Abzan Falconer

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Abzan Falconer

Creature — Human Soldier

Outlast (, : Put a +1/+1 counter on this creature. Outlast only as a sorcery.)

Each creature you control with a +1/+1 counter on it has flying.

Mortlocke on Should I Keep Abzan Falconer …

9 hours ago

Goldberserkerdragon, what card would you suggest for DemonDragonJ's Atraxa deck? Specifically to replace Abzan Falconer.

DemonDragonJ on All Will Be One

1 day ago

I have replaced Abzan Falconer with Metastatic Evangel, which reduced the average converted mana cost of this deck from 3.65 to 3.63, as the newer creature far better suits the theme of this deck.

Mortlocke on Should I Keep Abzan Falconer …

1 day ago

Sorry, I just realized I didn't really answer your question- Yes. I think Metastatic Evangel is a great upgrade from Abzan Falconer. Abzan Falconer asks for alot to gain little - for maybe flying. It can only place +1/+1 counters on itself at sorcery speed, and it needs to tap. It cannot target other creatures. Evangel gives all of your non-token creatures "When this creature enters the battlefield, Proliferate." This provides greater flexibility and can allow you to uptick planeswalkers, artifacts, and +1/+1 counters.

DemonDragonJ on Should I Keep Abzan Falconer …

2 days ago

Mortlocke, that is definitely an excellent suggestion, so I wonder if it may be a good replacement for Abzan Falconer?

DemonDragonJ on Should I Keep Abzan Falconer …

2 days ago

Mortlocke, all of those are excellent cards, but I am not certain about them, and I shall explain my reasons for feeling so about each one.

Mikaeus, the Lunarch has an ability that is very similar to Spike Weaver's first ability, and, while Spike Weaver's second ability is nice, I feel that it does not quite match the theme of the deck, and Spike Weaver also costs 4 mana, which would increase the mana curve of this deck.

I do not believe that this deck has quite a sufficient number of creatures with activated abilities to justify including Agatha's Soul Cauldron in the deck.

This deck does not have quite a sufficient focus on lands to justify including Felidar Retreat.

I feel that Hadana's Climb  Flip does not quite have a sufficient impact for this deck.

Again, all of those cards were excellent, so please do not think that I did not appreciate your suggestions.

As for the cards that I previously mentioned, I already have a copy of Fertilid in another deck, so, between Shapers of Nature and Zameck Guildmage, the guildmage has both a lower casting cost and a lower cost for using its ability, so I believe that that is the card that I shall I put into my Atraxa deck, to replace Abzan Falconer.

Mortlocke on Should I Keep Abzan Falconer …

2 days ago

Keeping Abzan Falconer in mind, it's outlast ability is also at Sorcery speed - but can only target itself. Not to mention it can only trigger once a turn and adds 1 counter at a time. What are you looking for exactly? Is it a reliable means of getting +1/+1 counters on creatures? Or something with more speed/utility?

DemonDragonJ on Should I Keep Abzan Falconer …

4 days ago

I have a copy of Abzan Falconer in my Atraxa, Praetors' Voice EDH deck, because it is quite awesome to give flying to all of my creatures that have +1/+1 counters on themselves, but since that deck also contains both Akroma's Memorial and Elspeth, Sun's Champion, both of which can also grant flying, I wonder if I should replace that creature with another creature, such as Fertilid, Shapers of Nature, Zameck Guildmage, Steelbane Hydra, or Mindless Automaton, as all of those creatures use +1/+1 counters for various purposes.

What does everyone else say about this matter? Should I keep Abzan Falconer in my Atraxa deck, or replace it, with another creature? I certainly would appreciate your feedback.

Tsukimi on

5 months ago

So many new exploratory bant commander applications, this is one of the combos I was most excited for, but really not into the UB stuff so gonna wait until they have mtg cards. Also your last comment is right about Ahau as far as I know.

For suggestions:

Surprised Seedborn Muse isn't on the list. Always good to have a backup plan if your commander is removed a lot, and more importantly SB Muse untaps all of your lands each turn. Without having enough mana flash alone often falls short in multiplayer games. Seedborn Muse will also help get your commanders out in a single round. To this end more cheap mana dorks would help like Delighted Halfling or Gyre Sage because they will untap each step with your commander.

You have a lot of things that give counters but not a lot of payoff, cards like Abzan Falconer and Zegana, Utopian Speaker come to mind.

Big fan of Inspiring Call in counter decks too.

I have a Bant token deck that has a lot of good small-guys-who-make-other-guys type cards like Aether Channeler, if you want to check it out for suggestions. Can't Catch Me, I'm the GingerBant Man! [Primer]

I see March of multitudes and flurry of wings, I've tried to run a lot of cards like that but I've found they almost always want to be played later in the game. If you want to have smaller pieces set up for before your commanders come out, cards like Aether channeler and mana dorks will go a long way. Creatures that make creatures will work better with the convoke theme as well. Very fun and original looking deck!

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