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Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel portal
BoxArt FOB

Welcome to Nukapedia's portal dedicated to Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel!

Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel (abbreviated as FO:BoS, FOBOS or simply BOS) is an action game developed and produced by Interplay Entertainment for the Xbox and PlayStation 2 game consoles. Released on January 13, 2004, BoS was the fourth video game to be set in the Fallout universe and the first to be made for video game consoles.


Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel

Characters (player)

Characters (non-player)






Robots and computers


Featured article
After the death of the Master, the Brotherhood of Steel helped the other human outposts of the Core Region drive the mutant armies away with minimal loss of life on both sides of the conflict. However, a super mutant faction under the leadership of Attis moved east and attempted to recreate the mutant army in Texas using the Corporate Vault. Rhombus, despite some criticism from the ruling council of the West Coast Brotherhood of Steel, started a crusade against the still existent threat of the super mutant army, now led by Attis. Travelling eastwards to Texas, he discovered an abandoned Vault prototype which would become the Brotherhood's main base of operations during its mission to eradicate the menace of all super mutants.
