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Last Updated: Thursday, 15 June 2006, 10:01 GMT 11:01 UK
Billie Piper to leave Doctor Who
Billie Piper
Billie Piper made her Doctor Who debut in March 2005

Actress Billie Piper is to leave Doctor Who at the end of the current series, the BBC has confirmed.

But the corporation refused to comment on reports that her character, Rose Tyler, would die in the final episode.

"It has been an amazing adventure and I can confirm it comes to an end, for now at least, as series two climaxes," the former pop star said.

Writer Russell T Davies said the Doctor Who team had created "a stunning exit" for Piper's character.

"The Doctor Who team have had a whole year to plan this final scene," he said.

"We will miss Billie and wish her all the success in the world for her future."

Rose and I have gone on the most incredible journey over the past two years
Billie Piper
Piper, 23, is currently filming a BBC adaptation of Philip Pullman's Victorian thriller The Ruby in the Smoke.

"Rose and I have gone on the most incredible journey over the past two years," she said.

"I am truly indebted to Russell and to all the Doctor Who fans old and new who have been so supportive."

Speculation has been mounting over Rose's future on the programme, although the BBC had previously scotched reports predicting her departure.

The series two finale, entitled Doomsday, sees Rose and the Doctor, played by David Tennant, caught up in an invasion that threatens to destroy modern-day Earth.

Dave Bradley, editor of SFX Magazine, told the BBC News website there had been "a lot of rumours" regarding Piper's exit.

But he said that even if Rose did meet a sticky end, the door would still be open for her to return.

"No-one ever stays dead in science-fiction," he said.

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Rose Tyler
Sarah Jane Smith
Tegan Jovanka
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