RPGnet's TableTop Gloom Promo Expansion Giveaway

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RPG Historian
Atlas Games is working with us to give away up to 10 copies of their limited edition TableTop Gloom Promo Expansion:
Through an exclusive arrangement with Geek & Sundry, Atlas Games released an expansion pack of 10 transparent cards for the Gloom card game as a free promotion for International TableTop Day 2013. Nearly 11,000 of these sets were printed. Its cardlist includes a cover card, 3 Modifiers, 1 Untimely Death, 2 Stories, 1 Event, and 2 Unwelcome Guest Characters.
If you'd like to take home one of then ten sets, here's how this give away works:
  • Write a short piece of Gloom fiction.
  • It can either be 100, 250, or 500 words. No less, no more (but anywhere in the 100-500 word range is fine).
  • It can be about a game of Gloom (real or imagined) or about the characters in Gloom
  • Post it here with a ** CONTEST ENTRY ** at the top of your post.
  • One entry per real-life person.
In one week I'll close this thread and choose up to 10 winners*. If I love any entries, I may select them by hand, but the rest will be chosen randomly. I'll then contact you to get a postal address & email, and as long as I get it within a week, I'll send it on to Atlas Games and they'll mail you your Expansion. (For folks who don't get me back a mailing address & email within a week, I'll regretfully choose another participant.)

For more on Gloom, watch the Tabletop Episode or my review.

* I'll pick 10 winners as long as we get at least 20 good entries; else, fewer.
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Validated User
The postman kicked the mouldering gate to Hemlock Hall open with his muddy boot as he shuffled his letters. It screeched on its rusted hinges making him wince. Looking up from his ad-hock sorting to view the Hall in all its grim glory he felt a shiver rundown his spine, ‘poor sods’ he mused. Grey lifeless flowers lined the crazily paved pathway he walked. As he reached the door he held in his hand two letters. The paint of the front door blistered and peeled in large unsightly strips. Its rusting letterbox an ugly scar. Pushing the letterbox open with a squeak he shoved the letters through. It unexpectedly snapped shut like a mousetrap catching the ends of his fingers. ‘Bugger’ he shouted before shoving the raw bleeding digits into his maw to suck and sooth them. He aimed a kick at the door, and despite its decaying appearance held firm. Muttering to himself he retreated back down the path.
Butterfield the butler picked up the letters. He sniffed them and held them up to the dim hallway light. Sensing no money or anything value he carelessly tossed them onto the tarnished silver salver on the table and walked off.
Not long after his Lordship shuffled into the hall and opened the letters. The look of shock on his face was profound. ‘Butterfield summon the children at once’ he screamed. As the siblings arrived his Lordship pronounced ‘I have some bad news and some good news! The twins have been caught cheating in their exams and are to be expelled for life’. After a long pause he continued ‘…and the bad news Aunt Fanny is getting married again and Lola is to be bridesmaid…’
The twins collapsed on the floor laughing and Lola ran screaming from the house…………..Gloom!


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Validated User

Boils Malone sat at his window drinking his rum and staring out the window. "It wasn't your fault, Boils," Chopper Johnson, seated behind him, nodded as he tried to calm his employer. "Those constables don't know what they're talking about."
"Then why did those damned detectives detain me earlier?" He shook his head as he looked at his empty glass. "I'll be damned if this isn't the stuff that ruins me in the end." He decided he was fine with that fate as he refilled his glass and immediately pressed it to his lips.
Whiskers jumped up onto Chopper and curled into a ball in his lap. "So I haven't seen that unhappy kid Holmes the past few days. Where has he run off to?" Chopper found the cat irresistible and pet its fur.
"Castle Slogar. He's been over there ever since the Lord passed the other day." He began to pace from his desk to his wet bar, back and forth. "Are we sure it was an accident? I mean, what kind of life could a disembodied brain have? Whoever did it - whoever killed him - did him a kindness if you ask me." He took a drink and sighed. "But knowing my luck, I'll get blamed for that, too."
"Maybe you need to lay low, play it safe, stay out of the spotlight. I hear that circus is in town again. Why not take Mina there, have a good time together?"
Boils shook his head. "No good, their clown gives her nightmares. That little miniature opera singer they have don't do me no favors, either."
"Well you have to do something, Boils."
Malone set his glass down. "You know I hate that name, right?"
Chopper blinked in astonishment. "You...you hate your name?"
"It's not my name!" he shouted at first, then calmed down. "I had a rough youth, you know that. I beat up a few people, even burned a couple. Threw boiling water on a couple people that owed me money, and then that name surfaced. It became not so much a nickname as an expectation. People always wanted to know if it was true and if I would do it again. I didn't become known for what I am capable of, but for what I did in my savage youth."
Malone stared out the window again. "I wasn't given the name Boils, I was burdened with it."


Validated User

It was a week like all the others.


Ripped my favorite T-shirt. Found a roach inside the cereal box. Boss yelled at me for running late. Lost the library book. My ice cream fell off the cone. Account overdrawn. Cactus died. Six more defriends on facebook. Parking ticket. 105° outside and a broken AC unit. Dropped the glass coffee carafe on the tile floor. No one remembered my birthday. Favorite pizza place went out of business. Computer virus deleted all my mp3s. Dog ignores me. Lost my lease. All the Gencon events I wanted sold out. The only phone calls I get are prerecorded telemarketers. Migraines are back. Entered an online writing contest- didn’t win.

But, I keep telling myself, there is hope:

By losing, I will always be the winner.


Validated User

Wil Wheaton looked across the table at the glum faces of the Wellington-Smythe twins, Lester and Laura. It had been a brutal few days for the adorable tots, and they were in the depths of depression when he arrived for his visit with the family. Lord Wellington-Smythe had told him that the children had never been the same since his wife died, in spite of best efforts of their nanny, Goody Zarr. Just this week their outing to see the annual traveling circus, Dark's Den of Deformity, had been ruined when they were trapped on traitorous, run-away train. Then they had been beleaguered by bees, tripping in a nest on their long walk home when the train finally crashed.
Now they were back from their stay in the hospital and Wil was determined to cheer the children up with a friendly board game. They had even invited Angel and Mordecai of Blackwater Watch from up the road to join them. It was not going as well as Wil had hoped though. The two youngsters were not doing well and were struggling with the game and the Blackwaters... they had brought their house guest with them, Felicia Day, another serious gamer. She was ruling the board.
Wil drew a card. He looked at his hand. Wil and the Wellington-Smythes were doomed. No matter what card he played, he would be handing the game over Felicia. Wil groaned. He had taken his last turn. He fought against the urge to walk away from the table then and there. He smiled at the twins, hoping that it was encouraging. He didn't want them to despair, not yet. Let them have hope for just a few minutes longer.
Felicia drew a card with a glint in her eye. She knew as well as Wil did that the game was hers. The smile spread across her face, anticipation glowing in the faces of Angel and Mordecai. She played, winning the game and soundly squashing team Wellington-Smythe. All hope and joy fled from the innocent faces of Lester and Laura. Wil's shoulders slumped, accepting his fate. What a fool he had been for thinking things could be different.
Felicia and Team Blackwater Watch claimed the TableTop Trophy of Awesome, inscribing their names on it via a piece of tape and cheering their way out of the Wellington-Smythe home. Wil lead the lackluster Lester and Laura down to the Loser's Couch in the dank and dark basement. The children slumped on the couch. Wil sat in his all too familiar spot upon the couch, sipping his not-bourbon. At least the Loser's Couch was comfortable, familiar, safe in a way. Winning was stressful, it always brought so much pressure and expectation. He looked to the tear-stained faces of the twins. Perhaps it was better this way.


RPG Historian
We're getting down to the last few days, so post today or tomorrow if you want a chance to win.
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