


The Imperial Naval Code was a set of rules and regulations that members of the Imperial Navy were bound to follow, regardless of their specific role.

The rules in the Naval Code are as follows:

Source: Imperial Handbook: A Commander's GuideAttribution: Daniel Wallace
I will honor the Empire in my thoughts and actions

I will obey my superiors

I will never shirk from my duties

I will maintain impeccable standards of conduct and appearance

I will use Imperial resources responsibly

I will complete every mission without hesitation, ambiguity, or mercy

I will recognize that the Empire is greater than myself and be willing to die in its service

I will call out those who do not live up to the standards of the Naval Code
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Although Leia Organa expressed that they needed to fight the indoctrination, Han Solo, a graduate of the Naval Academy, mentioned that no one actually believed the code, not even the person who wrote the code in the first place.

The Imperial Naval Code was included within the Imperial Handbook: A Commander's Guide, due to the manual's role in indoctrinating new officers of the Imperial Military.


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