


"How long until we get there?"
"Approximately four hours. In the meantime, I've had a combat suit prepared for you, one with more armoring and self-sealant capabilities than your suit from the Bargain Hunter. Go below and put it on. The armorer will assist you."
―Force Commander Mitth'raw'nuruodo, to Jorj Car'das[2]

Combat suits were among the cheapest and most basic forms of body armor that was available in the decades before, during and after the Jedi Civil War. These types of suits were seen all over the galaxy, and could be found for sale by almost any merchant who dealt in weapons and armor. Many such suits were used by military organizations, such as the Galactic Republic's military, as well as by mercenaries, criminals, bounty hunters and even some Jedi.

The suit itself offered decent protection from most types of attacks while maintaining maximum flexibility and minimum weight. However this armor was only recommended for light skirmishes.

The Chiss attack cruiser Springhawk of the Picket Force Two had an armory with a stash of armored Chiss combat suits with self-sealant capabilities. Prior to the Destruction of Special Task Force One, Force Commander Mitth'raw'nuruodo, core name "Thrawn," of the Chiss Expansionary Fleet prepared a combat suit for the Corellian smuggler Jorj Car'das. Car'das and a Chiss armorer spent three hours to get the suit fitted correctly, while spending the remaining fourth hour reviewing its characteristics. Jorj Car'das believed the Chiss combat suit was heavier than standard vac-suits. While Car'das returned to the Springhawk's bridge, he found Thrawn and the bridge crew had already donned their combat suits.[2]



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