

This article is about flash pumping used in Spaarti cloning cylinders. You may be looking for flash training.

Flash pumping or flash-pumping, also called flash-teaching or flash-learning was a technique developed by Spaarti Creations and later adopted by Arkanian Microtechnologies that, unlike the Kaminoan flash training, which relied heavily on holographic simulations, was "pumping" huge amount of knowledge and memories directly into the brain of the clone late in the cloning process.[1] This was made possible by Spaarti cloning cylinders' computer processing system that was connected directly to the cerebral cortex of developing clone.[2]


In the late period of the Clone Wars, the Galactic Republic Military deployed millions of additional clone troopers, fully grown in a year by Arkanian Microtechnologies on Centax-2 with the use of Spaarti technology. Due to the new clones' extremely fast growth cycle, flash pumping was used instead of regular flash training[1] and it composed the whole of their basic training. In combat, the Arkanian clones displayed poor marksmanship and a lack of strategy,[3] effectively making them subpar soldiers in comparison to their Kaminoan-bred counterparts.[4]

The remnants of the old Galactic Empire also utilized flash pumping for their clone stormtroopers, such as Grand Admiral Thrawn's clone army.[5]



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