


Fillorean was a Supreme Chancellor of the Old Republic circa 15,500 BBY.


During Fillorean's time as Supreme Chancellor, the Republic first made contact with the Duinuogwuins, resulting in the Duinuogwuin Contention being fought on Coruscant.[2] Fillorean ignored demands to mobilize the Republic Navy and instead made an attempt to communicate with the Duinuogwuin. The Duinuogqwuin revealed themselves to be intelligent and inherently peaceful, and the philosopher Borz'Mat'oh agreed to negotiate a treaty with Fillorean.[3] After peace had been achieved, Fillorean and Borz'Mat'oh founded the University of Coruscant.[1]

The Chancellor Fillorean, a luxury liner, existed millennia after Fillorean's time as chancellor.[4]

Personality and traits[]

Fillorean was often criticized by members of the Galactic Senate for being hesitant and indecisive.[3]



Notes and references[]

Supreme Chancellors of the Galactic Republic
Before the Ruusan Reformation First Chancellor · Fillorean (c. 15,500 BBY)
Pers'lya (—11,987 BBY)
Contispex I (11,98711,947 BBY)
Contispex II (11,947 BBY—) · Contispex XI (c.11,591 BBY)
Contispex XIX (—10,966 BBY)
Biel Ductavis (10,966 BBY—)
Blotus (Rianitus Period) · Nagratha (c. 7786 BBY)
Fattum (c. 5010 BBY) · Pultimo (c. 5000 BBY)
Vocatara (c. 4800 BBY) · Sidrona (—3996 BBY)
Tol Cressa (c. 3963 BBY—) · Berooken (—3653 BBY)
Paran Am-Ris (3653 BBY)
Dorian Janarus (c. 3653–3640 BBY)
Leontyne Saresh (3640–3632 BBY)
Jebevel Madon (3632 BBY—c. 3630 BBY)
Galena Rans (3630 BBY–) · Vedij (c. 3017 BBY)
Genarra (c. 1032 BBY)
After the Ruusan Reformation Tarsus Valorum (1000992 BBY)
A Chancellor (992 BBY—)
Anwis Eddicus (c. 700 BBY)
Eixes Valorum · Vaila Pecivas (—60 BBY)
Thoris Darus (6052 BBY) · Frix (5248 BBY)
Kalpana (4840 BBY) · Finis Valorum (4032 BBY)
Palpatine (3219 BBY)
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