


"The vote was wrong! […] To allow the Bothans to escape proper punishment will merely encourage further atrocities like Caamas in the future. The Sif'krie government must be made aware of that and given the opportunity to change its vote."
―Plarx, to General Garm Bel Iblis[1]

Plarx was a Frezh male who commanded the Frezh blockade of the planet Sif'kric, the homeworld of the Sif'krie species, during the Caamas Document Crisis[1] in 19 ABY. During the same year,[2] a New Republic task force arrived at the planet, and Plarx explained his people's motives to blockade Sif'kric to Republic General Garm Bel Iblis. According to the Frezh, the Sif'krie had stopped the Frezh senator from supporting the anti-Bothan Drashtine Initiative, which would punish the Bothan species for destroying the planet Caamas as the commander of the blockade desired.[1]

As Bel Iblis could not legally intervene, the general ordered Rogue Squadron to study a freighter that he suspected could be connected to smuggler Booster Terrik as an excuse to break Plarx's blockade. While the X-wing starfighters passed through the blockade, its commander opened fire, giving the general a more legitimate excuse to destroy the blockading forces. After the Frezh commander's blockade was broken, the Frezh government complained to Republic Admiral Ackbar.[1]

Behind the scenes[]

Plarx appeared in the 1997 novel Specter of the Past, the first volume in Timothy Zahn's Star Wars: The Hand of Thrawn Duology.[1]


Notes and references[]
