


"Nuso Esva's Eastern Fleet has been shattered, but he has two more of equal strength. I have to return immediately to seize our temporary advantage."
―Senior Captain Thrawn[1]

The Eastern Fleet was one of three fleets that formed the battle fleet of Storm-hair Warlord Nuso Esva's realm. It was formed by twenty-seven Firekiln warships, fifty Whisperlike fighters, and nearly 100 of the Firekilns' escort ships. It was commanded by Esva.

In 0 ABY, the Eastern Fleet participated in a battle in the Candoras sector's Poln system against Task Force Admonitor, the Imperial II-class Star Destroyer Chimaera, and the Death Squadron fleet. The battle ended with the destruction of the fleet and Esva's retreat.


"Twenty-eight Firekilns against two Star Destroyers. Are you so frightened of me, Nuso Esva?"
"I fear nothing. You may hide behind your Imperial underlings if you wish, aboard that freighter, and allow them to die before you. But you will die. And when you are dead, I will batter the worlds below you into rubble."
―Senior Captain Thrawn and Warlord Nuso Esva[1]

The fleet, part of[1] Storm-hair[3] Warlord Nuso Esva's realm, was one of the three fleets of equal strength that formed the warlord's battle fleet. The Eastern Fleet was composed of twenty-eight Firekiln warships, the vessels' escort starships, and fifty Whisperlike fighters. The Eastern Fleet—which filled an Imperial II-class Star Destroyer's viewport—was under the command of Esva.[1]


"I mean to destroy you, Captain Thrawn. But first, your soldiers and subordinates are going to watch as you make your final, fatal choice. In fourteen minutes, unless something is done, the Chimaera and the Golan will destroy each other in a fiery collision. The other ships of your task force are helpless to interfere. I have all of them trapped here by Poln Minor, and should any of them attempt to leave their current positions my Firekilns have been ordered to intercept and destroy. The only way to prevent the collision is for either the Chimaera or the Golan to open fire and destroy the other."
―Warlord Nuso Esva, to Senior Captain Thrawn[1]

As part of the campaign developed by Esva to end his conflict with Senior Captain Thrawn of the Galactic Empire, the warlord sent the Eastern Fleet to the Candoras sector's Poln system[1] in 0 ABY[2] with the goal of decimating Thrawn's Task Force Admonitorled by the Imperial I-class Star Destroyer Admonitor—and the other Imperial forces, including the Imperial II Chimaera. Most of the fleet arrived at once, and four of its Firekilns arrived after Thrawn reported to Esva through comm that Poln's Golan I space station destroyed the Eastern Fleet's fifty Whisperlike starfighters with its missiles.[1]


The Executor-class Star Dreadnought Executor (pictured) fought the Eastern Fleet.

As the fleet's vessels moved to their designated positions, the Chiss senior captain and the Storm-hair warlord continued speaking through comm. Esva claimed that once Thrawn's death came, the Eastern Fleet would shatter the system's double planets, Poln Major and Poln Minor. Once Esva's forces were in position, Thrawn summoned the Death Squadron, a fleet of Imperial Star Destroyers led by the Dark Lord of the Sith Darth Vader from the Executor-class Star Dreadnought Executor. Vader then ordered all of the Empire's forces present to engage the Eastern Fleet, destroying it. Esva, however, was able to flee aboard his Kazellis-class light freighter, the Salaban's Hope.[1]

Commanders and crew[]

The Eastern Fleet was commanded by Esva.[1]

Behind the scenes[]

The Eastern Fleet appeared in Timothy Zahn's 2011 novel Choices of One.[1]


Notes and references[]
