

Got A Bad feeling

I have a bad feeling about this…

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"You have matters well in hand, my servant. But I doubt that is what you wished to report."
"I would never disturb you only to report that I am performing as you expect, Great Warmaster."
―Tsavong Lah and Maal Lah[1]

Maal Lah was a male Yuuzhan Vong Warrior and crèche-brother to Warmaster Tsavong Lah. He served as Commander during the Yuuzhan Vong War.


Maal Lah was a male Yuuzhan Vong of the Warrior caste. A member of Domain Lah and crèche-brother to Warmaster Tsavong Lah, Maal Lah was Commander of one of the fleets the Yuuzhan Vong sent during the Battle of Coruscant. While he normally favored bold assaults, he had to tone down his attacks because of the forces present. With the successful conquest, Maal Lah was escalated to Supreme Commander, and became one of Tsavong Lah's tactical advisors during the Battles of Borleias. After learning of Wyrpuuk Cha's failure, Maal became convinced that Garm Bel Iblis was the one who coordinated the battle. Maal Lah was later sent to Ylesia, where he had the difficult task of bringing the Peace Brigade forces into line. He was present during the New Republic's Raid on Ylesia, where his leg was damaged beyond repair. He endured the pain and said the Shapers would give him a new leg, if the gods favored him. However, he was crushed to death by the falling rubble of a nearby building.

Personality and traits[]

Unlike other members of Domain Lah, Maal did not possess a single scar on his body, but instead chose to tattoo himself with blue and red swirls.



Notes and references[]

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