


The Echani Ritual Brand was a type of double-bladed sword used in ritual combat by Echani Firedancers. The Echani used the blade in a graceful pattern of dodging and slicing, causing the combat to appear similar to a dance.[1] In 3956 BBY,[2] during the Jedi Civil War between the Galactic Republic and Sith Empire, an Echani Ritual Brand was owned by[1] the Human female[3] Kebla Yurt, who ran an Equipment Emporium in the Upper City of the Outer Rim planet Taris. The weapon was not confiscated by the Sith during their occupation of the ecumenopolis, unlike much of Yurt's other stock, and was thus for sale at her shop.[1]

The weapon consisted of two Cortosis-weave blades joined in the center by a purple hilt. It was capable of withstanding a lightsaber, and could be purchased for two-hundred eighty credits.[1]

Behind the scenes[]

The Echani Ritual Brand first appeared in Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, a 2003 video game developed by BioWare. The weapon is sold by the non-player character Kebla Yurt, whose interactions are optional and do not affect plot or alignment.[1]


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