Ajani, Wise Counselor

Legendary Planeswalker — Ajani

+2: You gain 1 life for each creature you control.

-3: Creatures you control get +2/+2 until end of turn.

-9: Put X +1/+1 counters on target creature, where X is your life total.

Spotos on I Thought You Were Selesnyan

2 years ago

For a lifegain Strategy, I always love to see Aetherflux Reservoir, which may a bit pricy, around 20 or so dollars, but can kill most opponents if there not playing life gain. I think a problem in this deck is that there are a lot of cards in here like Bulette and Green Dragon where their effects can be useful, but don't contribute to the Life gain/Ramp strategy. Ageless Entity and cards like Ajani's Pridemate can also help out with getting creatures big by gaining life. I'll just put a list of cards that benefit from having lands enter the battlefield and by gaining life Sproutback Trudge, Ezzaroot Channeler, Verdant Sun's Avatar, Pulse of Murasa, Venser's Journal, Emeria Shepherd, Beast Whisperer, Nissa, Voice of Zendikar, Scute Swarm, Ajani, Mentor of Heroes, Ajani, Wise Counselor. Hopefully this helps in making this deck have a better win % and making it more fun and a bit more aggresive. If you still have any questions, just comment on this and i'll try to reply to it.

multimedia on

3 years ago

Hey, nice start, mono white can be tricky to build and play in Commander. You have Avacyn, Angel of Hope, make her the Commander? This is Angel tribal, but using Elesh Norn as Commander is strange...

No matter the Commander with Angel tribal Angels take up most, if not all, the high CMC spots in the deck because the best Angels have high CMCs. My advice is cut the majority of the other nonAngel high CMC (5 CMC or higher) cards. Ramp and Angels should be priority.

Cards to consider cutting right away because they're not as good as other cards or are redundancy you don't need:

This is 20 cards that doing a quick look over are subpar compared to the rest. The next 10 cards are cut to streamline by choosing the most important cards at different CMCs and cutting the others. Cards to consider cutting:

The last four cards is where it gets difficult to make cuts, but continue to streamline:

Hopefully this info helps and I offer more advice especially if you change to Avacyn, Angel of Hope as Commander since there's several good interactions to take advantage of.

Good luck with your deck.

Epicurus on Witch-Maw-Counters

4 years ago

I think you're doing it right so far. Rather than throw a lot of card suggestions at you, I'll point to 3 decks I have that are centered around +1/+1 counters, and let you peruse them. One is mono-green, and the other two are Simic, so take it as you like.

Also, though, Ajani, Wise Counselor, Ajani, Inspiring Leader, Anafenza, Kin-Tree Spirit, Archangel of Thune, Drana, Liberator of Malakir, Karlov of the Ghost Council, Faeburrow Elder, Bloom Tender, Leyline Prowler and Cryptolith Rite.

That's a lot to absorb, but I'll add also that this deck seems ripe for including the Heliod, Sun-Crowned + Walking Ballista combo. Both cards would work independently in this deck, and the infinite loop possibility would be always there.

Sorry for the long comment. Cheers!

Tzefick on Custom Commander: Kaamik, Mardu Warchanter

4 years ago

This one gives me flashbacks to Agrus Kos, Wojek Veteran and Jor Kadeen, the Prevailer. Not necessarily a bad thing, but I think white and red have enough anthem effects, so I would think the Commander for such a deck could have more interesting abilities than just stats.

If you really wanna double down, I could see something like, "Creatures you control get +X/+X, where X is equal to the number of permanents you control with abilities that says creatures you control on them."

This divulges into the unset-esque terminology to refer to words on cards, but generally it synergies with anything that says "creatures you control" on them. It could be anthem effects, even very defined ones Honor of the Pure, it could be permanents with anthem-like abilities, like Brave the Sands, or it could be active abilities that refer to creatures you control, like Ajani, Wise Counselor.

MontaukMonster on Divine Afterlife **Sideboard Help Really Needed**

5 years ago

I don't know what you tested against but I've had nothing but issues with your mana base. If you're happy with it though, that's what matters.

For the SB you have:

  • 2x Cleansing Nova - too expensive for what you need it for
  • 2x Demystify - lack of versatility isn't worth the low cost in this environment
  • Despark - why only one? This card is awesome
  • 2x Divest - why? Why not Last Gasp instead
  • 3x Duress - in a control dominant environment this is a main deck card. Even in SB you should run a full set
  • 1x Mortify - why only one and why is this not main
  • 3x Revitalize - The decks you'd bring this against are going to inflict a lot more than 3. Try The Wanderer or since you plan to make a lot of tokens what about Ajani, Wise Counselor or Ajani's Welcome . Or Ritual of Rejuvenation is just better if you're worried about burn
  • Sorin, Vengeful Bloodlord - he doesn't impress me.

So there's that. Can you PLEASE do me a favor... you don't have to keep it this way but can you at least TRY taking out Risk Factor because it absolutely sucks in your deck and replace it with Chromatic Lantern ¿ just for a little bit? Give it a few games and if it doesn't work then change it back. ..

clounin on Divine Intervention

5 years ago

I've reworked off the suggestions. It plays way faster which is one of the things I was trying to figure out. So thanks for that. Still hits really hard without Worldsoul Colossus and I haven't really missed Ajani, Wise Counselor. Again thanks for the suggestions.

clounin on Divine Intervention

5 years ago

I'll try it out. But it feels so good to combine Worldsoul Colossus with Ajani, Wise Counselor. Bring Worldsoul Colossus out for say 15/15, then use Ajani, Wise Counselor Ult for a huge counter. I've had Worldsoul Colossus up to 107/107 one time. Not to mention being a 2 drop, he has saved me in early game when I haven't had my Hunted Witness or Knight of Grace Can lay a couple tokens then use them to summon Worldsoul Colossus for say 2/2. Has gotten me out of pinches. I've been playing this deck online for about half a week. I'm weary of dropping him. But I'll give it a try tonight and give feed back on the results.

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