


Amorris was a small terrestrial planet located in the Amorris system of the Outer Rim Territories' Quelii sector. It contained the home base of the Cavrilhu Pirates before they abandoned the site in 19 ABY. At one point, a New Republic Intelligence officer was stationed on the planet and reported the activities of the pirates to the New Republic.

In 9 ABY, while trying to steal a starship from the New Republic-operated Sluis Van Shipyards, the thief Niles Ferrier was confronted by Jedi Knight Luke Skywalker and smuggler Lando Calrissian, who recommended that Ferrier steal from Amorris instead. Ferrier would go on to steal ships from the astronomical object Morr Three, also located in the Amorris system.


A small terrestrial planet,[3] Amorris was located in the Amorris system within the Quelii sector,[1] in the New Territories portion of[2] the Outer Rim Territories.[1] It had several landmasses surrounded by oceans.[3]


"The New Republic Intelligence agent on Amorris was supposed to have locked Wesselman away incommunicado for the next few days."
―Luke Skywalker[4]

Around the time of the Battle of Yavin, the Amorris system became occupied by the Cavrilhu Pirates, with their home base being located on Amorris.[4] At some point after the establishment of the New Republic[6] in 4 ABY,[7] a New Republic Intelligence officer was placed on the planet in order to notify the Republic of the pirates' activities.[4] In 9 ABY, Amorris was situated within the core territory held by the confederation of Imperial forces under Grand Admiral Thrawn's command.[2]

That same year,[8] smuggler Lando Calrissian and Jedi Knight Luke Skywalker witnessed thief Niles Ferrier attempting to steal a New Republic starship from the Sluis Van Shipyards. Upon catching Ferrier, Calrissian suggested that the thief instead target the Cavrilhu Pirates on Amorris.[6] Ferrier eventually went on to steal three IPV-1 System Patrol Crafts[9] from the pirates' base on the astronomical object Morr Three,[5] also located in the Amorris system.[1][10] In 19 ABY,[11] the New Republic officer on Amorris was instructed to arrest the leader of the pirates, Wesselman. Afterward, the group abandoned their Amorris site for a base in the Kauron system's asteroid field.[4]


The Cavrilhu Pirates who inhabited Amorris were Humans who spoke Galactic Basic Standard.[12]

Behind the scenes[]

Amorris was first mentioned in the 1992 novel Dark Force Rising, written by Timothy Zahn as the second installment in Star Wars: The Thrawn Trilogy.[6] It first appeared in the 1998 video game Star Wars: Rebellion, developed by Coolhand Interactive. The depiction provided for Amorris in Rebellion was used for eighteen other planets as well.[3] The 2009 book The Essential Atlas placed Amorris in grid square O-6.[2]


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