


The I.M. mine was a simple type of land mine that could be set to explode in two functions: either by timeset or by proximity. It was manufactured by Imperial Machines.[1]

The mines were used by the Galactic Empire during the Galactic Civil War. Stacks of such mines were found in several installations such as the Imperial Detention Center on Orinackra where Rebel Alliance agent Kyle Katarn came upon these weapons.[2]

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Behind the scenes[]

I.M. mines first appeared in a secret area in the demo version of Star Wars: Dark Forces, where they were referred to as "claymore mines"; in the finished game, the I.M. mines appear first in the Orinackra level.

According to the Dark Forces Official Player's Guide, "Claymore" was the nickname of the weapon while designing the game, without making clear if it was also called like that in-universe. The M1C-F Claymore Mine appeared later in Star Wars: The Old Republic.



Notes and references[]

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