


Zelka Forn's medical facility was a clinic on the Outer Rim planet of Taris that was founded and ran by Republic supporter, Doctor Zelka Forn. His shop gladly accepted any members of society, no matter their race, gender, class or rank. The clinic included a main room with three beds and three kolto tanks. It also had a secret back room with several kolto tanks, where Zelka secretly kept Republic soldiers alive for as long as possible. Of course if the Sith found out about this, his clinic would be shut down instantly, so the room was locked tight, and only Revan found its location. Zelka also had a medical droid and an assistant named Gurney, who secretly worked for the Exchange.[1]

Revan later brought an small amount of antidote for Taris's deadly Rakghoul plague to Forn. Using the sample, Forn was able to synthesize more of the antidote, which he sold to the public at a low price. Forn offered Revan a reward, but it was refused.[1]



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