


Selas Ferr was a member of the Alliance to Restore the Republic who was part of the underground on the planet Jastro III. As a young man, Ferr fell in love with the daughter of the planetary governor who felt the same about him but could not express it due to the presence of CompForce personnel. However, she did manage to put Ferr in contact with "Alexan," a mysterious individual in the Governor's hierarchy with influence and access.

When two of Ferr's men were captured during an operation, Ferr reached out to Alexan for help in rescuing them. Alexan agreed on the condition that Ferr also take the governor's daughter with him. Ferr was confused but agreed.

Alexan delivered Ferr's men and the governor's daughter at the appointed time, but they were ambushed by Imperial forces. The group managed to escape but Alexan was mortally wounded. Ferr then discovered that Alexan was the Governor of Jastro III.

