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In Pictures
Fallout: New Vegas
Lonesome Road
Dead Money
Honest Hearts

Fallout: New Vegas

The tale of The Courier starts here.

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Lonesome Road

Is this the last road you'll ever walk?

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Dead Money

Welcome to the Sierra Madre. Let go, and enjoy your stay.

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Honest Hearts

Will you lead the tribes of Zion to victory, or their flight from it?

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Fallout: New Vegas
Lonesome Road
Dead Money
Honest Hearts

Fallout Wiki: Fallout: New Vegas portal
FNV box art (US)

Welcome to Nukapedia's portal dedicated to Fallout: New Vegas!

Fallout: New Vegas is a video role-playing game developed by Obsidian Entertainment and published by Bethesda Softworks. While New Vegas is not a direct sequel, it is in the same style as Fallout 3, and has been developed by some of the developers of Fallout and Fallout 2. It is set in and around New Vegas, the Fallout-equivalent of Las Vegas.


Fallout: New Vegas






Robots and computers

Locations (map)

World objects


Radio stations




Weapon mods



Achievements and trophies

Featured article
10mm pistol with laser sight, extended mag and silencer
Weapon mods allow you to customize most basic weapons and thus create weapons more suited for specific purposes.

Weapon mods by themselves serve no function, but once attached to their specified weapon will change the characteristics, look and/or function to create a distinct variant. The mods range from scopes and silencers to extended mags and several in-between. While you are not limited to the amount of mods you can apply to a single weapon, you are limited to one of each type per single weapon.

Once a weapon mod is attached to a weapon it can not be removed and remains a permanent feature of that weapon. While some mods (like an extended magazine) are almost always beneficial, others (like a scope) have both pros and cons.
