


Light battle armor was a type of armor commonly used in the galaxy during the Jedi Civil War and Dark Wars. The armor provide decent protection for a relatively low cost, and was suitable for both males and females. It was considered excellent protection for entrenched troops or guards. However, this protection came at a cost of mobility, limiting its uses by rapidly advancing infantry. Still, it provided more mobility than full battle armor. The armor was used by many soldiers in the Sith Empire, Galactic Republic, and local militias, and was available from many vendors across the Galaxy. It was also used by other individuals, such as Gadon Thek of the Hidden Beks swoop gang.[1]

Behind the scenes[]


The KotOR I in-game icon


The KotOR II in-game icon

Light battle armor first appeared in the 2003[3] roleplaying game Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic,[1] developed by BioWare.[4] The armor later appeared in the 2004[5] sequel, Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords,[2] developed by Obsidian Entertainment.[5]

Due to the randomized vendors and drops in Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords, the armor does not necessarily appear in the game. The vendors with a chance to own the item are: Samhan Dobo on Telos IV, Oondar on Nar Shaddaa, Kex on Dxun, Margar and Gegorran on Onderon, and Adum Larp on Dantooine.[2] In Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, the vendors have set items, and the armor can always be bought from them.[1]

The item's in-game description reads: "Providing solid protection for a minimal cost, this armor is excellent for entrenched troops or guards. A force on the move, however, may find it somewhat constricting."[1]



Notes and references[]

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