information.
  • There's only one wizards ID for a split card, as the database only allows for one ID on any given submission, two of the three submissions will not be allowed to be editable, and there will be no gatherer link for two of them, and it is more likely to be on the card that you are not using.
  • Most other import and export sites will be using double slashes and not single slashes, so the common user will be less frustrated if we kept with the status quo, as some are unlikely to understand why their card isn't being accepted.
  • At the present moment the cmcs for split cards are all broken because the system requires the data entered to be double slashes. However doing so results in the cards not linking properly in decklists as it only registers a single side entry when entered. (However, this does also require that the comment function that is somewhere on this site (don't know where) to be removed. If someone uses this function let me know as I don't know where it is as it doesn't persist in saving on decklists.)

However I do understand others may have the opposite concern for perhaps these reasons:

  • As a spell, each split card is two different cards with different cmcs, types and colours. So any card that cares about a spell being cast, it only cares about one side of that split card.
  • Many split cards have different supertypes on each side, which means the side that matters to you may not be the side that it is sorted in the decklist. As such some people may want to only have one side in their decklist as to not mess up the graphs. (Typically however, when I do the submissions I mark their supertype as their first type and sorted by their second. It works nicer for when I'm typing out the card text as that way I can put the second supertype in the description box so that it looks like there's two entries on the card page. Aftermath cards are an exception here, as the second side requires being in the graveyard, making them less likely to be desired sorted by the second type.)

So this is perhaps, both a poll of which side of this question the community prefers, and if there are any other reasons not listed above to be mentioned.

Caerwyn on Does Kicker count as part …

5 years ago

Though this question has been answered, I wanted to make one correction to Gidgetimer's follow-up response on the off-chance anyone is reading this thread in the future. To clarify, it is not a substantive change to the answer to the question itself, but rather the dicta regarding cards with variable CMCs.

There are actually two times a converted mana cost on a card can change. The first is spells with in the cost, such as those Gidgetimer mentioned. The second is split cards. These could be cards with Aftermath , cards with fuse , or generic split cards .

While in any zone other than the stack (Library, hand, graveyard, exile, and ante--there are no split cards that can be on the battlefield or in the command zone), the CMC is equal to the total casting cost of the card. Using our three above-linked options: Appeal / Authority would have a CMC of 3 when in non-stack zones; Alive / Well would have a CMC of 5; and Assault / Battery would have a CMC of 5.

When on the stack, the CMC is equal to the total cost of the sides being cast. For Armed / Dangerous , this will be either 1 or 2, depending on which portion is being cast. For Assault / Battery , his will be either 1 or 4, depending on the side being cast.

It gets a bit funky with Fuse, as there are multiple options. Alive / Well will have a CMC of four if only Alive is cast, a CMC of 1 if only Well is cast, and a CMC of 5 if both halves are fused together.

Anyway, sorry to post on a closed thread--I just wanted to make sure all the information was available.

lagotripha on Ellie's Saprolings

5 years ago

Supply // Demand needs spaces to read properly for some reason.

Triumph of the Hordes is a game ending card for this style of deck, although commander popularity has pushed the price up a lot.

Some of my favourite MTG memories are of a Pollenbright Wings on a Mycoloth. Both cards aren't great in modern, as they're too easily disrupted (barring a Leyline of Anticipation deck), but are a lot of fun in more casual lists. I've tinkered some, but you're pretty close to how this deck wants to run.

Sideboard wise, Alive // Well is worth a look. Cheap, helps hate out burn as well as, (if not better than,) a leyline in token decks. Solemnity hates infect while stopping both Ratchet Bomb and Engineered Explosives from hitting anything bigger than your tokens. Wilt-Leaf Liege is amazing in hollow-one metas.

Heroic Intervention is amazing board wipe insurance, and is in vogue, but things like Fresh Meat also exist.

Fungal Plots is a big saproling tribal card. You might not be making tokens often with it, but the lifegain/carddraw is very strong when you're using saprolings as chump blockers and trying to dig into your sideboard cards.

Second Harvest and Rhys the Redeemed exist, but a lot of the time they are only as effective as a Scatter the Seeds, and some of the time a lot worse.

Utopia mycorn feels like it could be part of some kind of haste/combo list, but I've never seen it work well. Wayfaring Temple is basically either a 1/1 or a 3 mana duress as your opponent kills it.

Hope this helps- good luck and happy piloting.

lagotripha on GW Tokens

6 years ago

I really like this list. I'd give a little consideration to Druid's Deliverance Sundering Growth Alive // Well Rhys the Redeemed Second Harvest Wayfaring Temple and Hooded Hydra and Triumph of the Hordes but you have most of the good stuff there.

Most tokens lists are in B purely for Lingering Souls. If you find yourself running more fetches, a single Overgrown Tomb and Godless Shrine would let you run a set.

When you choose to run green, you need to look at the tools and synergies it opens up- Most G/W token lists I've seen have been splinter-twin esque Village Bell-Ringer/Presence of Gond combo lists ruinning Glittering Wish. Certainly, a light combo subtheme is very much an option with the variety of token-combo tools in green, taking advantage of Chord of Calling and Sprout Swarm

BugGirl1999 on ✨ $10 Lifegain ✨

6 years ago
I playtested your deck quite a bit against several hyper budget aggro decks. I feel as if the deck has no problem creating chump blockers early game via tokens, but you arent getting any lifegain benefits from said chump blockers to make up for losing that board presence. If that makes any sense o.o

A good solution to this is cheap lifegain that protects you a little extra for the board presence you will inevitably lose by chump blocking. I found a few ideas you might consider.

- Awe Strike, prevent the attackers damage outright. Keeping you from having to block in the first place and gaining life out of it. TCG market price= $0.11

- Goldenglow Moth, a perfect example of a chump blocker. You should anticipate using her to stop an attack, the only difference is, she gives you life as a result. TCG market price= $0.08

- Hope Charm, a myriad of choices, from making your blockers formidable, to gaining quick life, to debuffing your opponents attackers. TCG market price= $0.07

Take a look at Alive / Well. The latter half (Well) can cut your deck price down another $1.65 if you use it to replace your full playset of Festival of Trokin. The TCG market price for Alive/Well right now is a nickel. I hope some of this helps or gets ya thinking :0

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