


"That was the whole philosophic basis for the Emperor's New Order in the first place. Alone of all those in the Imperial Senate, he understood that so many diverse species and cultures could never live together without a strong hand governing them."
―Moff Andray, speaking to Admiral Pellaeon and his fellow Moffs[1]

Andray was a male individual who served as Moff of one of the Imperial Remnant's remaining eight sectors in the Outer Rim near the end of the Galactic Civil War. In 19 ABY, he took part in a meeting in Moff Disra's palace on the planet Bastion, the Imperial capital, in which Supreme Commander Gilad Pellaeon described his plan to open peace talks with the New Republic to the remaining Moffs. After the meeting, Andray reluctantly supported opening peace talks.


"You must be joking, Admiral Pellaeon."
―Andray, after hearing Pellaeon's proposal[1]

Andray was a male Moff who governed one of the Imperial Remnant's eight remaining sectors in the Outer Rim Territories and who served on the Moff Council, the governing body of the Imperial Remnant, near the end of the Galactic Civil War.[1] In 19 ABY,[2] he, along with the other remaining Moffs, took part in a meeting in the conference room of Moff Disra's palace on the Imperial capital world of Bastion, in which Supreme Commander Gilad Pellaeon described his plan to open peace talks with the New Republic. Once Pellaeon had laid out his plan, Andray initially believed that he was joking but continued to listen to him alongside the other Moffs. Moff Bemos suggested that, given time, the New Republic would collapse on its own, and Andray agreed. Although Pellaeon agreed that the New Republic would eventually collapse, he also believed that it would ensure that the remnants of the Empire were eliminated first.[1]

After more than an hour, the meeting concluded, and Andray, along with the other Moffs, reluctantly agreed to support peace talks.[1] The Moffs also provided Pellaeon with their credentials, which he later presented to Ambassador Leia Organa Solo of the New Republic. Pellaeon's push for peace talks resulted in the signing of the Pellaeon–Gavrisom Treaty peace accords, which he signed with New Republic Chief of State Ponc Gavrisom and which signified the end of the Galactic Civil War.[3]

Personality and traits[]

Andray was fiercely loyal to the ideals of the New Order.[4] He believed in the philosophic basis behind the New Order, namely that the diverse species and cultures present within the Empire could not live together without a strong hand to govern them.[1]

Behind the scenes[]

Andray first appeared in the 1997 novel Specter of the Past, which was written by Timothy Zahn.[1]



Notes and references[]

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