


Display Attributes


Seeker of the Sun / ♂


20th Sun of the 2nd Astral Moon


Byregot, the Builder



Grand Company

Maelstrom / Second Storm Lieutenant

Free Company

Heroe's Of Chao's



Offensive Properties

Critical Hit Rate194
Direct Hit Rate211

Defensive Properties

Magic Defense295

Physical Properties

Attack Power152
Skill Speed197

Mental Properties

Attack Magic Potency62
Healing Magic Potency41
Spell Speed188




  • 15
  • 51
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  • 21
  • 10
  • 31
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  • 30
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  • 15
  • 12
  • 16
  • 16
  • 13
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  • 26
  • 16
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  • HP

  • MP


Character Profile

The Second Birth Of Xerontir Nighteye

Born on a moonless night in the deep dark, Xerontir never saw the light of day till he was already a man with no family to speak of other than an old male Miqo'te with the same White glowing eyes. He fed Xerontir but spent most of his time away but enforced only one rule “till you come of age you will not leave these caves”. Xerontir watched the old one die in front of him slowly over the years preceding his manhood and after his passing Xerontir gathered the few possessions he was allowed as well and a keepsake ring the old one carried bearing the inscription "NIGHTEYE", he emerged from the network of caves (close to the Thanalan Region). Xerontir’s first ever sight outside the caves was the starry moonlit night sky and he spent hours just gazing and getting his bearings. The morning came and as the sun erupted from the skyline Xerontir fell to his knees in Sheer awe, staying at all times close the caves that bore him Xerontir started getting more familiar with the local fauna and prey and for the most part it was much more bountiful than the caves he is used to. Xerontir’s life changed completely when his isolation was broken some weeks after his emergence when a gigantic Roegadyn male with a pickaxe was swinging away close to the cave mouth. Xerontir approached stealthily from behind he thought....... the Roegadyn swung his pick at Xerontir whom ducked microseconds before the impending strike the rattled mininer getting his baring saw that it was no bandit or fiend that was stalking him but a young curious Miqo'te after both calming themselves and an very softly spoken introduction on the part of Xerontir (the polar opposite on Gorrott the Roegadyn with his booming voice) this two sat at Xerontir’s camp at the base of the cave mouth and Gorrott spoke for hours of Ul'dah and it bustling streets it taverns markets and of the calamity that befell its people. The next morning Gorrott and Xerontir woke and the first word spoke by the Roegadyn after dusting himself off was "so are you Coming?" it had never crossed the mind of the young Miqo'te to Leave ........... Xerontir said in a louder voice than he had ever used... YES. And so began Xerontir’s journey to learn of people and the massive lands outside his little cave.

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