


This is the talk page for the article "Tython/Legends."

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What possible reason is there to assume that Tython could be Tythe? Kuralyov 14:03, 28 Oct 2005 (UTC)

  • For some reason, fans keep getting these two worlds mixed up. Dan Wallace, over at the New Essential Chronology thread at TF.N stated that Tython and Tythe are two separate worlds - Kwenn

Deep Core?[]

Does anyone know where the information placing Tython in the Deep Core comes from? Just curious. Randy Starkiller 03:03, 12 October 2006 (UTC)

In Darth Bane Rule of Two, Tython is also placed in the Deep Core.


source that Belia was ON Tython was poisoned? I think she was in Tapani Sector at time. 07:46, 25 February 2008 (UTC)

Atmospheric Inconsistency[]

In Darth Bane: Rule of Two, it is made very clear that Tython is a world entirely enveloped in smothering clouds, and that hardly any sunlight reaches the surface. Yet, in the screen shots from The Old Republic we see sunny skies and pink dusk. Any thoughts as to why that is? 22:46, 25 October 2008 (UTC)

Atmospheres can change. There is roughly 2500 years between TOR and RoT. Also, it could have been something like hurricane season when/where Bane landed. Not really a big deal. Jedi Master Randy Starkiller 12:23, 30 October 2008 (UTC)

Picture non-canon[]

Look here: http://pc.ign.com/articles/923/923056p2.html

"Even with all the thought that's gone into the art direction, it's important to realize that the visuals are still being revised and debated even within BioWare. They're tweaking things here and there, and even pulling entire assets when they don't seem to fit the right mood. This shot of the Jedi Temple on Tython is a great example. The team just doesn't feel that it suits the mood they're trying to create, so they're planning to cut it and start again from scratch. They're hoping to find a suitable place to use the old version of the Temple, but they're dedicated to making sure that each element feels like it belongs in its setting in terms of story and mood."

So, the picture isn't canon anymore. (- -) 03:45, 30 October 2008 (UTC)

it says there planing to, they might not. plus it says there gonna try to use it some where else, so they might just put it in a differnt part of tython where it fits in better. the only way we can prove its non-canon is if some one explores all of tython and dsont find it in game. which if its the jedi tempele it should be very easy to find.


The picture of Tython is NOT canon. Look at this link: [1]

"Even with all the thought that's gone into the art direction, it's important to realize that the visuals are still being revised and debated even within BioWare. They're tweaking things here and there, and even pulling entire assets when they don't seem to fit the right mood. This shot of the Jedi Temple on Tython is a great example. The team just doesn't feel that it suits the mood they're trying to create, so they're planning to cut it and start again from scratch. They're hoping to find a suitable place to use the old version of the Temple, but they're dedicated to making sure that each element feels like it belongs in its setting in terms of story and mood." (- -) 15:54, 11 December 2008 (UTC)

  • it is still cannon as since then they have released new screenshots with another picture of the jedi temple and labled it the Jedi Temple, so for now it is still canon. Alex1991 23:22, 29 December 2008 (UTC)


I have a feeling that Tython may be Earth in the Star Wars Universe. Darth Void 22:26, 6 January 2009 (UTC)

Earth is not really in the Deep Core of our Galaxy... It would be in the Unknown Regions of the GFFA. 23:34, 17 January 2009 (UTC)

"First society of Force-Users" is incorrect...[]

"in the form of the first society of Force users in known history" is a pretty incorrect line to have in this... I know that in the Star Ward: The Old Republic website it says so, but they have overlooked their own creation: The Rakata. The Rakata were brandishing their own Force-uberness at their peak over five thousand years ago! Therefore, his should be changed to something like: 'first *human* society of Force users blablabla'

    • Well, they were the first society of Force-users in the sense that they examined and understood the Force, while the Rakata, to my knowledge, and as far as Jedi vs Sith: The Essential Guide to the Force seems to imply, did not. Qui-Gon Reborn 09:25, 1 February 2009 (UTC)


What source is it that lists this as a possible homeworld of the Shi'ido?

Time of Rediscovery?[]

This article claims that Tython was rediscovered shortly after the Great War. However, the Star Wars: the Old Republic Holonet page for Tython says it was rediscovered early in the Great War. 23:41, September 26, 2010 (UTC)

It's a contradiction, because Satele Shan is said to have discovered it, yet would not have been young or unborn early in the war. See her Holonet page. --DarthEinstein 00:23, September 27, 2010 (UTC)
Her Holonet page gives no indication of her age. It just says she was a Padawan when she first took part in the Great War, and is the youngest Grand Master ever (at that time). "Youngest" doesn't mean much when there are no previous ages to compare it to. Also, her article on this wiki states, without source, that she was born before the Great War. That's why I think the mention of Tython being rediscovered 'early' is important, vague as it is, as it gives some indication of Satele's actual age. 05:10, September 27, 2010 (UTC)
Alright, but that means she is quite old for a Padawan in Threat of Peace. She would have to be at least 28, or older if she is to discover it early in the war. Becoming a Grand Master from a Padawan in a few years already seems weird to me, but being a Padawan for decades before that seems even weirder. --DarthEinstein 12:23, September 27, 2010 (UTC)
You should have a look at the following Wookieepedia image: File:Zym Dar'nala Am-Ris confer.jpg. It's used in Grand Master Zym's biography. It is the panel from Threat of Peace in which Satele Shan is identified as a Jedi Knight. 11:10, September 28, 2010 (UTC)
Oh, sorry my bad. Sure, then definitely what you say makes sense. --DarthEinstein 11:15, September 28, 2010 (UTC)

First mentioned in Rebellion?[]

Can anyone give the actual mention of Tython in Rebellion? Having played through the game countless times on each side, and reading all the text in the encyclopedia, I don't ever recall seeing it mentioned. Only time I can remember seeing "Tython" mentioned in the context of Rebellion is someone's roleplaying posts in the SWRebellion forums, and then only as the name of a character, not a planet.

Force Study[]

It's pretty clear in the recent Dark Horse comics that the Je'daii studied both Ashla and Bogan, and considered undue weight to either one to be bad.

Is there any reason not to so update the second and fourth paragraphs of the Dawn of the Jedi section to reflect such?

Boskone 01:29, February 29, 2012 (UTC)

True Dark Sons of Tython?[]

Where does this new info come from? I always thought the orignis of the Flesh Raiders (they look more like mutated Rakata if you ask me) had remained unclear, as well as Rajivari's actions, as well as his faction's name...

  • In TOR it describes the Flesh Raiders abandoning Rajivari during the Battle of Kaleth. Rajivari's acolytes call themselves the True Dark Sons of Tython, though whether it is an official title is unclear and will be reflected in the article when I get around to writing it. If you have any additional information or corrections please post it here and we can ensure the factual accuracy of the article! Purpilia 22:58, May 15, 2012 (UTC)

Tython after TOR[]

Anyone knows what happened to Tython after the events of TOR? I could not find even single mention after this time period. Has it been forgotten? Unsigned comment by Shisco (talk • contribs).

I believe Tython should be updated with the information about the Force War between them and the Rakata, between the Despot War and the actual formation of the Jedi Order.

Rakatan invasion[]

I feel there should be at least some mention on this page of the Invasion of the Tython system. BrentNewland (talk) 06:41, October 11, 2017 (UTC)

Can I remove the redlink banner?[]

Can I remove the redlink banner it says there is an excessive amount of redlinks in "Appearances" but I checked and their was no redlinks but I checked the rest of the article and there was lot's of redlinks. Person741963 (talk) 19:07, January 22, 2019 (UTC)

  • Please take the time to read again what the template actually says: "This article has an excess of redlinks in it." It says that if there happen to not be any visible redlinks in the rest of the article, one should look at the Appearances section, not that the Appearances section specifically has any redlinks necessarily. Imperators II(Talk) 20:24, January 22, 2019 (UTC)

An orbital and a rotation periods[]

Shouldn't an orbital and a rotation periods be added to the astrographical information field? It was mentioned on the SWTOR Tython holonet page: https://web.archive.org/web/20110107040432/http://www.swtor.com/info/holonet/planets/tython Unsigned comment by KryoDozzer (talk • contribs).

  • You're absolutely right, it in the aurebesh data on the upper right corner. I added those informations to the infobox. NanoLuukeCloning facility 18:43, 4 December 2020 (UTC)